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Posts posted by up2me4now

  1. Hi. As Mukdahan grows with stores like Big C, Robinson, Mackro and Tesco Lotus has any car rental places popped up. I know Ubon Airport and other airports have rental desks but surely you must be able to rent a car in such an expanding city?


    Arriving in 4 days time so any help would be most appreciated.

  2. For other veiwers information too.

    I had my marrige certificate translated from Thai to English at one of those places in soi post office (bye the way there are about 7/8 places do it) my mistake was I got all 4 sides translated at 400 baht each.

    Went to the consulate in Liverpool and they only needed the first copy (one with nice pattern around the sides) and said that was adequate for a 1 year visa. So save some money and don't get all 4 sides done. intheclub.gif

  3. When I started this thread I was always going to be amused by where it would lead.

    My conclusion is: No one has the right to expect something free in a foriegn country anywhere in the world.

    If a person regardless of age is not insureable then that person should not be allowed to live outside his country of origin.

    There is no plausable excuse against this. The consequences are too great to risk it. Freedom of choice comes with a price.

  4. Some clarification required please.

    My first 5 year licence expires on my birthday June 20th. At the moment I am in the UK sorting personal things and will get a 1yr non immigrant visa from the consulate before I return in 2 weeks time.

    My question is how do I go about getting a resident letter from immigration, I have a home in Thailand on a 30 year lease, married and have a daughter in Thailand. I will be staying in Thailand for at least a year before I return to the UK.

    If this letter of residency is not available to me I guess an international licence will have to do but the Thai licence is much better to have.

  5. Footy? Do you mean the Hawks v Geelong Easter Monday block buster game from the 'G'? rolleyes.gif

    No Manchester United v Chelski

    Football is the beautiful game worldwide and it always makes me cringe when americans call it soccer, even the central and south americans call it Football, only to be embrassed by their northen neighbours.

    Maybe thats why it will never take off over there like it has eveywhere eles in the world because the very name causes confusion for them. cheesy.gif

  6. Footy? Do you mean the Hawks v Geelong Easter Monday block buster game from the 'G'? rolleyes.gif

    No Manchester United v Chelski

    Football will always be the beautiful game worldwide and I cringe when I hear the americans call it soccer, even the central and south americans call it Football, petty about their embrassing northern neighbours.

  7. G'Day....your more than welcome to pop into my coffee shop for a good old fashioned English style breakfast, good coffee and a chin wag. My business is called Peppers Bakery and Cafe and it's located opposite the entrance to the air force base. Were open from 8.00 till 9.00pm. Regards John

    Yea, this place gets my recommendation. I came across it by accident on the way to the airport and use it every time now when flying out of Ubon.

  8. Diesel will kill any tree by drilling holes into the trunk.

    This used to be a common practise years ago for killing protected trees in Europe so the owner of the land did not after apply for permission to remove them ( which was always declined anyway).

    Not sure about burning the tree straight afterwards for long term effects though, that defeats the work of the diesel penetrating and killing the roots.

  9. But:

    There is a very simple answer.

    LOAS nationals buy insurance polices for their wealthy elders and bring them over to Thailand International hospitals for treament as I rightly believe their are acknowledged as coatia.

    So a farang could enter Loas purchase the said policy (10,000 baht cash is not going to be turned away) return to Thailand, policy in hand and no worries, he has a coatia acknowledged insurance policy for visa requirements and medical care.

    Just a note by the way the rules do not say the policy has to be a Thai Insurance policy.

    Depends how much the unisured 65+ yr old farang wants to stay in Thailand or uproot and start all over again in some other country.

    Reminds me of an old song from the 80's "WE GET KNOCKED DOWN AN' WE GET UP AGAIN."

    These "rules" you speak of do not exist. It's just rumors and speculation at this point.

    Yes Jingthing.

    As you Quote: These rules you speak of dont exist yet , Its just speculation at this point..

    Ok but "Watch this this space" and bye the way don't hold your breath (Pardon the Pun)

    Incidently its always best to be prepared - especially in LOS.

  10. But:

    There is a very simple answer.

    LOAS nationals buy insurance polices for their wealthy elders and bring them over to Thailand International hospitals for treament as I rightly believe their are acknowledged as coatia.

    So a farang could enter Loas purchase the said policy (10,000 baht cash is not going to be turned away) return to Thailand, policy in hand and no worries, he has a coatia acknowledged insurance policy for visa requirements and medical care.

    Just a note by the way the rules do not say the policy has to be a Thai Insurance policy.

    Depends how much the unisured 65+ yr old farang wants to stay in Thailand or uproot and start all over again in some other country.

    Reminds me of an old song from the 80's "WE GET KNOCKED DOWN AN' WE GET UP AGAIN."

  11. I think this is a great alternative to Pattaya.

    Last time there at the Airport stand in December the Pattaya bus was full for the next two journeys and heard around 15/20 people say " don't want to wait lets go to Hua Hin instead for a few nights".

    Infact if I did not have people to meet in Pattaya that day I would have joined them. Hua Hin is so much better.

  12. Reading in the Bangkok post. The authorities have now turned to the Immigration Dept to make a requirement of a full authentic medical insurance policy mandatory for a 1 year non immigrant visa.

    This as resulted from various attempts to stem the increasing medical assistance to uninsured farangs involved in accidents and sudden ill health situations which is hovering around 7 million baht a month for some provinces.

    Most Foreign embasses adopt the attitude of seeking financial help to these unfortunates from family or friends or just refusing to get involved wth financial assistance to their nationals.

    I am sure it will happen but just wonder how many expats have the relevant comprehensive insurance polices in place.

  13. I agrees with Barak regarding the interior of the place. But the thread was on breakfast not lunch or evening meals which I am sure they have a loyal norwegien crowd but the menu is expensive at those times compared to the competition around there.

    Still sticking to my first comments the Pig and Whistle is streets ahead for value.

  14. Just planted 1000 rubber trees on 12 rai of land 40 kilometers south of Muk so the rain was a god bless for me, would not have done it so early about 3 or 4 years ago, so the weather has changed dramatically since then.

  15. A friend of mine in handed some printed quality coloured flyers out in patong and beach areas during the day and night for a week and got a lot of response and offers, but to this day he hasn't closed the deal because he thinks someone will eventually pay the asking price of 4.5 mill.

    I have helped show people round his condo so I know it worked, maybe he's thinking outside the box, worth a try.

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  16. Went to Linda's on the main road into Jomtien. Set breakfast price 129 baht. Includes an egg cup sized coffee and a rather waterdowned orange juice.

    The salad on the plate left little room for the breakfast of one egg and one slice of bacon and an hotdog and cold toast.

    Finished it and went over to the Pig and Whistle for a "proper" english breakfast, now that place takes some beating !

  17. Interesting replies. but the purpose of the thread was an alternative to going to Vientine wich is not everyones first choice of a visa destination. Plus as one member said it is smaller city and can walk round ect. There are many expats whose wifes/partners live in east Issan around the province of Mukdahan so that could kill two birds with one stone (pardon the pun).

    Savanakhet also issues 60 day/ 90 day and 1 year visa's more readily to farangs than anywhere eles on border runs.

    And quite right the yellow bus goes from Pattaya direct to Mukdahan 3 times a day price 900 baht one way to the sae bus station but no everyone who reads this forum lives in pattaya city and could get to mochit just as easy.

    Mukdahan is also another city which has alot to offer the expat with restuants/bars and safe nightlife, good cheap hotels and no dual pricing (yet).

    So its just another experience if you fancy it, or you could just blank it like a few of the readers on here have, who get home sick for the go go bars and a pub where complaining is mandatory.

  18. Just to let you good folks know how easy it was.

    Caught the bus from Pattaya to Morchit 123 baht 2hours.

    Bus to Mukdahan from Mochit VIP double decker single seat arrangemet 900 baht 10 hours leaving

    at 8pm arriving 6am next day.

    Hotel at the Bus station 1 night 350 baht (only 1 year old A/C on suite) Shower and change clothes.

    Bus to Loas 1st bus 8am 50 baht one way.

    Arrive at Border 15 mins later. 2 passport photos 1500 baht.

    Same bus from Mukdahan into Loas. Arrive Savanakhet bus station at 9-30am

    Tuk Tuk to Consulate 50 baht 10 mins

    Back to Loas Bus station 50 baht and the Bus back to the Border 45 baht 3pm

    Local taxes to enter Thailand 30 baht. Bus continues to Mukdahan and hotel 15 mins

    Arrive back at the Bus Station Hotel 4-15pm

    Stayed the night at the Hotel and caught the 8am bus back to Pattaya next day.

  19. Hi. Mukdahan has the usual high street banks available and even a Bangkok Bank branch in Tesco Lotus and Big C, good for changing money on weekends when the banks are closed.

    Most of these banks will gladly change currency to US $ but always avoid Mondays and Fridays as they same to be the worst exchange rate days.

    A friend went to the Friendship bridge 2 on the Thai / Loas boarder where there is a Bangkok bank and changed 100.000 baht to US $ on the day with a copy of his passport as proof of ID.

    Hope this helps.

  20. I was taken advantaged of by a few credit card companies back in blighty in 2003. In fact they just would not leave me alone and kept increasing my credit limits to a six figure sum over just 3 years so whenI realised I would never be able to repay them back in my lifetime I took a flight to Thailand.

    Spent a few quid of their money in pattaya became poronoid and got a bus to Issan (to escape again)

    I now live in Issan right near a famous river, speak reasonable thai/loas and built my home on some land that was lent to me indefinately, could be taken back tomorrow who cares. But I have lived here for 9 years now obey the immigration laws and live the life of Riley, know everyone in the village by name and am always included in the any events that take place. No body asks anything from me and I am sure I am considered part of their community having never had a bad word with anyone. Infact I only ever leave the village for visa runs. So am I the exception to the rule.? I don't think so.

  21. A friend of mine put an ad in Big C in Ubon askin to rent a Big Bike for a month (written in Thai and English) and got 4 replies from guys who would rent their bikes for upto 4 weeks on the basis insurance was purchased for him. Prices ranged from 500 baht a day up. might be worth trying. Good luck.

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