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Everything posted by Jomtien

  1. for land value, go to https://landsmaps.dol.go.th/ and drill down to your house to see gov. appr. price. i think the going land value is around 3-6 times the appraisal price. (but differs widely around prime locations) In thailand generally speaking, most houses are sold not via fb/agents ect, but via mouth to mouth people who live near, and willing to pay more, than outsiders. Salary from labor did not go up that much in 10 years especially upcountry. For example steel price is on the same level as 10 years ago. You know what you spend on the property itself, and maybe the value is still the same. 9But normally property value lowers a bit. Think problem upcountry is the aging population, see many empty houses, there is no new influx.
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