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Posts posted by Beachdude

  1.  My son is nine and in his 4 th year in Kung <deleted>. He started out when it was offered as an extra in his school. There are many young children involved and the master is very calm and understanding with them.At this stage it’s mainly about agility, balancing, mental,and physical discipline. 
    not much rough stuff. 
    Much depends on the teacher since , as we all know who have had kids in sports , there are a lot of nutters  out there who yell and scream at young kids and turn them off. 

    I did  some MMA until my back gave out so know a little about it but would not involve my son in anything like the brutal Muay Thai. A friend of mine with a black belt in judo says that Kung <deleted> is the best for young kids and can be followed profitably for a very long time.

    So my answer is that kids can be started at a very young age but much depends on the particular discipline and the individual teacher. 

  2. English TV, comic books, any books, magazines, speaking English in the home all the time. Try reading with him with  books , any books, that interest him. Get him to a school such as suggested by remobb. 


    And be careful with your english. You're not ending your sentences with a period. 


    Too not to ; tutor not  tudor; would have not would of. 


    If youre a bit sloppy with your language skills it will carry over to him. 


    And keep in mind that these two languages are very dissimilar and it's very difficult to learn them both. My GFs 17 year daughter has been at it for years and still isn't fluent , making repeated errors such as not using past tense etc. 


    Yet our five year old who goes to a school that is all English language except for the compulsory Thai portions is doing quite well.


    And don't give up and don't turn it into a chore and a burden. 








  3. So what about the loyalist death squads , the UVF

    , UDA, Red Hand Commandos, The Glenane Gang , et al? 


    The bigotry, sectarianism and deprivation of basic human rights to the nationalists in the north of Ireland are what gave rise to the troubles and the massive support for the republican movement not only in the northeast of the island  but around the world including the USA , AUstralia and elsewhere. 


    Perhaps if the people of the UK were not indifferent and apathetic to the situation there decades of bloodshed could have been avoided. 

  4. I rarely if ever use my either American or Thai credit or debit cards in LOS. I do everything in cash by withdrawing from the same ATMs at the bank.


    Very few problems. 


    A few years back I used my American credit card at a travel agency for a large purchase and it was cancelled for security reasons.


    i didn't want to have them mail me a new one here so got by without it until I got back to the USA .


    So I keep it simple. 

  5. I'm no expert at navigating airline tickets online but the only one I have consistent trouble with is AA. So I go to Tesco where they have a booth attended by a young lady. It costs more but she gets it done and hands me the printed itinerary . 


    And it seems to take her a long time to get through the process even though she does it routinely as her job. 

  6. This may not be for everyone but I get , in NY, every year an OA multiple entry and simply leave and return within the 90 day period. 


    My only issue has been a young lady at immigration who incorrectly gave me 90 more days on the visa instead of one year which I solved without too much trouble.


    Always check the stamp at the desk at immigration at the airport before leaving. 

  7. A year or two ago Utapao was a breeze and parking not a problem but now it is very busy and parking a big issue.


    There is a new terminal opening soon and hopefully there will be adequate parking provided.  But obviously TIT so who knows.


     Also 331 has been widened all the way down so obviously Utapao is being looked at as a safety valve for the airports in Bangkok. 

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