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Posts posted by bubbob

  1. I would let them get stuffed. Tell the school master Thailand doesn't allow foreigners to do even unpaid volunteer (I known, oxymoron) work w/o allot of hassle and that he should complain to his elected officials about it and if the law was ever changed, you would be happy to help him out.

    I do this all the time. Sadly no change yet. I'd love to teach again and am thinking about renting out my place in Thailand and going to Cambodia. Less hassle than working down the road in Thailand.

    If I did work in Thailand and something happened with the job, I would have to leave the country in seven days. That means my boss could blackmail me into working long hours or whatever else he wanted. No thanks.

    I'm very well-qualified and have come here on my own dime. I'd rather work in a place that has some appreciation of this than one that threatens me with imprisonment for volunteering. I'm living in one of the few countries that won't allow me to tutor private students. That might change, and I don't mean the law.

    Thai officials can't understand why their nationals have such poor English skills compared to just about everyone else. Maybe they'll wake up in 2015. Ironically, this whole system was conceived to protect Thai jobs. When the economy opens up under ASEAN, the best jobs will go to people who speak the best English--anyone but Thais.

    Very well put. Everyone understands the purpose of the WP regs. but often the overly strict implementation of them deprives Thais of useful volunteer services many retired or non-retired expatriates could provide.

    I guess that's why I see and meet more and more ENGLISH speaking Filipinos working in Thailand every day.

    Similarly, I too am encountering more Filipinos teaching English. The downside is that not one of them have work permits, but are more than willing to take the risk.

    Up to them, I say. I never would though.

  2. Make her PM,

    Totally agree!

    Can not.

    She has to be a Shinawatra first for that position, but, perhaps son Oak could marry her and then she would be acceptable for the position.

    Or acceptable to the army, the privy council, the banking groups and a few other oldie Thai Chinese businesses.....

    Those groups didn't pre-approve Aum's aunt (after her marriage to Oak) to be PM candidate.

    The only one that matters for that would be Aum's father-in-law.

  3. Just to be clear, neither old nor new customers can buy any land in Thailand. Old customers could however buy a certain amount of land in the name of the Elite card company, not in their own name. In other words, the land would legally belong to the Elite card company which would hold the land on your behalf.

    Yes and the dodo bird was seen yesterday in Korat!!

    Why post on something, where you clearly haven't got a clue ??

    Please provide a link or source for your claim, that TPC is in fact proxy owners for cardholders!

    No I didn't think so. http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif%22%5Dhttp://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif%5B/url'>http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif"]http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif[/url]

    "I guess they bought the card because it kind of "allows" foreigners to buy land

    in Thailand. When I say it kind of "allows" foreigners to buy land in Thailand,

    it has the typical Thai Catch 22 in it:

    The Elite card project was controversial from the outset, because one of the special privileges tied to the

    card is the possibility to "acquire and possess land" once the Land Privilege

    law is passed. The problem: there is no sign of such law being


    Foreign individuals and companies are not allowed to own any

    interest in land, expect for a few exceptions such as those granted by the Board

    of Investment. Until a new law is passed, the Thailand Privilege Card Company

    has set up an ownership structure to be used by cardholders seeking to purchase

    land under which TPC will own the land on behalf of the cardholder. But this

    point has raised legal issues, with some lawyers saying the interim ownership

    structure is in conflict with some existing acts and could exposed the

    cardholder to prosecution."



    I believe the info was also in the newspapers as well as on the TPC original website, however the above links were the ones that popped up on google?

    Since you seem to know that I am wrong and insist I prove myself right, perhaps you can point me to the issue of the Royal Gazette where the new law allowing foreigners to own land was announced?

    No I didn't think so. http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif%22%5Dhttp://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif%5B/url'>http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif"]http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif[/url]

    Well Done and Well Deserved. :clap2:


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