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Chairman Mao

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Posts posted by Chairman Mao

  1. "Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok"

    >This is not anti-Govt.

    >This is anti-democracy

    >This is pro-coup

    >Those seeking to power their way into governance via non-electoral means, are not protesters....Protesters by definition are 'against something"...These people are 'for' something.

    That said, it is pitiful seeing them run about the streets, when very obviously should be expressing themselves at the ballot box and in parliament.

    Everyone to their own I guess. To see an electoral minority seek to assert itself over an electoral majority is folderol.

    Without playing the numbers game with these people today, it can be safely said they would be dwarfed by the electoral majority should they gather at one place, on one particular day.

    Democracy: does that include "bought" votes

    Ballot box: I see comrade Kim Jong Un recently won by a landslide at the ballot box.

    Elections in front of an open wallet or the barrel of a gun? Free and fair ?

    Electoral majority: Depends on the meaning, but in many elections around the world, the winner was not elected by the majority of those eligible to vote.

    One must use words carefully. They don't always mean the same in every country.

    Thailand has developed it's own style of government. Thailand is not a western style democracy, and should not be judged under those terms.

    Aren't the PRDC calling for elections to be held under a more open and non-corrupt set of elections rules?

    Is there any record of them calling for abandoning elections all together?

  2. Give up democracy is what Suthep wants and this cannot be allowed.

    Nobody except a small undemocratic bunch of people who haven't been able to win elections in over 20 years want a China- or North Korea-style people's council.

    China has less corruption, better infrastructure and higher growth than Thailand. In fact, we can say that their system is working better than the Thai system.

    You have two out of three correct, not bad ! wai2.gif

  3. " Chongsha is a new business district in Liangjiang province ........ " ?

    Should this read " Liangjiang New Area, is a new enterprise zone created within Chongqing municipality " ?

    The airline has established a new route to Chongqing ( major centre for the Chinese motor industry ).

    The city of Chongqing is a Direct-controlled Municipality, and is not part of a Province.

    Good Luck to Thai Airways for establishing connections to these 2 important cities.

  4. I am happy to come from a civillized country and I am happy that in my country people are put jail once the are convicted a crime. This article does not really implement a 'crime' apart from maybe having been a false police man and he having some porn on his computer or similar and even that unclear. So why again someone here probably claiming that he may come from a civillized country want to put someone in jail first, why want the guy in question to be treated in uncivillized way? Maybe some people here lived to long in some strange environment....Do not get me wrong...I am not supporting people that do molest children...but again be appropriate...peadophile people I consider sick and they need treatment...unfortunately it not take a lot of effort form them in some parts of Thailand to be successful.

    "...happy to come from a civilized country..."???

    I sometimes really wonder what a civilized country is. Germany that produced probably the greatest mass murderer of all time...oh sorry, Austria produced him...Germany only elected him. England and it's "Empire where the sun never sets" and ruled over and subjugated millions for decades and more. France which invented a humane way to kill its own people (i.e., the guillotine). Russia which produced the only rival to Germany's claim to having the greatest mass murderer in history. Spain which endured one of the bloodiest civil wars of he last century. The list goes on. Yeah, we all come from "a civilized country". That includes myself...coming from the USA where we basically slaughtered and subjugated Native Americans to make room for the nation's expansion, among other "civilized" things, both past and present. Anyway, I'm not passing judgement on anyone....just food for thought.

    Back on topic, child molesters have to be the lowest of lowest in any "civilized" society and if that what's this guy was up to, hopefully he'll get a long prison sentence in a THAI jail.

    Germany, Russia, England......... yet again the greatest is ignored ....... (中国 )

  5. nothing wrong with owning one or two offshore companies or even more.

    In the case of Thailand's International Trade Representative and Yingluck Cabinet Appointee Nalinee.... lying and concealing hidden assets IS wrong, illegal even.

    What is also suspect is Thaksin's Potjaman's financial dealings during a time when she was being investigated for tax evasion.



    I believe Kuhn Zou Zou as bing festicious, lighten up a bit hey??

    He is only a troll claiming to be Chinese and we all know it.

    Not so. He is a loyal subject.

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