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Posts posted by Iem

  1. Don't use any intermediate connection wire directly to the new socket from '!' perhaps using the cable currently going to '2' as you suggest and use 2.5 flat cable from the new to  '2'  most hardware shops have plastic ducting you could use ... the easiest have sticky backs ..you peel off the covering paper put the duct where you wish it to be then clip .. if necessary it can be beneficial to drill through the plastic base .... I find putting a piece of wooden chopstick into the drilled hole is perfect for clipping

  2. Joe . I have a friend over Kanchanaburi way who has been to three different immigration offices and been told he cannot extend his non O multi entry as his visa expired on 1 July . They say he can only extend on a current visa . I understood that visas had been extended to 31 July  . His non O expired on 1 July and last entry expired 28th May.

  3. Established non residents don't pay tax . Your wife would not be liable for tax although in the first year it is possible it would have to be claimed after having been deducted , though unlikely as the remittance payer will be fully aware of the circumstances . This even applies to foreigners owning UK stocks and shares , although in that circumstances the taxes have to be reclaimed each year .

  4. Thank you all for the inf but I get a message saying I have to remove my addblocker to view and then warbles on about cookies . I assume the addblocker is inbuilt into chrome .  Channel 4 does offer to contact them if I have problems - but obviously that's not the answer

  5. I have just signed up for the Nord Vpn .I have clicked on UK on the map and been given a server number . Faced with the 'map' what do I do now to proceed . I wanted to view the channel four series 'a place in the sun' but don't know how to proceed . Anyone out there can help / Thanks in advance . Iem

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