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Herbie 100

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Posts posted by Herbie 100

  1. 9 hours ago, ezzra said:

    So if he wasn't about to retire, he would have shot the man just for waving a cleaver? since when you bring a gun to a clod weapon fight? should he waved his badge and shout that he's a policeman that would have been enough to calm the bugger down one would think... 

    In your world maybe...but not in this guys world...Flashing a Badge would have probably done the opposite to calming the situation, the guy was clearly High, Drunk or just plan stupid. I think the cop did well not to shoot him but I am no advocate of "doing nothing" that just appeases and encourages such behavior...I've seen it time and time again Thai guy is a BIG man when he has a Gun or Knife but put him one on one with just fists and he will S&%T himself. I hope the cops catch him but I'm sure even then he will not face any serious consequences.   

  2. 6 hours ago, pedro01 said:


    People have been saying that on this forum since it started.


    Yet Thailand has more tourists every year.


    Grumpy expats might not like it - but Thailand is booming. The tourism trade is booming. 


    Whatever the authorities are doing - might make it less fun for aging sexpats but it's still working to bring in more tourists.

    Working bringing in more tourist...Really??...I don't know where you get that idea? from maybe TAT's well known ultra reliable figures..Me I go with reality. A quick search on hotel booking websites will show Pattaya has 34% occupancy with 4 star hotels averaging $30 per night for a room....Does not sound like booming to me. 

  3. On ‎26‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 10:11 AM, GarryP said:

    As you are not Thai you are not able to own land. Thus, the title deeds to the house will remain in your wife's name. You could get yourself a yellow House Registration book, but that does not mean you co-own the property. It is only evidence that you live there. 

    Thank You Garry,Jack and Bevup...Useful comments (must be a first for TV...555) appreciate you clearing things up...Regarding the mortgage question she has no mortgage so owns it outright. I see no down side to getting a Yellow Book in this case....Again thanks to all.

  4. Hello All,


    I looked on the Forum for this topic am sure it exists but I can not find it so here is my situation if someone could explain what to do in easy steps I would appreciate it. 


    My Thai GF and I work and live aboard but we have decided to get married soon in Thailand. She owns her own house in Bangkok and wants to add my name to the Blue Book (for me I think it is Yellow Book)..Either way she/I want to show that the property is jointly owned after we marry as we intend to move back to Thailand in a few years.


    And my next step is???


    Thanks in advance. 



  5. On ‎27‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 3:52 AM, possum1931 said:

    Thanks Nan, I will do that.

    I agree with Nan.. I travel a lot on business and use either Hotels.com or Booking.com. When I have had cancelation issues always get my money back from these guys..Have to communicate via web which can be frustrating and takes a week or two...but they will return your money.

  6. 3 hours ago, khwaibah said:
    3 hours ago, khwaibah said:

    Stupid moron for stepping off a moving bus.


    and she was looking at her phone.:post-4641-1156693976:

    Come on you lot were you never 17? I suppose you never did anything stupid in your life? 

    In the list of stupid things a 17 year old can do this is way down on that list.

    Sure it helped she was young and pretty but this is a little ditty of a news story..it is a good news story..why is everyone on such a downer about it? Cheer Up.

  7. 12 hours ago, Benroon said:

    So professor give us your solution to stop mentally ill people walking the streets given tens of thousands do it everyday in every country on the planet - can’t wait to hear this.....

    Easy...They do stuff like this they go away..away from society ..or would you prefer they still walk the streets and kick S&£t out of little kids...get your priorities right and stop being a idiot bleeding heart....You don't walk along the street and kick kids in the head...full stop. 

  8. 3 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    How sad that the various car drivers, currently armed to the teeth with machetes, samurai swords and guns, did not see fit to get out of their car and attack him rather than someone who had offended their car in traffic!

    Totally agree...See many things in Thailand but this against an innocent child makes my blood boil. Apathy from everyone and I am sure if a Farang had got out to say/do something then it would be the Farang who had lots of problems...Don't care if he is mentally ill or not should not be walking the streets 

  9. 8 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Why would a 26yo man need to be anywhere near bargirls [prostitutes], and on Viagra too? Poor girl probably refused unreasonable sexual demands and things deteriorated from there,[ it's amazing how fast the 'girlfriend experience' can turn nasty], violence resulted, girl gets thrown off balcony. If this is the case I hope he gets 50years in Bang Kwang. 

    I love how from a very basic news report you can extrapolate that the guy was on Viagra..Made Unreasonable demands and got violent???...and what has his age got to do with it?It must be a very strange place in your head...love the innocent before guilty approach you would be great on a jury..opps thinking of someone else!

  10. 6 hours ago, samsensam said:


    if you're driving within the speed limit, appropriately to the conditions and leaving a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front (i.e. driving with common sense) you aren't going to slam into the back of a truck, no matter what the truck driver is doing

    I theory you are right..but we all know if you leave a safe distance the hole will immediately be filled by another vehicle..so you hang back to leave another safe distance and that is then filled by another vehicle and so on..nett result you feel like you are going backward ok your alive but it's frustrating. Better education the key?..Yes..but good luck with that.

  11. 8 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    You are perfectly within your rights to take photos of people in public places.

    You have no right to privacy in common areas of the world.

    Their is a difference between being within your rights and being respectful. I agree with OP I have seen many tourist just leaving their brains behind when all it takes is a little bit of common sense and empathy. It is important to remember tourists and expats are guests in the country and should conduct themselves accordingly ...I know it's a pipe dream but I can hope.

  12. Hi,


    Thank you for your replies..Did not think of METV good idea that would be option 1...option 2 would be the marriage route because for sure I would be pulled at the airport coming in on exempts and tourists visa's every weekend...which to me is crazy as I don't work in Thailand but spend my money in Thailand..yet they want to make it difficult.

    On a more general note this seems to be a hole in the visa system for people in my situation I have business visa's for other countries (ie Russia and China) 1 year Multi Entry easy process to  do..but for Thailand..na so easy..why am I surprised.

  13. Hi All,


    Here is my story..looking for advise.

    I have been with a Thai girl for many years and she is great all is well very happy. I don't work in Thailand and at the moment travel abroad a lot so come back and spent a week every month with her..normally entering on a Visa Exempt or Single Entry Tourist visa.

    I am now looking to change my job which will be  working for a European company but based in Singapore so looking to stay in Singapore during the week and come back at the weekends..so I will go form 10 ish in/outs to 50 ish in/outs.


    What are my options? I don't want to get an Elite Visa as forking out 500,000 Baht in one hit is just too painful. The job in Singapore is well paid so no problem meeting any monthly financial requirements and I would consider marrying my GF if that was a good route we have talked about doing this before just never found the time.


    Really just looking for options..opinions (never a problem on TV)..suggestions




  14. Hi,

    Need some help here...I am a regular guy.5'11" and 85Kg..so not overweight just normal Farang...But at 49 years old I am developing more chin's than a Chinese Telephone Directory no idea why but I just want to get rid..... Can anyone recommend a good plastic surgeon in BKK who can deal with this...Although price is not my first concern a proper job is more important I would like to know if anyone has had this done and what was the cost...thanks in advance.

  15. Hi all..ok here is my situation. .and I am open to advice/opinions..except the stupid ones of course...

    I work in various countries in asia..a week here a week there etc and come back to Thailand at the weekend. .I don't work in Thailand. .just come back on a tourist visa for a few days or a week or so. I have been doing this on a 30 day tourist visa..never overstayed..only here for a few days to a week then off I go again. So my question is with the recent crackdown can I continue to do this?.I my view I am the perfect tourist. .go away earn my money come back spend money in Thailand go away again. .but not sure immigration see it that way especially as I end up with lots of stamps in my passport...do I try to continue?? Get a different visa??..move to phillipines??

  16. Hi...thanks fot the invite..go to big c often. And nightime Bliss..for a drink and dance....have to fly to Europe on sunday but will be back in may...will drop you a line and we can meet up if ok with you...good to know there are some others here..BTW..where are you from in the states.?.I lived in Indiana for a few years so know the tri-state area pretty well...whats your real name...mine is Mark.

    Sent from my GT-N8010 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  17. Hi all, I will be moving to Ratchaburi in 2-3 Months...I know the place fairly well but my friends are of course Thai (friends or relatives of my girlfriend) which is great as everyone I meet are friendly, welcoming and happy to help me...I was wondering if there are any other English speakers based in Ratchaburi and if so do you meet anywhere as it would be good to talk...Anyway...please let me know.

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