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Posts posted by itchybum

  1. From the BTS station at Udom Suk on Sukhumvit road, a 60 baht taxi ride gets you to Seacon Square - that has several long-established RC shops as good as any you'll find in Thailand. There's a great one in the basement near Kasikorn bank.


  2. From my reading of the story it's most likely that the flux capacitor detached from the nodule thus causing the helicopter to enter a rudimentary rotational descent in a vortex parambulatory style. Mine's a large Chang and can you lend me 2000 baht until my pension cheque comes through.

    Waiting for one expert to come on and spout his dribble....you should be able to fix him right cos sounds like you know more than him.......but he was ex special forces....cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    Mate remember the Iranian Embassy siege in London in 1980? Second SAS bloke through the window - that's me.

    Why weren't you the first ? Scared ?

  3. I had a pretty interesting experience with Khmer magic, which is the most powerful system within Thai superstitious culture. Near the Cambodian border north of Pong Nam Rorn in Chanthaburi there is a famed Cambodian witch doctor, a women, whom me and a girlfriend went to go and see. The GF had a bad left knee that would not get better. We went to the witch doctor's house for a divination to see what was wrong, and then possibly be given therapeutic medicines after the divination.

    Before entering the house we were shown a bag of rice flour and were asked to make 20 or so rice flour balls about the size of a small tennis ball. We made all these by our own hand with no one else's balls being mixed into our balls. The witchdoctor was completely unaware of the GF's condition and had no idea we were visiting regarding a left knee.

    We were then taken into a room with one window with markings in khmer script on the floor. The GF had to lie in the middle of the floor in the middle of the markings that followed a rectangle around the human body. I was sitting near her feet next to the witch doctor watching skeptically for sleight-of-hand or other such fakeries or trickery. With a piece of string tied to the GF's toe running to an egg which was on the floor in the bottom left quadrant of the markings. Above her head was a box divided into 8 sections with a burning candle and other bits and pieces. The witchdoctor then took the balls we had made and ran the balls over areas of the GF's body following her (I assume) chakra system and energy lines. Once the doctor had finished diagnosing a specific area of the GF's body she handed the ball to me to break the ball open to see what the condition of rice flour looked like. The ones from her head, upper body and so on all were fine, completely white, when broken open.

    Once the witchdoctor got to the left knee the WD lightly groaned a bit as the rice ball went over the bad knee. The WD handed me the ball and when I broke it open it was all rotten and pustulent on the inside looking not disimilar to a cream filled salapao. I was seriously blown away. There was no sleight of hand I could see of, and I was watching for it. The WD did not have any info at all about the GF's condition prior to the divination. It was the most surreal experience I have had in Thailand. After the divination were given herbs to help and told to go seek western medicine. We made a small donation as we left of a couple of hundred baht.

    I have no idea what happened there, whether it was trickery or what. The WD wasn't in business for money, and had no prior info. I watched all the time and saw no tricks. This is about 8 years ago this happened and I can only explain it as unexplainable.

    Got her phone number ?

    But question is.....was the gf healed and skipped outa that place a new woman ?

  4. dont do it. had to have mine done as a 27 year because of a thrush infection that wouldnt die. man i miss my skin

    Man you must be an overly sensitive soul.

    You are also a good example of just one reason to have it done early when the child does not know or feel anything about it as you seemed to be unable to keep yourself clean....so much for simple cleanliness techniques.

  5. From my reading of the story it's most likely that the flux capacitor detached from the nodule thus causing the helicopter to enter a rudimentary rotational descent in a vortex parambulatory style. Mine's a large Chang and can you lend me 2000 baht until my pension cheque comes through.

    Waiting for one expert to come on and spout his dribble....you should be able to fix him right cos sounds like you know more than him.......but he was ex special forces....cheesy.gif

  6. Anyone know any good shops with plenty of choice, not the Robinsons type of crap....in the Sukhumvit area, not have to be immediate area, but easy to get to from there.

    The remote 4wd type sand dune kinda cars, can cover rough terrain and grass etc and go quick.

  7. I can't be,rive people get so upset about the whole thing.

    Go elsewhere, ignore it, don't surround yourself with people who are racist and frankly don't waste your energ.y on trying to change something that is outside of your control. There are bigots everywhere. Personally, I don't like the Farang word, and it's connotations, but it hardly affects my life, but always seems to get a good reaction on TV

    you make chinese joke light

  8. Im curious, been here 15 years and can count the private aircraft I've seen on two hands. Never see private planes anywhere around the country. What about Helicopters, I've never seen a single private/company helicopter. Granted, I don't spend much time in Bangkok. My question, is civil aviation really that non existent in Thailand? My next question, where do the Military and Commercial Pilots learn to fly? Straight from Video game to Simulator to Passenger Jet or Military Jet or Helicopter?

    Private helicopter or aircraft ownership is illegal here, with a few exceptions.


  9. As mentioned, plenty milk farms about and the big one Chok Chai....but chok chai milk is not from chok chai farm, they sold the name some time ago to raise funds when they were in trouble. Now the farm is hugely successful in its own right as a tourist destination...although quite sad seeing thais on horses dressed in cowboy outfits chasing shitter cows about the paddocks.

    So there is also plenty of cheese about these days also.

    I had an idea for wagyu buffalo, massaged etc by a beautiful thai girl, but strong, never got around to it.

    Also wanted to do the aussie yabby.

  10. My gf tells me a lot of Issan girls will go to the medicine man or the monks to cast spells over their intended prey so they fall head over heals in lust ,or love, with them . Now could this be a rational way of explaining why so many pattaya visitors end up acting so irrationally when they met their one and only love .That is until the money runs out !!!.

    So thats how it happened...I often wondered about that first night in Thailand

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