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Posts posted by TheRedlines

  1. Cost will vary greatly by surgeon and hospital. About 80K - 150K (baht) at a private hospital , maybe a third of that at a government hospital.

    Yes, same surgeon can do both. Any general surgeon can do hernia repairs, inguinal and umbilical.

    Thanks Sheryl. Would Chulalongkorn be a good place to start for a good split between price and service? I am not by any means afraid of Thai style hospitals. Are hernia repairs simple enough that I shouldn't worry too much about where I go but should think more about the price?

  2. [quote name="thaibeachlovers" post="6957531"

    So YOU are responsible for what other people do???????????

    So you aren't responsible for deciding who to keep as friends ?

    Sent from my Atari 2600

  3. No, never.  It's not my culture.


    Leave it to the Thais. 

    This reminds me of a time back in the states when I came out to meet our new gardener. He had been doing a great job and I wanted the chance to come out, meet him and thank him for what he had been doing. As I had extended my hand to shake, he hesitantly extended his. Now once our hands met and I fined up my clasp, his remained soft, limp, cold and lifeless. It flat out creeped me out. Now keep in mind, this fellow was from south of the border. Mexico, I believe and it I suppose is not customary to shake hands when meeting somebody. Now on the other hand, this gentleman had been living in the States for quite some time as he had grown quite a reputation with my friends who had been using his services for quite a few years. Surely many have gone to shake hands with him over the years and he's had plenty of opportunity to learn this very common gesture. So was it that he simply didn't know how to shake hands or maybe he just did not have any respect for the culture in which he's now chosen to live ? I left that greeting with a much different feeling than when I entered it. Maybe you ought to reconsider your thought of this new culture in which you've chosen to live? Or maybe you prefer to be seen as a disrespectful mooch?

    Sent from my Atari 2600

  4. It has already been widely reported that " ''People had time to get away. Our staff have been with us for a long time and they are familiar with all the exits.''

    I would post a link but it isn't allowed. Some simple searching will confirm it. There are now only two listed as missing after the fire. I hope and pray the two are found to be safe and sound. I also thank God that this doesn't seem to have become the massive loss of precious life so many seem to be hopping for simply to confirm their suspicions and boost their egos.

    Sent from my Atari 2600

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  5. I will surely miss this place. I always felt like a five year old headed to Disneyland when we'd load up our friends from the village and head off to Super Cheap. It was Costco, Super Walmart, Home Depot, Bestbuy, Office Depot, PepBoys, Walgreens, and your neighborhood fireworks stand all rolled up into one. I also hope and pray that no lives were lost in this horrific disaster. May those who have been injured quickly recover and those out of work quickly find something to take it's place.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

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  6. I figure for the most part the Farang Men I run across are here supporting the very thing I am here to help the Thais abolish. There is nothing like coming to Thailand that will leave you with such a disgusting opinion of your own kind. You just become tired of always being disappointed so you continue on walking rather than stop and say hello.

  7. Cross a border and return for 15 day visa exempt entry.  Daily van/bus service all inclusive from Bangkok to Cambodia for about 2,000 baht.

    For some reason I was under the impression that we needed to have a current visa at the time we left the country to apply for the ED visa. If we simply do a border run getting a 15 day stamp, will we still be eligible for the ED visa?

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2

  8. My wife and I have signed up and payed for thai language school here in Bangkok for the next year. We are both 39 and American citizens. Upon signing up, they started the paperwork to get our educational visa stuff going. This was about 3 weeks ago. We currently have two days left on our 30 day extensions of our second entries of our double entry 60 day tourist visas. We need to head out the day after tomorrow (May 15th). Here's the tricky part. The paperwork isn't back yet for our tourist visas. It could be another few more days from what I understand. What can we do?

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