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Posts posted by oyster

  1. 6 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    This age difference of victims does partially explain the lower death rates here in comparison with Italy for example.

    The  death rate here might go up once the virus hits areas unlike Bangkok where the elderly folks are living..


    6 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

    It does not bode well for Thailand. :wacko:


    In Italy, 99% of the people who died from Covid-19 are over 80 years old;
    and people with an average age of 40, even if they have the disease have no symptoms and are immune to it without needing to go to the hospital.


  2. 11 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Why would they give a murder victim a life jacket?


    I was a bit confused by this at first. A rock tied to his neck and a life jacket by his feet. How puzzling.


    Then the penny dropped. Float the rock out to sea in the life jacket, throw the rock overboard and down you go. I'll go for suicide. Very sad and somewhat disturbing that there are so many here.

    Life jacket to his feet....rock tied to his neck...which way is he going to hang. Salmon fishermen in Scotland wear chest high waders, great, until you trip or fall over, you then have two rubber boots full of air with you underneath. So if you're ever fishing on the Tay and see a pair of wellies upside down go bobbing past you can bet there is some poor <deleted> underneath.

    • Like 2
  3. O>K> so lets step back and take an objective view

    1. Cancer is anaerobic so get lots of oxygen and starve it.

    2. Cancer can only live in an acidic environment - so switch to alkaline, half a teaspoon of baking SODA in a glass of water every morning.

    3. You live in Thailand <deleted> Marijuana is a proven cure for cancer and guess what it's both legal and available in Thailand.

    4. A different attitude e.g. a positive one would go a long way.

    5. Chok dee. 

    • Sad 1
  4. Depends where you are, up in the Bans the village headman will put a cap on it, farmers need their sleep. Towns etc Police will respond, but tread softly. Thais are party people and weddings, funerals and birthdays are the norm. If it's constant then have a quiet chat at the local station and ask their advice, respect and politeness are a valued currency in Thailand.

  5. 1 hour ago, Nurseynutcase said:

    I bought some Branston pickle in Macro.  UK friends stunned that I got it here!!!

    There are Macros and Macros, busiest and best on Samui, Nakon Phanom and Sakon Phanom not quite so adventurous, but then it's a business and they have to stock what sells.

  6. There seem to be many variations on this, I always just fill in the immigration slip and leave it at that.


    Having said that last year the police requested I report to the station and fill in a form - which gave them the same details as had been given to immigration (I provided passport, Tabian Bann and Thai driving licence.............)..." Oh  very good , very good."


    I suspect someone in a new job needed to be seen to be busy


    If it bothers you, go to the police station, introduce yourself, tell then where you are staying and for how long, they will respect you for it and it never hurts to be on good terms with the police, especially in a country like Thailand.


    Chok dee

  7. Another question can be about the legal format of signs.

    How do we know if a sign has been put up legally or not?

    On highway 7, there are legal 120 Kph signs alternating with blinking number signs, i.e. "90'" surrounded by 4 smaller spots in the corner.

    Which sign should be observed?

    Is the blinking one in a legal format?

    I think the latter sign is meant to tell drivers to check their blood pressure and keep it under 90?

    What about those signs that are obviously handmade ?

    Try to discuss with the copper that the sign isn't of the legal format, and thereby you can ignore it. I know who's gonna win the argument. Hint : It wont be you.

    true, it will be my lawyer if the matter gets serious enough

    You would seriously consider using a lawyer ??? O.K. Rule 1 He is NOT your lawyer, he works for himself not for you, he may give you the impression he is working for you because that is what you want to hear, however the harder he appears to work, argue, obfuscate on your behalf the more he will charge. Should by some minor miracle (or sleight of backhand) you win - you will not only have a lawyers bill to pay, but congrats.... you've just pissed off the law. May I suggest a small fine, payable in cash on the spot, smiles, good humor and move on, stress free... you'll live longer, your wallet will stay fat. Reality check - try speeding in the U.K. the fines are outrageous, plus the points system - not to mention 100mph = instant ban, no smiles, no humour, and compared to Thais the police are arrogant obnoxious bastards (with the greatest of respect).... smile you're in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  8. I would say this writer need to go back to school and take more courses on international relations. What a stupid article written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about politica

    But he does appear to know quite a bit about people.....

    "Call in sick or take a vacation if need be. People will want to see you. All kinds of people. When in doubt, shut the door, pack your suitcase and fly home to watch a baseball game. If you let them see you, the meeting will be tweeted about in seconds, put on Facebook in minutes and splashed across news websites in hours. Comments will follow, and, trust me, you wouldn't want to read or know about half of them."

    And that sounds rather like Major Major Major from Catch 22, and I would imagine being the American Ambassador to Thailand would be a classic Catch 22 situation.

  9. Most of the fore going is valid. If you have any money spend some time with the boy, teach him to swim, talk with him. With regards to your wife - let it sweat awhile. Women (most in many countries) can change dramatically when influenced by their peers....and these are the peers she grew up with, most of them have known her since she could walk....PLUS her family. And they will all be telling her what she wants to do and what to say.

    Also never underestimate the poisonous potency of jealousy - she has had more than most of them will ever have, many of them would love to see you split just out of spite. You have lived with her for five or so years, be honest - is she acting out of character, or has she seriously been playing you along for the money? ask yourself could she have dumped you sooner had she really wanted?

    Thais whilst I find them lovely people tend to be far too money focused (people who have none usually are, and the women much more so....) so the conversation whilst she has been back will have been endless rounds of "How much?" - which is another way of asking - "How can I get some?"

    So to summarise, wait and spend quality time with the boy - he is your son, give him a Dad to remember - Oh and switch off the phone, silence is golden.

    Chok dee,

  10. The money will come from areas that the government no longer has to fund such as the stupid one Tablet one child scheme and other such schemes the government used to buy votes with. Not even the USA and GB who are financial powers buy their students computers.

    Pardon me - but I think classing USA and UK as financial powers my be a shade historical, the UK was seriously circa 1914 - two major wars and crap politicians have taken her to the verge of bankruptcy, likewise the States...............

  11. I am not familiar with this massacre and the reason behind it, but wonder did Germany ever offer a financial settlement ?

    I will read up on this. Sounds like a War Crimes Trial of one man.

    There is an excellent book called Oradour - a German parrol was ambushed by resistance fighters, all where killed except one frenchman......the truck contained a large quantity of gold, which was hidden nearby by the survivor who then scarpered. The gold had been spoils of war and was regarded as the units 'pension fund' when the rest of the unit heard of the massacre and missing gold they descended on Oradour, expecting the villagers to know the hidding place, they did not.......

  12. It probably will be a "diplomatic" report. As the whole investigation was messed up big time there will be no reason to upset Thai authorities.

    For what it's worth - the word on the island is,

    The pay off was 120m Bt.

    The officer in charge has taken early retirement

    And the son who gave the DNA sample was not the son in question.............

    .... I would imagine the Mets were also made aware of the Blue Diamond case.

    This is not a Thai knock - all countries run the rules to suit themselves.

    When people with big money are concerned, might is right............

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