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Posts posted by jarrcbb

  1. I received a call from 021072547 from someone named Paul working for a company called Acorn something asking me if I received their invitation for a free dinner at the Radison. When I replied with no, he offered me other dates for the dinner.

    I tried to get more info about what this was about, how he got my number etc but couldn't and eventually hung up on him. Does anyone have info on what this is about? Is it some sort scam? High pressure sales?

  2. This doesn't answer your question but....

    I'm a horrible language learner. While I mostly drifted through school without doing much work, this never worked in any language classes I took. But I found a magical solution... well not exactly magical but it basically makes it so I can do better than most of the other students in classes I'm in.

    Anki. It's a flashcard program that uses a special time repetitions to make sure you don't forget things. For Thai you'll most likely have to make your own cards. If you're taking a class go over everything before the class and make flashcards for every single thing you don't know. I also attended unity and would make cards for the vocabulary, stories, characters etc.

    There are some other programs that use the same spaced repetition method as anki, so you don't need to use anki necessarily.

    I can't emphasize enough how much this completely changed my language learning abilities. From 0 to well not a 10, but I'd say my language learning ability with anki is something like an 8. You still have to put in a lot of time studying, but it works. Good luck.

  3. I'm really surprised so many people have trouble with taxis. I can understand if you're a tourist, but everyone I know who lives here, including myself, opens the taxi tour says something to the effect of bpai ______ mai krup and then the driver uses the meter. Of course at nana you might get guys trying to charge you too much, but they always do this before you get in if you ask them to go to a destination.

  4. I would guess your internet data is on without an internet data plan. If you don't have a plan then the normal rate is incredibly high. Even if you aren't using it, your phone may be using it in the background without you knowing.

  5. 1. Nearly 100% of taxis won't try to scam you if you speak to them in Thai.

    2. Foreigner prices really only exist at national parks and in tourist areas. You look Thai and speak some Thai so I don't think they'll be applied to you.

    3. Reading the news you can get a bad impression of anywhere. The reality is I haven't noticed nor experienced any crime increases or really anything bad happening. My impression is that a lot of crime is confined to certain areas of the cities.

  6. In my experience breaking up with girls and having them do similar things. The best thing you can do is completely ignore the guy. Don't open the door for him if he comes, don't answers his calls or texts. I'm not sure about your safety but if someone was coming to my place threatening me like that I would at least go hide out somewhere for a bit.

  7. I am in a similar bind. I could buy the Elite visa, but have always been on the fence about staying on in Thailand anyway. One of the reasons I've stayed so long has been the ease of staying here combined with all the wonderful things Thailand has to offer. But now that I'm facing the decision of 500,000 baht for an elite card or an annoying and uncertain tourist visa situation, I'll be leaving.

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  8. I lived in Korea.


    Food is good, but gets boring.

    More Racist

    I can't really have Korean male friends.

    Girls are better looking, better educated and more open minded, but difficult.

    Seoul is safer, more organized, better public transport.

    Expats are mostly English teachers.

    Internet is awesome.

    Winter is horrible.

    It's relatively difficult to be an expat. I might need assistance with (Apartment, phone, food delivery etc)


    Better food

    Less racist than Korea

    I can have Thai male friends.

    Girls are overall worse, but easy.

    Expats are varied and interesting.

    Better beaches.


    It's too hot 9.5 months out of the year. (in Bangkok)

    It's easy to be an expat. (Apartment, phone, food delivery etc)

  9. I was specifically looking for a cage, especially for solo bench pressing. I just signed up at Training Ground at Pra Kanong, they have 2 and it's near me. Would still be up for looking at other places if anyone has suggestions.

  10. I'm looking for a gym with ideally multiple squat racks, also ideally being able to put a bench into the squat rack for bench press safety.

    So far I've checked out Aspire at Asok bts, Tony's Sukhumvit 19 and True Fitness. True Fitness has one squat rack. Aspire has one, outside though. Tony's squat rack doesn't have a place to put the bar.

    Any recommendations?


  11. I have computer components that have sort of been put into a computer that I'm trying to sell. Such as processor, graphics cards, ssd, maybe the motherboard/ram. Has anyone had any luck selling this kind of stuff? If so where? I noticed one Thai forum www.overclockzone.com any other suggestions?

  12. I went to chaengwattana immigration on Friday, which I know is not the best day to go. I was in line 10 minutes before the place opened to extend my ed visa. I received N1-114 which means, yes, 113 people are in front of me not including N2 tickets. I'm wondering what would have happened if I showed up at 2pm? 3pm? Would they put me off til the next day (Monday)? There were people with tickets in the 300s and at the going rate, they weren't going to be processed before closing time.

  13. Watched it all in Thai. As a Thai learner I often struggle to find anything good to watch and this was a welcome change. Sure it's not perfect, but I was addicted and watched episode after episode. It's good to see Thailand changing and finally releasing some decent TV dramas.

    But why Toei? It's all about Sprite over here tongue.png

    There are English sub versions. Season 2 will be more difficult to find (facebook group) but Season 1 is on youtube.

  14. Go to any place where Thai girls go to pickup foreign guys (including the beer bars / gogos) and you'll see mostly dark skin girls from Issan. Go to a place with the most attractive (Thai standards) Thai girls and good luck... even if you're young, good looking and rich.

    While most foreigners I know do have a preference for tan skin, this is much more of they chose us rather than we chose them situation.

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