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Posts posted by aussimike

  1. a man pulled an assault rifle from a bag and began spraying bullets WHY DON"T THEY JUST SAY IT AS IT IS! RED SHIRTS opened fire!

    I have a feeling that you are not really tuned in to the subject - its the Reds who are trying to defend the electted - yes you read it right - elected govt, which is opposite to the yellow shirts who have caused all of this from the onset, the reds are standing up for democratic process and as loyal thais are just wanting the election to go through as decreed and to protect the elected govt,,, the only way the yellow shirts can see is to get rid of all the yellow shirts and all they know how to do this is to lob a few bombs or drive by the reds and shoot them up, all too confusing, and its not really the people involved in the protests but their power hungry leaders who are hell bent on bringing down the existing elected govt and the only thing they know is to create mayhem thru voilent bloodletting, well sorry you crazy yellow lads but the elections will go ahead, the current legally elected govt with be returned possibly with a majority and even though this should be the final saga in this episode the yellows are sure to keep this going so it seems that we are going to be here for the long run, talking about protests and kicking out the govt , better to pay someone to take out the yellow leadership as they have their own set of ajenda and one of these is to have their own power base in the gove - can yoiu imagine this country being run by a committee, what a laugh, so this committee would report to another committee and so on, and so on. Yinluck is the PM and will still be the PM at the end of the day to day - good luck to her - do you yellow crazies really want someone like the leader of the yellows leading this country - come on be honest - better to elect your mother in law.. cheesy.gif

  2. Brainwashed into believing that any positive development in their area is a result of Thaksin and PTP.

    So you reckon that all northerners are stupid, huh? Happily they have the chanting, whistle blowing, independent thinking mob in Bangkok to look after them - once they've finished handing over their savings to a man who has some vague totalitarian concept of a non-elected council, headed by him of course, who will guide the nation. On available evidence, the north seems to be slightly more worldwise.

    Finally someone who can write without refering to the script, and does not have to even believe what the other yellow dic'''''s are expounding about through their YELLOW coloured glasses, they wont even accept the word of an Issan local, you have to ask yourself what do they really know and understand about thailand and the thinking of the average thai, well for me after living here for 16 years, and having travelled all over, spoken to all levels i guess i might have some sort of insite and i can tell you for one, its the bkk elite who feared taksin, not the down to earth folk from the poorest parts of this great kingdom, i have to ask the pro-pro=yellow shirted lovers why he is feared by them, and i can tell you that the down to earth folk from the NE will be the first to invite you inside for dinner where if you can find someone down in the big smoke to help you if you had been assulted or whatever for help they will just look right through you as if you were not there, give me the true red bloods and i will show you a real thai. and you might as well accept the fate of the election as the final ballot has already been cast, the ballots counted, and the results posted.. and no good throwing a tantrum as itcheesy.gif will not do you any good as i have just pointed out - youir in Bkk - so go hide if you need to cry.......bah.gif

  3. Ten bus loads of armed Cambodians are Yingluks real secret weapon.

    They can move around un noticed (apart from the Navy Seals who saw them but didn't report it or do anything)

    With their totally different language, they can blend in with the population as well... esp with their darker skins, slighter frames and general non exposure to skin whitener, they can blend in with with the Middle classes on Demos.

    CAPO asking for pics and FB awash with selfies and crowd shots. Nobody spotted on yet though.

    I was in Kachanabuei few years back and had a chance to visit the Marine base there and these are the same guys who police the border crossing on the border, so was shown around the unit as member of the unit was the 2 IC of the border guys and he took me down to visit his guys down on the border and also do a partrol to some islands off the coast that his marines are resposible for. not know to many but the navy oversea lots of small islands off the coast along this coast line , the pointagr being here that as we were crossing the border past trat - i saw a lot of Cambodian troops sitting around chatting, eating with the thai marines, dressed in the same uniforms, same arms, if i did not know about the army patches i would have thought that they were all thai marines but not true as they were mixed half and half and the Marine officer i was with told me that he was in charge of the cambodian troops in this area also and sometime up to many kms into cambodia also. makes it a lot easier to control areas along the border that way as was agreed to by both govts.. i would agree,,, so if i did not have in marine knowledge i would never have been able to pic who belonged to who apart from the language but i seldom heard them speaking loud so hard to tell what ever,, so no one else would be able to tell either,, so from what i saw a platoon or company of look alike troops would not turn an eye in bkk where there are always troop movements around --- leave that up to you guess this one.... say it as i saw it - and i am sure enough of the Kamer troops spoke enough thai to get by.


  4. Isn't there a warrant out for his arrest? He should try and be careful wink.png

    Would have to have quite a few warrents out in his name at the moment and as each hour goes by the more the warrents grow, give the man enough rope and he will hang himself, or what ever - trying to go down as the hero of the people, who will start to worry now that they also might end up in jail., this might be the final straw for some of them, did not expect this to go this far,

  5. i was under the impression that land corruption was one of these open season things any one connected - business or family wise to indulge in --hell if you dont have your finger in the pie well your missing out on something - during the previous -- pro-anti protests the trend was to occupy places that would disrupt the most like the airports around the country - phuket , bkk, cmx, take your pick, and just about anywhere you like. what pissed me off most of all last time was that each time i decided to go out some prick in a yellow shirt decided to lob an odd grenade around the place forcing me to restrict my shopping to the local 7/11 - made it to food land one time thank god.. if one is to look at the happy, retarded faces you see amongst the protesters there are not too many bank managers leading them - they all look like rice or khwai farmers, ya we do need them and that is where they should be back on the plot of land taking care of the herd, not bring the herd mentality here to Bkk - i hope the guard fully recovers, sounds like a small cal weapon - like a home made .22 or a pen gun,, ok i hope one and all have a great day - and that the police have a chance to stick the cuffs on this raving and ranting idiot with the huge mouth but nothing new comes out of it just venom and crap = remember how thais do love their soapies - when they are on not too many protesters out and about so why not run 24 hour non stop episodes, that should control them for a while.. but who really does give a stuff ?? 555 i dont

    We wish him a speedy recovery. When will they start catching these cowardly attackers?

    If I was Khun Suthep, I would send half my people to take over the airport and the other half, to shut the shipping ports. Enough is enough. They keep getting picked of one, or a few at a time, just like last time, just before they went to the airport.

    As far as I am concerned, the gloves are off. You can't fight violent thugs, with peaceful demonstrations, unless you take over some key positions, like the airport, shipping ports, etc.

    The quicker they finish this, the better for most people. wai2.gif

    Then again, I don't know the overall plan. Maybe they just want to keep things going, until the courts do their thing and convict most Phuea Thai members.

    They are finished, they dont have enough to blockade a gas station during the week let alone the ports and airport.

    Prediction, by the end of next week they will be down to a couple of locations only, and if we are lucky tomorrow Suthep will pop back home and give his son some moral support when hes in court for his little bit of land corruption by following in daddys footsteps.

  6. LOL, love all the whiners.. oh not this thread again. clap2.gif

    No, i don't appreciate being called farang. Its reminds of the Japanese word Gaijin.

    I dont say "Hay, Thai Lady"

    i object to the word entirely, always have and guess always will - and even more annoying when when another FARANG refers to me as a FARANG - to him i am not a FARANG i am an expat- it can be used in both forms - possitive and neg, mostly in the neg from, so why not just ban the use of the word here when being used by TV members to refer to white men, europeans, white guys, and the chinese are a lot whiter than I am - i know - i am married to a gorgous very white skin chinese and not a bottle of whitening lotion in our house... hope yoiu all have a white day -

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  7. I don't want to try to list what's better about my country because it's everything. Even the weather where I live is better with clean air but without the suffocating heat and humidity. We have very mild winters and summers. I can trust the food I eat and the water I drink and even most other drivers.

    The only thing that's better for me in Thailand is the availability of younger, pretty girls. That's it.

    I was not surprised with your last sentence, 555.

    Prior to moving to thai to work for the TAT my only knowledge of phet Thai was what someone just mention, thai, sex and booze, and i was gobsmacked when i first came here to be confronted by youngish girls coming up and asking me if i want sex - never paid for it in my life and was not going to pay for it here, but understood that this industry has grown from the need to feed one of two families, so home grown industry as is rice farming, as humans we need to have both, but there are many differences here to overseas, like Australia,, we have social security, pensions, overtime, good wages for hours worked, laws covering workers rights and backed by the courts, regulations on just about everything from labour, to working hours workers safety,food quality, drugs enforcement, strict road laws on driving under booze and drugs, the fines for some offences would be worth the average workers wages for a week... no questions asked, caught over .05 loose car, and demerit points, i could never undersand the methods of the police here about road laws., - school kids who have no desire to learn, they learn english from an early age but have no idea how to use the language as the teachers of english here have no idea how to teach - yes thai kids are grammar experts but have never spoken one work - they are taught to accept that what ever Ajarn says is 100% correct so you dont question or ask or challenge, just accept it - WRONG - accept the herd mentality, follow the masses, like these street protests, as most protesters have no idea what they are protesting about but hey- its fun sanook and that is what thai is all about - sanook, time to catch up with friends, free food, as nothing much else to do back in Isan at this time, and if your listening to some crazed dictator who has aspirations of being the next PM and can rave and rant like his previous wanna be dictators they are happy to go alone with the show, just like being in a soapy maybe more sanook jing jing.... feel sad for the smart kids of the future the ones who really want to learn, but this must start in the home, but with mum and dad working 2 jobs 7 days a week to make ends meet and feed the 8 kids the kid who is self motivated will be the only one to secceed. well good luck the LAND OF SMILES, I HOPE THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHTER FOR YOU - BUT KEEP IT SANOOK - not MAI BEN RAI - if you dont it will be a case of som nam na -

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  8. It also makes it a bit tricky when foriegn reporters get bashed, intimidated and attacked by bonehead yellow shirt protesters when the coverage is not to their liking.

    It might be a good start if some of them could actually read and understand english, when the average thai has trouble reading and writing their own language, as usual anyone could tell the protesters what was in the paper and they would be believed and if it was not suitable to what they wanted to hear they would turn and when these yellow shirted idiots -i thought yellow was the colour of cowards, - what hope is there -- what hope is there for the future of this once proud country, never been conquered - ya of course not, when one sees the levels of literacy in this country its easy to see why someone like the mouth can spout rave and rant his crazy speeches, just like all the worlds previous dictators have done, Hitler and his ilk - the average thai student cannot even quote important dates about even recent history, but ask about last weeks soapy, give detailed account,, no problem, so if some guy who can shout rave and rant they are gonna follow him for sure as its all about - sanook -- jing jing, just like one big street party with my friends from the village, we have nothing better to do and we get free food, sing with friends, dancing in the street, sanook mahk mahk jing jing, come one come all - and the police cant even arrent this guy, i doubt they would even try, as they will be the ones at the other end of the rope, but so far so good the boy in green have stayed calm till now, hope it stays that way, wonder what the army sniper is doing this week, he sure has a big long gun, 5555 --enjoy and stay safe out there -it just keeps getting more interesting as each day goes by,,


  9. Take everything of value that you can. Move out and return in a few days. She will be gone.

    Kiss good bye to anything you leave behind, cloths etc as i had all of my cloths slached, computer screen box knifed, all crockery smached, glass door to balcony broken, the list goes on and on, first time i started to talk with her we went tropo, and tried to beat me up, amazing the strength of a crazed thai sicophant female, and a mate of mine had predicted what the reaction would be like as he went through something similar, seems they all react in the same way, lot to do about face saving, family discrace, loss of income, and food - they sure dont take this issue laying down, seems they only like this position when getting paid for it. but if you have any indicaton of violance and forget the security -- remember your the white farang,, she is sweet thai virgin, they all hate you for screwing their women so if your seeking help from them forget it - i tried and thought i was gonna get beaten up by them also, only the manger saved me here- called a friend to come stay with me for a week or more- she did a great job with all my cloths - everything - slashed and i mean slashed not just once - even the bed room stuff - sheets pillows - did not miss much at all - burnt all my pics, but the laptop was the top draw, they are totally sweet when your getting to know them - after that forget it -- i am now engaged to a beautiful chinese lady - never asked for anything, thais are the total opposite to the chinese, like compare a nice peach to a durian, i learnt my lesson for sure, all i can say - if she had male friends dont be there alone - get a friend to come stay or tell her your going to stay with him as he is sick with a broken leg and cannot afford hospital.. but get her out - goooood luck

  10. I can't actually believe that anyone on here is against it. I think it is essential to wear civvies.

    They are able to blend in around the rally sites and it gives a great deterrent to any of the red rabble who are inclined to take potshots at protester men, women and children what they don't know who are citizens and who are armed soldiers waiting to take them down during their attempted escape.

    several soldiers in civvies and with concealed firearms, put in place around all roads leading to and from all protest sites in an 'invisible cordon' will be great protection.

    so in your educated view its only the reds who are the ones doing the shooting - seems like the idea of one of the mellow yellow shirts is some thing that would never happen - amazing how the uninformed are so quick to inform - and beg to differ on the quote - red shirt rabble, and the invisible cordon, seems like this op has been watching too many spy movies, or was ex cia, thanks for the informed suggestion, i for one would not want some army recruit wandering around in the crowd with a sidearm ready to take pot shots at all citizens and the armed soldiers will be able to tell the difference between army and civyes - well good luck - 555

  11. Chalerm: I Am F-cking Back

    "The Prime Minister has assigned me to assist the police, it is true," Mr. Chalerm told reporters

    He added, "I am glad the Prime Minister called me to serve, even though it is a bit late".

    "These people keep contacting me, asking me, brother, when will you be back in charge?" Mr. Chalerm said, "So I tell them now, I am f*cking back!" (กูกลับมาแล้ว)

    Good move, Yingluck.

    Putting the maniacal Chalerm in the mix is sure to calm the situation.

    Good move, the next thing to do is to draft his two crazy sons if they arent in jail and let them into the frey, they are even crazier than their old man, but Chalerm now has put his mouth on the line once again and god knows what the out come to all this will be but its not going to be nice, there was mention of dispatching the MOUTH like the general last time by a well trained sniper, sure this could be arranged again, perhaps the only way as no one is going to even get within 100 mts of this power hungry crazy despot who like the sound of his own voice and hankers for power, and has not made one decent suggestion about the running of the country apart from having it run under the control of a peoples council, with this <deleted> as chairman of course, only one agenda here and most smart people know what this is - well heres hoping that the news we read in the next few days is all good, perhaps some have already started to write the tribute notices already, i simply dont give a damm - and its all about humanmanua -- welcome back Mr.. Chalerm and your boys,


  12. One day......that fat, ugly, bastard will get his reward.

    And I hope it's a horrible one.

    The sooner the better.

    Yes, very much the sooner the better. It's clearly out of control. And he has nuclear weapons.

    Hopefully the Chinese will deal with it as soon as possible. Let's leave all this barbarism back in preceding centuries and move on.

    Heaven forbid if China was not as close to NK as it is as it can at least keep it somewhat under some sort of control without china being on the scene we might even be in a neuc war by now, all we see coming out of this country is pics of the little fat demigod and his endless parades of military hardward going by on his self glory display performed by his destitute people, the US and SK have their troops on the highest leve of readiness at all times, not that that is going to stop missiles, but it is some sort of deterant. i am amazed that the CIA or even the underground in NK have not tried to assinate him, would be hard for sure but i pray that someone gives it a go

  13. Numbers from Thai Government are pure fiction as they only count road deaths during the 7 Dangerous Days if the person died at the scene. So, there are probably 3-5 times as many dead than are being reported. For accidents, many, many are not reported.

    there is shock, horror in Australia if the road toll goes beyond 20 for the christmas new year holidays, I think that australia has some of the toughest road rules and regulation in the world, not to mention the high cost of fines, the real chance of being pulled up for the booze bus, the good chance of loosing your car if over '05 , not wearing seat belts for all in car, using a mobile device in the car, speeding, bad or dangerous driving, the list goes on, you will never know where a booze bus is set up till your in the trap and cant skip it, there are so many Q cars, plain police cars your chances of being pulled over for any infraction, not wearing a helmet for motor or ordinary bike, children not secured in approved seats, car safety checks, random booze and drug tests, wide spread use of radar guns on main roads, speed tapes and cameras on main roads, being spotted by the police chopper and then to be pulled over by a motorcycle cop. it goes on and on and i even worry when i go out and carry out a full check before i even put the key in the start.. if your in the car with key in the ;ignition your deemed to be driving. they would never see like they do in thai and tell where car checks are taking place. when they get you they get you and the fines for example $185 using a phone, no seat belt the same, if your over the limit on booze or positive on drugs you loose your car for a few days, if your hooning around you loose your car,

    i really dont think that any of these measures would happen in thai but it sure has worked here -

    most reports coming from the thai government departs are pulp fiction, and not even the author of these reports believes what he is writing, perhaps the press do

  14. Dear Thai people! Please stop allow the leaders of both sides of the divide to use you as pawns!

    It goes for the followers of madman Suthep as well for the followers of the wannabe Amart redshirt-leaders.

    They couldn't care less about you!! You are just means used to retain their spot at the trough!bah.gif

    we dont really need a high IQ to see what Suthep's hidden agenda is - he is a power crazy mouth and what he is suggesting is only furthering the divide between the two factions, he would be overjoyed to see a civil war breakout,, he will not accept any suggest to sitting down and talking to seek a resolution or even taking a few steps back, his latest suggest to seize and freeze Bkk is just another of a desperate person believing what he is saying and is loving the limelight he has thrust himself into, just look at him when he is busy spruking his hate stuff, reminds me of a little guy with a funny mo and others in the region, What will happen to him when this all dies down and the police go hunting for him to stand charges for what ever he has been charged with, i am amazed he has not asked HM the king to stand down. the red shirts have been the quite, reasonabely peaceful front in this latest protest and i just hope they stay this way but they have nothing to gain by doing otherwise. will be so interesting to see what 2014 bring to the LOS the thought gives me nightmares. and happy new year to all TV members,

  15. She's judging only by superficial appearances. Any fool can wash up and put on some long pants. I judge this vendor to be not a deep thinker.

    Oh come on Jingthing, i am sure you if not a deep thinker are at least an intelligent person ,judging by your posts ,even you must admit that half the dross that hangs around Pattaya look as if they were just released from a prison . doesnt it make you a little ashamed that even a poor working class Thai woman who has very little looks down on a large percentage of westerners here?

    I could not agree more with you, i am always ashamed when i see western slobs, with their tats etc, usually half boozed hanging off a little lady of the street, and i wonder what the average thai thinks, even when they are used to seeing these people must feel some resentment to westerners coming here and behaving like this - i feel that i hope i am not looked on in the same way - so i always dress neatly when i go out - not hard to freshen up look presentable - but seems some dont give a damm - maybe that the way they act and behave back home and i wonder if they would be tolerated back home- dont think so. if thailand had a big cleanup of all the scum farang here and send them back home then perhaps this country might have a better reputation, dont see thais acting low class back in the villages - just being themselves

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  16. As usual, the drama queen and Thaksin gig Sunisa over-reacts and distorts an issue, amply supported by Thaksin enabler rag, Khaosod news. She should stick to writing bogus biographies while AWOL from the Army.

    well Marty,, not hard to see where your thinking comes from another well informed newbee who comes along with his well informed comments and no idea about dragging children, no matter is they are children of high profile people or not - the fight is all about red and yellow - and in the case of Sut boys that is exactly what they are - stinking yellow to single out her son with threats, he should be charged with verbal assult but as usual he is well protected by his gang of thugs and its quite fitting that this sort of threat comment would come from him, he claims he is there for the people - so what people would they be -- count them on one hand - him and his cronies -- when this is all over and it will be - he ends up in jail for a long long time.

  17. I wonder if this is the same Kent Farrar from Morwell, Victoria. The age is about right and if it is I have had some dealings with him in the past, on a professional basis of course. A bit of a loose cannon who has priors for serious assaults.

    Could be a small world if it is himsmile.png

    clap2.gif they sure do breed them tough in that neck of the woods down Morwell way, the cultural center of Victoria, he might even be a mountain man from the snowy region, but he must have figured that he could do that as he often did this sort of thing after the local football match on a saturday, if your team was beaten go around burning the cars of the other team, now thats what i call tough - where men are men and women eat their young and the crows fly backwards to keep the sand out of their eyes. cheesy.gif

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  18. Don't these protesters have jobs?

    Funny I was thinking the same...

    anything not to work!...

    and when all of this is all over..no matter who prevails....these people will go back to their ho hum lives and realize that nothing, absolutely nothing has or will change in their own little worlds

    They could be the farmers that turned their rice into the government mills three or four months ago and still have not been paid.

    Few of these will be the small rice growers, no time for BKK. Most of these seemingly are from all walks of life, much different to the red mob, who were mainly from Issan and paid to (perform) Free food -bus-cash. the same people that had them vote that way in the villages etc.

    dont you think this mob is not getting fed, well seems you not see the pic yesterday with a huge pot of stew being handed out and there were tables with very large pots scattered down the road, they did not get here by themselves, wonder who supplied the buses, train fares, and what about the daily stipend, have to cover the cost of an odd beer as we all know that thais hate to drink.. better not to assume - and not hard to see what color your wearing

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  19. The protestors don't look typically middle class to me.

    No they dont look like city dwellers for sure but they do look typically Isan, - after being in the LOS for 16 years these are not the typical faces you see at the market or JJ on the weekend, more like farmers from NE- I have been through 2 of these crazy protests, 2010 and the previous one, bombs at the BTS, grenades being dropped on the police box at Saphan Kwai, got so pissed off when they closed the cimema i was watching at central.

    at least the guns have not come out yet , just need some crazy thai demonstrator with a belly full of mekong loose and off we go again with burnt out buses and cars littering the streets, dead bodies vanishing during the night with bodies turning up months later buried at some remote temple upcountry, no way is this the end - i am still amazed that the big companies are still keeping their investments there but lets see how long they well with this happening every few years, this country has no direct, its split down the middle, like headless chooks,they should arrest Mr Black S. or just make him vanish - i have a good pic of an army sniper who got rid of one retired general last time so why not here, things might settle down - well for the time being anyway, for how long one must ask.. china seems to be the place to me - for sure

  20. I get sick of the racist members on this forum and they should be banned. "Plague of Chinese tourists". We should welcome them. Perhaps Thais consider most of the low life sort of Farangs coming to Thailand a plague!!.

    I also get sick n tired of reading the same sort of dribble from stupid people who have nothing to contribute but would be the first to complain if something like this happened to them - but perhaps they would be happy staying in a non rated 4th rate hotel -- if you want to be racist go back to where you came from - my wife is chinese and she could buy you out 100 fold -- but i guess people like you just like to sit in front of your screen and think of stupid, brainless comments, sure a lot here think the same way -- nothing good to say- dont say anything - we are sick of it bah.gif and you would be shocked what the average thai thinks of you

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  21. I think she might have just wandered down from the hill tribe and her first time in the big smoke if she was to believe the story he was spinning - first date- marry - school owner - wow - her own little pot of gold -- they say gold diggers are just like hookers, only smarter - lol - its usually the farang who gets suckered in this way - well she has as much change of getting anything as a purple spotted flying pig -

    and he is a naughty boy - fancy telling nice honest truthful thai ladies aged 38 stories like this - shame on him -

  22. If she hasn't been married before, give gold at the wedding, and then negotiate the amount ( down ). If you decide to give gold at the engagement, do not be surprised if they ask for a lot more at the wedding. This is simply a case of your girlfriend getting as much for her family out of you as possible -- albeit in a nice way. And if your engagement doesn't last the course and end up in marriage, don't expect to get a refund !

    I have to tell you to leave this mum and gf alone - as other OP have said - that much for the engagement how much is your wedding going to cost you - 15 - 20 Baht gold -- it will never end - its the leaking room,. the buffalo died - the car not work need new one - the thais seem to think that seeing you love their daughter your now the family walking ATM - i am speaking from experience - lady from San Sai - the more time drew towards to wedding the more requests started flowing - saw lots of red flags and after consulting other thai friends - male and female they all advised me to leave well enough alone = so glad i did but the bust up was really messy - came home one day to find all my cloths schredded - laptop stabbed with a box cutter - lucky it was not my throat - crockery smached - my flat was a shambles - went to the BNB and they just shrug - mai ben rai - som nam na - so my advice is get out - go marry a chinese girl - they never ask for any thing - very happy and she just bought us 3 kg of gold bars - but she can afford it - but suggest you look further a field - i hate to use the word blood sucker but it does come to mind --- blood suckers are just like hookers only smarter - anyway - good luck - hope some of the advice on this thread has saved you a life time of grief -

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