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Posts posted by Butterfield8

  1. My father is Thai and was born in Thailand. He has been deceased for many years. I was born outside of Thailand. I have a birth certificate stating that my father is from Thailand however, I do not have his death certificate nor his birth certificate. How do I go about getting a Thai passport or becoming a Thai national? I hold a European passport at the moment and I would like to keep this too. I am in Bangkok at the moment, my 2nd time since Dec/Jan 06 and I have been given many conflicting advice.

  2. :o
    ps: where the bl__dy heck are the brilliant economists from Thailand, educated on top-universities in the UK/Europe, USA and Australia ?

    I think you just already named the countries where they are living & working now. Putting their expertise to good use for the benefit of those countries & not their own.

    Does anyone have the time & know how to track down an email address for the appropriate Thai Government dept? I think it would be a very good idea if this thread were forwarded to them, so they can see what intelligent foreigners think about their behind the times thought processes & methods.

    Ofcourse realistically it will never happen, but it would be interested to see what would happen to Thailand's prosperity if every single foreign led company pulled out & moved elsewhere overnight.

    Of course, our lovely Thai King was mainly educated abroad. It's time he looked at the overall economic situation and give his views on how to improve it so that the cabinet will sit up and actually listen. I would hate for a lovely country AND ITS PEOPLE like Thailand to be left behind while the rest of Asia picks up its economic boom. HK didn't do badly under the Brits - it is an awesome city with a superstructure that is mind bogglingly efficient.

  3. :o

    ps: where the bl__dy heck are the brilliant economists from Thailand, educated on top-universities in the UK/Europe, USA and Australia ?

    I think you just already named the countries where they are living & working now. Putting their expertise to good use for the benefit of those countries & not their own.

    Does anyone have the time & know how to track down an email address for the appropriate Thai Government dept? I think it would be a very good idea if this thread were forwarded to them, so they can see what intelligent foreigners think about their behind the times thought processes & methods.

    Ofcourse realistically it will never happen, but it would be interested to see what would happen to Thailand's prosperity if every single foreign led company pulled out & moved elsewhere overnight.

  4. :o

    This is just the result of a modern way of the exploiters preying on the gullible.

    A shrewd old British Prime Minister, Harold McMillan, used to call the exploiters' agents: "The banksters".

    It goes like this: "Get people to want things they don't need, and tell them that it is alright to buy them with money they haven't got (which we will lend them). And then we will live comfortably on the interest that they have to pay us".

    However, Thailand isn't too deeply in trouble.

    It is America that is really in the deep, deep rotting manure. The banksters there, aided by a villain called Alan Greenspan, have got lots of Americans to run up huge debts on the basis of unsustainable "values" of their houses, and they are on the verge of starting to suffer.

    Britain is deep in it, too. And lots of debt-loaded brits are simply taking themselves by repudiating their debts through personal bankruptcy or IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements).

    The 'sophisticates' scoff at the idea that being satisfied to have the security of managing on what is sufficient and not striving for excess would be more sensible. But the 'sophisticates' are just conning gullible people into becoming their debt-slaves.

    Ah, well. It is their karma that they are building up.

  5. Years ago, I was strip searched (yes lads, strip searched) at Heathrow Airport for nothing more nefarious than wearing a real gold Rolex watch on my wrist.

    I was marched into an airless room and kept there for what seemed like an eternity whilst the English Customs officer bulldozed me into a confession that I had not "paid tax" on the watch (the watch was a gift from an admirer) and I told him so.

    He insisted that I owed Her Majesty's Government VAT for "importing the watch" into England with "a view to selling it for a profit". I had just come off a long haul flight and was tired and hungry. In the end, I agreed to sign a piece saying that I had not paid tax on the watch and was fined close to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS (a fortune, 20 years ago). This is one of several nasty experiences I had of living and working in England which explains why I do not chose to live there anymore.

    Yes, racism is alive and well in the England I lived in for well over a decade.

  6. What men say and what they think are usually 2 entirely different things.

    And women of course say what they think all the time. :o


    It depends on the women and their level of security or maturity. Why lie? For every lie that one tells, you need 15 more to cover it up with. This statistic comes from a book .. unfortunately I have forgotten the name... it's been a long time since I read it.

    Like attracts like. Okay boys and girls. Enough for today. This is my VERY FIRST TIME in a chat room so it's virgin territory for me .. but ...I have to get back to work now.

    Over and out.


  7. In NZ they are mostly ok, except for the odd dork.same as all countries I suppose.I have a mate who knows the NZ customs/immigration law very well and he is always bringing in samples into the country.He is also 100% honest.Any hint of problems from an official and he asks for thier badge number and demands to talk to there superior...works every time for him. I wouldn't try this anywhere else though...esp the USA! :o


    My personal armour? A smile. It s as contagious as bird flu, SARS and the Bubonic plague all rolled into one.

    The smile has to be (however) genuine and you have to like people. Try this experiement. Go out in the streets and smile at a few people. Almost without exception, unless they are earing dark glasses, carrying a white cane and a tin cup .. they will - SMILE BACK.

    Spread a little love. Immigration officers are people too. They have their bad days and their good days.

    Over and out


  8. Women fighting with women only turns men off.

    I disagree. :D

    My turn to bring the oil... :D


    But seriously JoJo, how do women feel about men fighting over them? Reverse the roles...


    Okay - how do women feel about men fighting over them? It depends on the woman surely??

    It happened to me at the Hyatt (my date looked like DAvid Bowie) and he was pissed off with someone who was sharing an innocent joke with me .. about nothing in particular nor personal.

    Mr Bow Wow got quite abusive with the poor chap. I was simply APPALLED by his behaviour and said "When you decide to grow up, give me a call okay?" picked up my purse and left .. alone.

    Okay ladies .. have fun... I have to get back to work!!!

    Over and out.

  9. Women fighting with women only turns men off.

    I disagree. :D

    My turn to bring the oil... :D


    But seriously JoJo, how do women feel about men fighting over them? Reverse the roles...


    What men say and what they think are usually 2 entirely different things. I have quite a number of platonic male friends as well as BROTHERS. Without exception, they all think it's a laugh but (ALSO) think that those women who engage in cat fights (verbal or physical) or crass and insecure. My 10 cents worth.

    Over and out.

  10. Women fighting with women only turns men off.

    I disagree. :D

    My turn to bring the oil... :D


    But seriously JoJo, how do women feel about men fighting over them? Reverse the roles...


    What men say and what they think are usually 2 entirely different things. I have quite a number of platonic male friends as well as BROTHERS. Without exception, they all think it's a laugh but (ALSO) think that those women who engage in cat fights (verbal or physical) or crass and insecure. My 10 cents worth.

    Over and out.

  11. Hi all.

    1)Just had a bad experience with the Thai immigration office down at don muang airport.... Well i was flying to Singapore via Air asia and well i entered the terminal 2 in the airport and waiting to get my passport to be stamp by the officer ...Once its my turn i pass my passport to the female officer.. she look at my travell document and then begins shouting at me infront of the other people...

    You GO!! GO!!! I ask her why ?? GO!! Terminal 1 not 2... She show her arrogant shit head face shile shouting at me....and she even say some thai words which i dont even kwno what she's mumbling about..I just decided to ignore and go out...I ask the lady who checks my airport tax why cant i entered here?? she check my ticket again and say sorry it should be terminal 2..i told her she should check my boarding pass instead of chatting with her friend .....Anyway she apologize

    2) I return from singapore only 2 days of stay there... Its my turn again to hand over my passport to the thai officer he took my passport and begins to check...i was on non o visa multiple.... After several minuted checking it he decided to stamp and gave me 3 month of stay....

    he handed my passport to me in a rude way... Just trowing it on the table towards me passport almost fell of the table....

    My question is that why are these behave very rudely??? Dont their goverment ever teach them to be polite to foreighner??? They never knew who they dealling with ?? am i rite?? Or are they simply under pay and have to work more...

    ive been to alot of countries and i dont see any of these happens to me...In New york when i was there the Immigration offer was very firm asking me alot of Question but in the end after stamping my passport he smiled and say have a great vacation....

    Cant the thai officer just smile for god sake and be polite????

    please give reply your experience....

    thank you




    I have been travelling since I was 11 years old - a combination of good genes (and I am not talking Levis501s here) or more likely, parents who had itchy feet.

    Immigration officers throughout the world are much the same. My worst experience has to be HEATHROW AIRPORT, London.

    This a-h confiscated my gold rolex watch from my wrist. I had had that watch for 7 years but could not provide PAPERS to prove where I had bought it. Heck, it was gift from an admirer. Bottom line? I had to pay a hugh VAT tax to HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT to get my watch returned to me. They kept me locked up in an airless room for 2 1/2 hours whilst they interrogated and strip searched me. Obviously good looking women have a hard time particularly if they are Asian going through European customs and immigration!

    It would have been LESS egregrious had I not been a legal resident in England and working there at that time. Top that for a bad experience.



    MORE FROM BUTTERFIELD8 regarding the attitude of Immigration Officers

    In NEW YORK CITY about 8 years ago, a Black Immigration officer was very rude to me .. not so much by what she said but by her demeanour and body language.

    She said "Why are YOU here?" I was sorely tempted to reply "Because I am NOT there".

    Anyway, I counted to 5 and replied "I am in NYC for the Toy Fair Isn't there a kid in ALL of us?" and smiled. She let me through.

    So, on the basis that a drop of honey will attract more flies than a tablespoon of vinegar, I LEARNT a good lesson that day.

    Okay, back to New York, my 2nd trip 6 months later, another black Immigration officer, looked me up and down before barking out this question:

    "Did you bring ANY foodstuff with you?"

    My reply?

    "No Sirree, I already ate on the plane". And then ... I grinned as if sharing a private joke.

    He said "YOu're a good looking lady, nice sense of humour, have a nice stay in New York City" and let me through.

    What am I trying to tell you? Only this .. that by the time I was 26, I had already been halfway around the world. I have met the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and they come in all colours viz a viz Immigration officers. Use absolute courtesy (you are a guest in somebody else' country and also do not usually speak their language) when dealing with them and SMILE!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck in your next encounter. Over and Out.

  12. Hi all.

    1)Just had a bad experience with the Thai immigration office down at don muang airport.... Well i was flying to Singapore via Air asia and well i entered the terminal 2 in the airport and waiting to get my passport to be stamp by the officer ...Once its my turn i pass my passport to the female officer.. she look at my travell document and then begins shouting at me infront of the other people...

    You GO!! GO!!! I ask her why ?? GO!! Terminal 1 not 2... She show her arrogant shit head face shile shouting at me....and she even say some thai words which i dont even kwno what she's mumbling about..I just decided to ignore and go out...I ask the lady who checks my airport tax why cant i entered here?? she check my ticket again and say sorry it should be terminal 2..i told her she should check my boarding pass instead of chatting with her friend .....Anyway she apologize

    2) I return from singapore only 2 days of stay there... Its my turn again to hand over my passport to the thai officer he took my passport and begins to check...i was on non o visa multiple.... After several minuted checking it he decided to stamp and gave me 3 month of stay....

    he handed my passport to me in a rude way... Just trowing it on the table towards me passport almost fell of the table....

    My question is that why are these behave very rudely??? Dont their goverment ever teach them to be polite to foreighner??? They never knew who they dealling with ?? am i rite?? Or are they simply under pay and have to work more...

    ive been to alot of countries and i dont see any of these happens to me...In New york when i was there the Immigration offer was very firm asking me alot of Question but in the end after stamping my passport he smiled and say have a great vacation....

    Cant the thai officer just smile for god sake and be polite????

    please give reply your experience....

    thank you


  13. Hi all.

    1)Just had a bad experience with the Thai immigration office down at don muang airport.... Well i was flying to Singapore via Air asia and well i entered the terminal 2 in the airport and waiting to get my passport to be stamp by the officer ...Once its my turn i pass my passport to the female officer.. she look at my travell document and then begins shouting at me infront of the other people...

    You GO!! GO!!! I ask her why ?? GO!! Terminal 1 not 2... She show her arrogant shit head face shile shouting at me....and she even say some thai words which i dont even kwno what she's mumbling about..I just decided to ignore and go out...I ask the lady who checks my airport tax why cant i entered here?? she check my ticket again and say sorry it should be terminal 2..i told her she should check my boarding pass instead of chatting with her friend .....Anyway she apologize

    2) I return from singapore only 2 days of stay there... Its my turn again to hand over my passport to the thai officer he took my passport and begins to check...i was on non o visa multiple.... After several minuted checking it he decided to stamp and gave me 3 month of stay....

    he handed my passport to me in a rude way... Just trowing it on the table towards me passport almost fell of the table....

    My question is that why are these behave very rudely??? Dont their goverment ever teach them to be polite to foreighner??? They never knew who they dealling with ?? am i rite?? Or are they simply under pay and have to work more...

    ive been to alot of countries and i dont see any of these happens to me...In New york when i was there the Immigration offer was very firm asking me alot of Question but in the end after stamping my passport he smiled and say have a great vacation....

    Cant the thai officer just smile for god sake and be polite????

    please give reply your experience....

    thank you




    I have been travelling since I was 11 years old - a combination of good genes (and I am not talking Levis501s here) or more likely, parents who had itchy feet.

    Immigration officers throughout the world are much the same. My worst experience has to be HEATHROW AIRPORT, London.

    This a-h confiscated my gold rolex watch from my wrist. I had had that watch for 7 years but could not provide PAPERS to prove where I had bought it. Heck, it was gift from an admirer. Bottom line? I had to pay a hugh VAT tax to HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT to get my watch returned to me. They kept me locked up in an airless room for 2 1/2 hours whilst they interrogated and strip searched me. Obviously good looking women have a hard time particularly if they are Asian going through European customs and immigration!

    It would have been LESS egregrious had I not been a legal resident in England and working there at that time. Top that for a bad experience.


  14. I'm worried about loneliness sometimes.

    I don't think anybody will want to be involved with a single mum.

    I wouldn't worry too much about this. My GF was in her 40s and a single mum when I met her. I had never been married and never had children. It's just a matter of meeting the right person - your neua khoo - as the Thais say.


    Wrong girlfriend. Being a single mom is no longer a social stigma anymore than being gay or a single dad.

    In my early twenties, I lost a gorgeous beau to a casual lady friend who was a single mom 7 years my senior.

    The heart wants what the heart wants to quote Woody Allen.

    What was that old popular saying??

    Love me, love my dog.

    I am NOT being facetious here about children and referring to them as dogs. I love children personally.

  15. Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia.  It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me.  It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there.  The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'.  The guy asked me how much did I go for!  I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.


    Hey sister .. next time, knee the pest in the burdoobees. You know where. I get that alot from Indian guys who somehow manage to get their shoulders or elbows or forearms near my chest. in tube stations or when they are queuing up behind or in front of me for the ATM machines or at a supermarket check out.


  16. :o Mine is a typical case. Married couple with children. Husband keeping money at our backs long time ago. He went to Thailand last winter to visit a male friend -it is really true-. One week later after his back he asked for the separation.  He just disappeared in January. He lives in Bangkok with his thaigirl... he probably found her in Internet. I guess very well with our money. He destroyed a family leaving behind a lot of problems for everybody (lack of money, debts, etc. etc.). He does not want any contact with his friends although they told him this girl is not good... some strange relationship with ma... thai. Suggestions are welcome... please, anybody should say to me... You were stupid!.


    Well I am sorry to hear about your situation. Men stray for the same reasons that dogs lick their ***** Why? Because they CAN.

    But remember this, the universe holds INFINITE possibilities. Move on. He was probably not worth your affections.

    I dated a man who told me he was divorced. In fact, he was married. It was a long distance relationship fraught with pain, confusion, big highs and low lows. He was in love with me but more in love with his money and did not wish to split his assets which I much later learnt was considerable. I went to NYC to forget him and found a gorgeous man who is well heeled and uncomplicated and we are now friends. You see, when one door closes, a window opens. I am not saying that my NYC beau whom I met whilst trying to forget the other one has offered me a wedding ring BUT ... I learnt a great deal about men in the process - particularly self made, attractive, talented men. I am now starting to write a book about it.

    We can deal with pain constructively and we should. It's called SELF LOVE. I spent over 5 1/2 years in my long distance relationship with the married guy whom I didn't know was married. He used to spend the holidays with his mom and his kids but left out telling me his wife was also there during Christmas, the summer and New Years. It sucks but I am OLDER and alot WISER about the ways of men today.

  17. Hi!

    I recently discovered this little forum, and am calling on all Farang girls living/working doing the Thai thing in Bkk, would like to share some western humour and just go blah, blah, blah!

    I've been here for 5 years and am married to a fab Thai guy who I lub lub lub! :o

    Lub Shola



    Hi Shola

    You are SO lucky to be living in The City of Angels. I was there in January for a week and TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY fell in love with the place. Wish I could go back and get a job there but my Thai is minimal even though I am half Thai but due to various reasons, spent the majority of my growing up years elsewhere.

    I am also a practising Budhhist by choice not circumstance. What we put out there comes back to us - the immutable laws of cause and effect aka KARMA.

    I have worked for employers here in HK whom I could happily nail their knee caps to the floorboards (but I didn't) for their Dickensian style of management.

  18. We have never talked how the Farang girls feel towards Asian women.

    Do we hate them because they have more success than us?

    I have been in Thailand for almost a year now and I have both Farang and Asian girlfriends.  :D

    I have never felt we were in competion on the men question.  :D

    Both of races have relationship problems with their men. :D

    Both races are cheated on by their men.  :o

    My girlfriends and I, when we meet, instead of fighting because the Asian have more success than the others, we help each other to solve our men problems.

    Why do we get along together so well instead of fighting for the men?

    Are we more clever than the guys who want us (Farang girls) to think that we should hate you?  :D

    Well my friend .. let's put it into perspective shall we? Women REMAIN women everywhere whether they are green, purple, pink or blue. I have seen aggression first hand towards Asian women in USA and England, what's the difference?

    We should learn that we are all SISTERS UNDER THE SKIN and remember this ..

    80% of men cheat in USA

    The rest cheat in Europe and Asia

    Let's not give the guys too much kudos. There will come time that we will not even need them for procreation thanks to test tube babies.

    Guys can be nice but you just have to find the right one. Women fighting with women only turns men off.

  19. We have never talked how the Farang girls feel towards Asian women.

    Do we hate them because they have more success than us?

    I have been in Thailand for almost a year now and I have both Farang and Asian girlfriends.  :D

    I have never felt we were in competion on the men question.  :D

    Both of races have relationship problems with their men. :D

    Both races are cheated on by their men.  :o

    My girlfriends and I, when we meet, instead of fighting because the Asian have more success than the others, we help each other to solve our men problems.

    Why do we get along together so well instead of fighting for the men?

    Are we more clever than the guys who want us (Farang girls) to think that we should hate you?  :D

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