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Rv Hawee

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Everything posted by Rv Hawee

  1. Yes; there are too much on your tree. You need to find a experienced worker who will select which one to keep. I don't know how many trees you have but agree to pay extra (500 for 2/3 hours job) if they can work after their normal/regular job hours. I can't say anything else. I sometime help my wife and i know Durian farming is....complicate !
  2. Have you considered the "parent of a Thai child" if under 18 yo ? I am not sure about the requirement, maybe the sames as the marriage visa. Look at the thread from UbonJoe, i think he is almost the absolute reference about all these visas problems. Good luck to you. EDIT : OK i read your post another time to the end, yes the "parent / dependant visa" might not work. sorry
  3. Seems very appeling ! I just applied to it and we will see if people residing since a long time can this time be registered. (10 years without getting out the country; an immigration officier told me they usually kept our TM7 only 2 years on the database, this is why with the first version of this online application longtime resident couldn't "enjouy it"). Doing it on a Saturday with officials days off next week, i might have to wait end of the month for an answser; never mind. will tell if i can confirm my registration.
  4. Sorry to not seing this thread earlier. I own a poll very similar to the one pictured in Daffy D post. i use a chlorine tablet (1 for 10 days) left in a dspenser and also use a product to clear the water). Yours, much smaller should mostly need a pump to filter and clean the water. Because i do maintenance and cleaning as often as i can, water is still okay after six mont uses. Cover the poll when not in use and protect from leaves and dust, cycle the pump before kid use it and after. I think your model should have the adaptators for fix it. (I use with normal filter and reusable and if i not forget to change then it's okay)
  5. As often as i can. My pool is just an Intex 457 *122cm but once i clear the problem of cleaning it (leaves!!!!) then 1.5 to 3 hours on vacation days. While working weeks it's mostly friday to sunday for an 1 hour or 2. BTW for winter time : i use a real diving suit; the full one with long legs and arm and it's okay even in december/january.
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