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Posts posted by Larry001

  1. Daily occurrence almost in Thailand. All gets back to corruption in the Govt, with Politicians more concerned about lining their pockets than bringing the country in line with modern practices. Incompetent police force who do not police the laws. Easier to make money through extortion means. Yes Thailand is going down hill very quickly. Give it another 20 years

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  2. Thailand is fast becoming an absolute joke in the world of tourism. We hear of accidents, vilence, rip offs against tourists everyday on this site. The Government is too concerned about their own pocketsand well being to see how it is ruining this country. No wonder there are so many Westerners leaving for Cambodia and Philippines; and others who have vouched never to return.

  3. Always be the same same until they get rid of corruption at the top levrels. Noone cares here for the poor worker. So long as they fill their pockets from the many projects that have inflated prices so a $M goes into a Mayor, or Governors pocket. A workers life is part of the means to the end in Thai

  4. Absolutely dreadful.

    Don't argue with Thais, because their lack of appreciation for the gift of life is so scant, this is an all too common reaction.

    If life is so sacred to Buddhists, then tell me why Thailand is head and shoulders above any other nation in the murder of tourists and expats.

    Is Thailand really head and shoulders above any other nation in the murder of tourists and expats? I find that very hard to believe, are you taking the population of countries and expats into this statistic? Although I believe Thais are amongst the biggest cowards (not them all), if you mind your own business, and stay sober, Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world.

    Disagree Thai is now one of the most dangerous. Ask the respective embassies of Western Countries. Becoming a country of scumbags

  5. you can find all the excuses you want but Thai drivers are among the most dangerous drivers in the world. that is a reality .....

    Thailand might not display the best driving skills on its roads but its drivers are far from the worst in the world.

    If you find that difficult to believe try travelling a bit more and experience driving in the Middle East, Africa and the CIS before bleating the standard "Thais are no good at Blah Blah Blah" garbage that seems obligatory of 90% of TV members in response to any post.

    I think you have your head in the sand Sir

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