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Everything posted by Jackie66

  1. I used to this several times a year pre-covid. Last time was a week or two before lockdowns. Emirates fllight to Hong Kong, chill at the business lounge never leaving the airport and fly back on same plane and same crew which always sparked a convo with crew :) Never went thru immigration in HK as they don't do stamps there anyway, Did it to Kuala Lumpur once but did pass thru immigration to get the stamp if needed so I was in Kuala Lumpur for about 20 minutes . Immigration officer on the way back out of KL did have a laugh about it when he asked me why ;) Flew to Singapore but always stayed one night at least. This was all before covid. Last year flew to Europe for 2 months and back on entry sent back to the desk to discuss it. I was with my Thai wife and son. Did manage to get in but was told to get a visa. Did have a ton of covid extensions in my passport so probably the biggest reason I was not let in at first.
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