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Posts posted by Kronenbernicus

  1. My best friend is still back in sweden. The gf i have now is very much on friendship, helping each other basis. I doubt that she would still be the same friend to me if we break up but to me it is always like that thai or not. People just goes different ways. It would be a great loss to me though loosing my gf since she is a goverment official and that is very convenient many times, i wish there was more love involved on both sides but i guess i can not have everything, at least not now.

    To the OP. You should never have been supporting her in the first place. Helping her, yes, but actually supporting her, no way. When I decided I wanted to live in Thailand after a few holidays in the country, I admit that eventually, I started looking for a wife, I dated market girls, shop girls etc, before I met my wife. Any girl I married, had to be working and have her own money, there was no way I was going to support either her, her family, or her parents, help them from time to time financially, yes, but completely support them? No chance. I have been with my wife for eight years now, she has her money, and I have mine.

    She has her money and you have yours...but what is the percentage split on your assets? Sorry couldn't resist! ;) good luck for you sir

  2. From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

    You been "all over the world" and checked this then? Or just sounding off?

    I wouldn't worry, two sentences is about his limit.

    Agreed, also his picture looks like an artists impression of a wanted sex offender.... Look at Rolf Harris...I'm just saying!

  3. I would recommend opening your own small business, restaurant as someone else mentioned is a great idea. Take your time and save a big amount of money first - a proper business plan is a must, do everything properly.

    I agree with the general answers to stay where you are for now and save that money. Take more holidays to LOS and network with farang business owners to find out more info. Be as prepared as you can for all eventualities - too many people fail and have to return home because of poor planning.

    Best of luck to you, be positive and don't listen to the people that try to shoot you down. If you learn the Thai language you will greatly improve your chances - shouldn't be too hard with a Thai wife and a bit of study. Kids education should come before any of the above...

  4. Yes, he has a Thai girlfriend who watches music videos. She thinks that this is cool so he does it. Rap and Hip Hop are destroying Thai culture.

    Rap and Hip Hop is not music, it is just noise pure and simple. Music is played by instruments, piano, saxophone, guitar etc. not put together with stupid noises on a computer.

    Hmmmm, hope you are not referring to jazz there - that is quite a racket too and probably influences hip hop to some degree

    I am certainly not referring to jazz, I am no fan of jazz, but I have to admit, some of the best musicians in the world play jazz. But Hip Hop???? Like I said, whether you enjoy it or not, it is just not music, only noise. The same cannot be said about jazz.

    Hip hop could be seen as modern poetry. Imagine Shakespeare reciting a sonnet with a heavy bassy beat in the background - that may broaden your mind. (Also hip hop beats are commonly played on a drum kit and the rapping is using ones voice which is also an instrument) :)

    • Like 2
  5. 5 things Thai people should stop wearing.

    5. Thai-lish T-shirts. The ones with non-sensical google translations of English phrases, I.E, "A man loves what a man wants to loves with." (my GF has that gem).

    4. Hitler logos. Yes, I realize most Thai people don't like to learn about world history, and that the only important historical events were in their victories over Burma (just look at the movie selection on this subject). However, wearing Hitler logos is culturally insensitive to the farangs you enjoy taking money from.

    3. Girl jeans and Japanese Anime haircuts on Thai men. I know the Emo phase was so 2006, but really now, those skinny legs would look better in the baggie pants you detest. Also, making yourself look like a Drangon Ball Z or Yu Gi Oh! character just looks silly to us. You don't have to go buzzcut but a happy middle would be nicer than the bird's nest on your head.

    2. Baby powder on your head and nasal inhalers up your nose. They look gross. Just stop.

    1. Fake Louis Vuitton and Gucci. "Fake it til you make it" is a nice motto to live by but it is obvious that if your MBA only landed you a 20K baht/ month job as a hotel manager, then you don't make enough to buy the real thing. You end up looking like a parody of a materialistic farang woman. Your best bet is to marry the fat oaf in the Beer Chang wife beater--maybe he will buy you the real thing (then you can dump him).

    Great advice. I would take it more seriously if you would back it with some commitment, for example photographs or money.

    Personally, I think all Thais should wear Primrose and Blue. (and farang)


    This makes no sense whatsoever.

    I sometimes hesitate, before betraying my lack of understanding. I think you'll find it makes perfect sense, but sadly you have failed to do your research.

    Of course, some people might feel that arrogance is worse than ignorance - but ignorance is more easily cured

    Ok, firstly stop trying to sound clever...your comments are pedantic and don't make sense.

    Secondly, your response is aimed at my 'lack of research' despite my comment actually being about the sentence itself.

    "I sometimes hesitate before betraying my lack of understanding"

    Perhaps you should hesitate a little longer, use those precious seconds to learn how to deliver your message effectively, and generally simplify what you are trying to say.

    "I would take it more seriously if you would back it with some commitment, for example photographs or money."

    What are you talking about!? Where did photographs and money come from? Why does the poster have to show "commitment" (bad choice of word) to make you "take it more seriously" (who cares if you take it seriously or not? Infact, everything he says is true so why wouldn't you take it seriously?).

    "some people might feel that arrogance is worse than ignorance - but ignorance is more easily cured"

    What is actually worse is someone who writes unnecessarily worded comments (trying to appear more educated than they actually are) about something pointless, and then responds by talking about arrogance and ignorance in a tone that only serves to highlight your own arrogance.

  6. 5 things Thai people should stop wearing.

    5. Thai-lish T-shirts. The ones with non-sensical google translations of English phrases, I.E, "A man loves what a man wants to loves with." (my GF has that gem).

    4. Hitler logos. Yes, I realize most Thai people don't like to learn about world history, and that the only important historical events were in their victories over Burma (just look at the movie selection on this subject). However, wearing Hitler logos is culturally insensitive to the farangs you enjoy taking money from.

    3. Girl jeans and Japanese Anime haircuts on Thai men. I know the Emo phase was so 2006, but really now, those skinny legs would look better in the baggie pants you detest. Also, making yourself look like a Drangon Ball Z or Yu Gi Oh! character just looks silly to us. You don't have to go buzzcut but a happy middle would be nicer than the bird's nest on your head.

    2. Baby powder on your head and nasal inhalers up your nose. They look gross. Just stop.

    1. Fake Louis Vuitton and Gucci. "Fake it til you make it" is a nice motto to live by but it is obvious that if your MBA only landed you a 20K baht/ month job as a hotel manager, then you don't make enough to buy the real thing. You end up looking like a parody of a materialistic farang woman. Your best bet is to marry the fat oaf in the Beer Chang wife beater--maybe he will buy you the real thing (then you can dump him).

    Great advice. I would take it more seriously if you would back it with some commitment, for example photographs or money.

    Personally, I think all Thais should wear Primrose and Blue. (and farang)


    This makes no sense whatsoever.

  7. 5 things Thai people should stop wearing.

    5. Thai-lish T-shirts. The ones with non-sensical google translations of English phrases, I.E, "A man loves what a man wants to loves with." (my GF has that gem).

    4. Hitler logos. Yes, I realize most Thai people don't like to learn about world history, and that the only important historical events were in their victories over Burma (just look at the movie selection on this subject). However, wearing Hitler logos is culturally insensitive to the farangs you enjoy taking money from.

    3. Girl jeans and Japanese Anime haircuts on Thai men. I know the Emo phase was so 2006, but really now, those skinny legs would look better in the baggie pants you detest. Also, making yourself look like a Drangon Ball Z or Yu Gi Oh! character just looks silly to us. You don't have to go buzzcut but a happy middle would be nicer than the bird's nest on your head.

    2. Baby powder on your head and nasal inhalers up your nose. They look gross. Just stop.

    1. Fake Louis Vuitton and Gucci. "Fake it til you make it" is a nice motto to live by but it is obvious that if your MBA only landed you a 20K baht/ month job as a hotel manager, then you don't make enough to buy the real thing. You end up looking like a parody of a materialistic farang woman. Your best bet is to marry the fat oaf in the Beer Chang wife beater--maybe he will buy you the real thing (then you can dump him).

    Baby powder & nasal inhalers Pmsl

  8. he is particularly worried that the naked foreigners might have the idea to storm into temples in the area with their naked bike rides

    I think they're rather planning on storming into something else.

    Pol.Col. Aksorn Wongyai, police commander of Mueang District, said he is particularly worried that the naked foreigners might have the idea to storm into temples in the area with their naked bike rides.

    and disturb the business of money laundering billionaire monks?

    At least the complaints are not against naked single Isaan moms hopping around the pole!

    Interesting point about Issan moms, but we are all guests in their country...

  9. Personally, I have been bumped by these dam_n drivers when walking around the soi's on walking street. The drives have absolutely no regard for pedestrians and believe that it is their right to run over or into anyone in their way. There have been occassions when I have left my elbow extended a bit and have caused their mirrors to be bent or broken off when they drive by. It hurts a bit but worth it. I think I will have to temper my attitude because I could end up the same as every other assulted falang with just a simple phone call by one of these pr*cks.

    Why anybody would stand around and let somebody phone for reinforcements boggles the mind.

    Walking street at 5am, sorry but i would just drop him and slip away without a second thought. Don't take any chances in this town.

  10. I was about to commiserate with you regarding getting a decent haircut here then I finished reading your post and a couple comments. Perhaps it is a cultural difference but, in my opinion, a man's haircut should last 2-4 weeks. My problem has been rather the opposite of yours, most places I went tried to scalp me making it a 5-6 week haircut (enough time to grow it out and try to get it fixed) instead of my normal 2-3 weeks. I have had the most success with the cheap local places where I can find a man to cut my hair rather than a woman or ladyboy. When I lived in Chiang Mai the first place I tried was excellent and I stuck with them but it took five or six attempts to find a decent barber in Bangkok. During the search I had one woman completely ignore my instructions and just take a set of clippers to my head (she started right over the forehead so there was no opportunity to correct the mistake), another use a combination of very dull scissors and a weird technique to give me the first painful haircut I have ever had, and 3-4 more who cut my hair unevenly and too short. My haircut is not complicated or unusual, just a classic side part (think Tom Brokaw).

    Where was the excellent place in CM? I have been looking for ages!

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