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Posts posted by keestha

  1. I'll chip in my 2 cents worth... just get the victims of an accident to a private hospital as quickly as possible, never mind waiting for an ambulance, just load them into any sort of vehicle willing to go to the hospital. Just as good as those first aider pick-ups. I remember my first major mobike accident on Karon beach road (old exit from Arcadia). Guy on mobike veered into my path, big crash. 4 people on the ground (drivers & paxs). Luckily some bystander organised a Tuk Tuk to take all 4 of us to Phuket International PDQ. I can't remember much of this I was unconscious for a while. BTW I & wife were wearing quality helmets, saving us from major head injuries.

    Mostly agree, but if somebody is laying on the street heavily injured, cannot it be dangerous to move/lift him if you don't know exactly what you are doing? In that case it might be better to call one of the private hospitals for an ambulance.

  2. we are trying various ways to locate him

    but in case someone has any info do feel free to contact one of the MODs via PM, or email to support[at]thaivisa.com

    we will ensure privacy is maintained.

    Any results yet, and has anything been done really?

    Could be a good testcase to find out if an online community can function as a real community, people being concerned about each other.

    If I remember correctly, Ubonjoe is/was staying on visa extensions based on being married or being retired, so then Immigration in Ubon Ratchatani should have his home address.

    I am sure you guys are doing everything you can do, just keep us posted.

  3. Since I consider my own internet behaviour as very low risk, not clicking on dubious attachments or links, and staying away from porn sites and so on, I thought this would never happen to me.

    This is the story: after googling for the telephone number of a hotel in Bangkok, I clicked on a link. The website was black, and a small gray pop up appeared informing me that my computer was infected by a virus, inviting me to click on a "yes" button to remove the virus. Of course I closed the pop up and the website right away.

    Since this happened, my laptop seems to have problems: doesn't close down properly sometimes, and regularly I have to restart in order to restore the wireless LAN connection.

    Tried the restore option, but a recently created restore point, and other restore points before that, seem to have vanished.

    I have run the Trend Micro housecall online virus removal program. It detected two malware objects (apart from the usual cookies), but after I clicked on the "remove" option nothing happened. Adaware likewise detected spyware (just cookies), but wasn't able to remove them.

    Any suggestions? Thanks for your time.

  4. Even people coming to Thailand working for MNC are usually only issued a single entry Non-imm B which is converted into a multi-entry once in country..

    Multi entry can only be issued by a Thai consular post abroad, not in country. What you mean I think is they get a one year extension in country, plus a multiple re-entry permit.

    Or did I miss out on something?

  5. Reading this thread gives me the shivers, so many people feeling threatened and in some cases seriously considering to buy a firearm.

    Maybe as a counterweight a poll should be started running like:

    Did you ever consider buying a gun:

    1) No, are you crazy?

    2) I have thought about it

    3) I am seriously considering it

    4)Yes, I want to buy one

    5) I already have one, or better said my wife has.

    I trust 97% will vote for option 1.

    The poll should be set up in such a way that people can only vote and not add comments (if technically possible), we don't want another gun thread I am sure.

  6. Three "gun" threads on one page, gimme a break.

    What will the future be, the bar in Nana Plaza half of the barstools being occupied by farangs, caressing with one hand the lady sitting next to them, and the other hand conveniently close to the gun dangling from the hip?

    As far as robberies and violence is concerned, my native country, the Netherlands, is far more dangerous than Thailand.

    Sure nasty things take place, but also fear is in the eye of the beholder.

  7. In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me,

    They just wanna practice their English I guess. Tell them in Thai you are from Xbrfgaghstan and that you can't speak a word of English.

  8. Khao Sok is definitely worth visiting. Right outside the park boundary, next to the national park headquarters, there is an overabundancy of accomodation: bungalow resorts, guesthouses, treehouses. Prices are low.

    There are two walking trails you can negotiate without a guide: one simply following the river upstream, and the other one going North from the headquarters. For other trails you will need a guide, all the accomodation providers will have tours on offer, I hope they won't be too pushy.

    Don't miss on the boattrip at the huge lake in the middle of the rainforest, it is worth the 1500 Baht they will charge for it.

    The scenery in Khao Sok is breathtaking, and a visit to Khao Sok can easily be combined with a few days at the beach in nearby Khao Lak, from where you might also visit the Similan or Surin islands for snorkeling or diving.

  9. Don't know about that particular gas station, but sure, it can happen that you are cheated at the pump. A number of years ago I had my tank filled up at a gas station in Phang Nga province, and once at home I noticed a very heavy petrol type of smell around the pickup.

    At the garage they told me the tank had been filled up with a mixture of diesel and lamp oil, and in order to limit the damage they advised me to top up diesel in small quantities at the time, so I kept getting 100 Baht refills till the smell had disappeared.

    In 9 years of driving in Thailand this is the only time this happened though, and I have driven around a lot in Southern, Central, and Northeastern Thailand.

  10. There are often people from the Isaan walking around who are selling stuff like brooms, rattan furniture and so on. I would simply donate the honey bit by bit to them, they might make some very much needed extra money flogging the honey to tourists. If you have a car, just keep a plastic bag with a few honey bottles ready, and stop if you see one of these guys making his rounds. In case you don't speak Thai, it might help if you would have a paper explaining in Thai why you are handing out honey for free

  11. Questions:

    1. How easy is it to get from Bangkok to the similan islands if I don't speak Thai and have no online bookings?

    2. Is it easy for a non-Thai speaking person to get around Thailand? I'm worried that there's all these places I want to touch in Thailand, but might find difficulties in finding the optimal modes of getting around, whether it be tour guides, bus, plane, etc.

    3. I will have no phone in Thailand. Does Thailand have easy access to "throw-away" cell phones like virgin mobile?

    4. People keep telling me to be very careful of how I get around or else I can get into big trouble (i.e. a tuk-tuk driver kidnapping us, tricked into giving up a lot of $, or getting victimized, etc ). Do you guys find this true, moreso than in more developed countries (i.e. USA) and do you have any general tips?

    As you can tell, I'm a bit nervous. I've never visited a foreign country where English was not a primary language. This is practically like visiting another planet one could say.

    Appreciate anyone who can answer any of my questions. Thanks.

    1) You don't need any online bookings. Transport and accomodation won't be a problem, the high season is almost finished. To go to the Similan islands, go to the southern bus terminal in Bangkok, and take a bus to Khao Lak from there. Khao Lak is right opposite the Similan islands, and there are plenty of hotels and bungalow resorts there, that will all have vacancy. Book your trip to Similan once you are in Khao Lak, if the hotel cannot arrange it, go to one of the many travel agencies.

    2) Thailand has an excellent infrastructure in the way of public transport, hotels and travel agencies. It is very easy to get around. The people speak only basic English, but they are very helpful.

    3) Take your mobile phone with you, and once here buy a Thai SIM card (very cheap), which will fit into it. In case it doesn't, buy a cheap mobile phone here for around 20 Euro.

    4) Thailand is in general a lot safer than the western countries, don't worry. There is a few scams in Bangkok though, good idea indeed to buy the lonely planet travel guide and read up on it.

    Once you come back from your holiday, you will have a good laugh re-reading this post you wrote. Have a nice trip!

  12. When I still had a bar, one steady customer often asked me if I could borrow him 500 Baht. His GF always checked his wallet before he left and again when he came back, and if he had spent too much money, she assumed he had used the services of another lady short time.

    Not always fully unjustified in this case though :o

  13. Would it be possible to do any active research?

    There must be other posters living in that area, and would it be possible to link an IP address to a telephone number and thus to a home address?

    Just thinking out aloud, and maybe what I suggest is impossible, I am not a technical highlight.

  14. BTW: I am looking for a test person who tries to come inside our house or even outside to feed our dogs, pumping gas through the windows or the outside aircondition unit.

    Please apply in person :o


    Recommanded outfit for the test person


  15. Not the first time I hear about a place being burglarized in spite of big dogs being on the premises. Are dogs really such a surefire prevention against intruders, cannot they be bribed with a few sausages?

    Experienced dog owners, please correct me if I am wrong. I am not an expert in this field, my dog owner career is limited to having had a toy poodle for one and a half years.

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