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Posts posted by NovaBlue05

  1. 6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Well if he can build a coalition between receptive Dems and Reps, so much the better. Not easy to do. Dems making a big mistake if they don't get there first. 


    There are plenty of moderate Dems and Reps who would work in a more bipartisan way but no chance with the current leadership in place. Fortunately, the most toxic member, Harry Reid... is gone in January which can only help.



  2. On 11/17/2016 at 2:52 AM, Jingthing said:

    So are you. We can disagree. This election was historically different. Credible sober political commentators have compared the result as being similar to the impact of 911 on American society. 


    Well...I am in the USA and people are going about life just like pre election. If you want to see theatrics, you go to the news where they isolate the activity of the loons and present it to the Muppets as "representative" of the mood. To suggest it is anything like 9/11 suggest they are neither credible or sober

  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Another trump inspired hate crime.

    Trump's response to the news of a wave of trumpist inspired hate crimes against many sorts of minorities? Two words. Stop it!
    That's his program? Sounds like it's gonna be terrific.

    God help us. 





    JT....Stop embarrassing yourself

  4. 5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    "...........................I am waiting for everything that goes wrong, especially economically to get blamed on Trump...."



    At the rate the NYT & rest of MSM is churning out yellow journalism before and since the election, they will have Trump responsible in some capacity for the global financial crisis of '08, the fall of Ukraine, the emergence of ISIS and the JFK assassination by Inauguration Day

  5. Bolton is a chickenhawk, neocon on steroids who dreams about invading Iran.....or rather having the young men and women in the US do it on his behalf. Giuliani might be pre-maturely senile and has been groping to relive his post-9/11 adulation for 16 years now.  They used to say he would be the next AG.  Hillary wouldn't sleep a wink waiting for the knock on her door if that happened.


    Romney would seem quite a balanced selection in comparison to either if Trump and he can actually forget the vitriol of the last few months

  6. 48 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


    May I ask why you're still on about the popular vote.? Totally irrelevant and makes absolutely no difference.  I suppose if you keep on about it you get a does of happiness, even though it will be short lived, Mr. Trump will be the President  whether you like it or not.:wai:


    If the "popular vote" theory gives them the metaphorical safe room or stuffed animal to clutch while they work through their emotional crisis :passifier:, then I cede to them that she won the popular vote margin...razor thin as it was.


    While giving out consolation prizes, I'll go one better and tell them the Euros probably liked Clinton more too ! 

  7. 2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    He has the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court and an electoral mandate.  He will be just fine.


    On Capitol Hill, that's the big trifecta. 


    No Constitutional or useful political definition of "mandate" anyway. Just a term the media came up with long ago to make it sound like their candidate of choice has overwhelming support when in fact they actually got  about half the voters to vote for them.


    Only Michigan yet to post that will give Trump 306 EV.



    122.6M votes cast for the two with Clinton holding a razor thin 948K vote difference. A statistical tie.

  8. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I am unhappy trump won and heartened that Hillary won the popular vote as that's an indication that at least the people aren't as down the crapper as electing a mentally unstable know nothing no experience demagogue would otherwise indicate.

    But I don't think any energy should be wasted on fighting to reverse the electoral college. It's not going to win, there are good arguments for keeping it, and the opposition to trumpism has many much more URGENT matters to work on. 



    Less than a million more "popular" votes in a pool of almost 123 million total cast for the two is likely within the margin of error.  A tie for all practical purposes. But, if it gives comfort to some, then wave the flag.  Now, if she enjoyed the same popular vote lead  that Trump does here on the TVF survey, then I would say she was robbed :thumbsup:

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