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Posts posted by keestha

  1. Is it legal to have some people come to your place and take pictures of you in such situation ?? blink.png

    Right, and subsequently throwing them online. One of the drawbacks of everybody having a mobile phone which can take pics, plus the whole social networks thing.

  2. Traffic, polluted beaches, pricings, Thai people unkindness are the most unwelcome changes in Phuket.

    Butthe same happens in many other places where lards of foreigners coming.

    Bangkok, Hua-Hin, Pattaya, Jomtien, ChingMai and so on.

    And worst the foreigners become more unfriendly than also.

    Nice post, made me reflect.

    When a beach resort becomes more developed, the average tourist becomes less developed, like not speaking English unless that chances to be his native language. Maybe the average tourist also becomes less friendly, like expecting too much things will be like back home. (There is a gecko in the room! Why don't they clean properly here? And why don't they have black bread here? And why don't the taxis have meters? How come the waitress doesn't understand German?)

    That's for tourists then. The expats are usually very friendly to Thai people, their positive attitude towards Thailand and its people which makes thaivisa.com such a heart warming place leaves no doubt about that.

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  3. What I understand now, after having contacted Thais working in the school system, is that it might happen, but no decision has been made yet. If it happens, I hope they will widely announce it well in advance. For families with small kids, it makes a lot of difference in the organisation of everyday life if the kids will be in school the whole day or not. It is a big deal.

  4. Sigh......tx Marko. Might try to find a toy bird and remodel it to look like a myna, and hang it upside down in the restaurant. In the area where I grew up (rural part of the Netherlands) at farms they used to keep away crows that way, using a real dead crow.

  5. Its nesting season mate , fortunately unlike some humans they don't shoot each other over a girlfriend.

    smile.png They are monogamous, so it is more like couples warring with other couples over food sources, territory and nesting space.

  6. To give you a feel for the setting first: I have a small resort in a semi rural area, the bungalows are around the garden which has a lot of trees and shrubs, and the open air restaurant is on the second floor of the main building.

    The last few months, the yellow beaked birds (common mina, or nok iang in Thai) have become a plague, often 6 or 8 in the restaurant making a hell lot of noise, fighting among each other. Please city dwellers don't come with comments like "how can somebody be bothered by a few birds sweetly chirping ?" Often they are positively screaming, and I have to chase them away to be able to resume the conversation I was having.

    What could be done to keep them away a bit, without hurting them?

  7. Condominium law means that if there are say 100 units, you own 1% of the total, and you have the exclusive right to use your unit. Usually the units are apartments, but they can also be houses with a bit of land. Yes in this case a foreigner can own in his own name.

  8. Difficult to explain the alcohol/elections rule to tourists, I always say that with a hangover they would vote for the wrong party or candidate.

    History buffs/very old Thailand hands, do you know if ever alcohol fueled and elections related violent incidents became such a nuisance that this rule had to be put in place?

  9. This is the first line of your post:-

    "My understanding is your lease contract is with your wife. If she passes before you, someone inherits the land that has no lease contract with you and doesn't have to honour any lease contract from the deceased"

    Your "understanding" is wrong. You got the lessor mixed up with the lessee. Just admit it for once.

    As for your other points, I've already had this discussion with you. I'm not going to discuss it again..

    Can I ask KB, what happens with a 30 year land lease, from a Thai wife, in the event of divorce?

    Does divorce effect the 30 year land lease in any way?

    May I also answer?

    She'll still be legally bound to honor the contract, but she might find a way to make you pack your bags anywaysmile.png

  10. As far as the company construction is concerned, Thai authorities have stated repeatedly they do not accept Thai nominees holding shares on behalf of foreigners.

  11. If the curtain comes out of the machine clean and OK, I can predict your wife will not admit she was wrong, but she will just put the other curtains in the machine herself, as if nothing happened.

    She didn't bring up the possibility to do the washing by hand?

  12. Narathiwat Town, 1993. My Thai at the time was still rudimentary, and of course these people didn't speak much English. But positively everybody wanted to talk to me, I wasn't left alone for a minute. Was overwhelmed by the friendliness of those people, but I ended up going into the most expensive hotel in town and having a coffee there, just to be alone for 20 minutes.

  13. RIP. Horrible. Don't know how the perpetrators came in, but especially in touristy parts of Thailand I never accept a bungalow/room where the door cannot be bolted from the inside.

    I have way over a kilo of keys that I don't use anymore, and to my experience I can open any door just trying one key after another. There are many out there who would have quicker methods.

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