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Posts posted by simonuk

  1. 7 hours ago, impulse said:


    Or, maybe like cities all over the world, they're protecting their tax revenue stream that comes from legally registered ($$$) and tax paying ($$$) public taxis.

    Are you having a <deleted>*ing laugh?  Legally tax paying taxis? In a cash industry known for not paying tax all over the world ?   At least very Uber driver has an account where all his earnings are recorded and traceable.  Taxi drivers are known the world over for understating their income and ripping off customers.    The only reason UBER are  restricted is because corrupt officials are getting paid off by unsavoury people who know the country better. 


  2. 7 hours ago, al007 said:

    A very big question


    I was censored by TV 2/3 WEEKS AGO, for posting about hospital malpractice being conscious of the defamation laws, and may I add having been censored, upset me greatly


    When I posted I very carefully made no reference to the  actual hospital and named no doctor 


    I was seeking general opinion on whether or not to pursue a malpractice claim through the courts, something worrying me greatly and on which I needed guidance and input, because of my added stress, I already have both Prostrate and Colorectal cancers,, knowing only too well the complications and difficulties of the legal system here


    My article was headed if I remember correctly TO SUE OR NOT TO SUE FOR MEDICAL MALPRACTICE


    It has been well proven that that consensus opinion amongst sensible people is generally better than a single opinion




    I look forward to comments

    This is Thailand , we may be majority Foreigners on here but this website is scared of its own shadow and due to it being run out of Thailand is subject to the same levels of censorship, ridiculous laws and  limits on freedom of speech and fear of reprisal as any other thai website or person living in Thailand. 

    Who can blame the mods ?Everyone in Thailand should be scared. The law is not your protector out here. 

    • Like 1
  3. Pathetic road laws barely enforced by a pathetic police force combined with the little prince complex that so many thai men have making it impossible for them to see their limitations when driving. Oh and disregard for the safety of others and ignorance when it comes to risk.   Hardly a day goes by when im driving in Thailand that i dont feel like smashing someone in the face  because they've come close orphaning my son through bad driving.  

  4. I once broke up with a girl who them claimed she was pregnant. She has a record of outrageous lies .  She refused to show any evidence or even a photo of her pregnant. Then said the  baby had been born disable at 24 weeks (yet weighed 3kg). Would provide no photos of the baby then suddenly was in englad whilst her baby was supossedly in an incubator.  I would never have walked away from a baby if it had been mine but she simply offered no evidence not even a single photo and just a long list of clear lies. There are some huge liars in Thailand and a woman scorned out there is a beast indeed.

    If she really is pregnant however then you need to take responsibility and make sure your* son or daughter is ok. You'll always think about it.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

    Perhaps he was 9.9kg at birth and needed the addition 0.1 gram of weight before operating! I've been here long enough to know my silly answer is in the realm of possibilities here. But more seriously I pondered the same question to myself. If you had a birth weight of 5kg with no place to expel feaces until you were 10kg would indeed probably kill you prior to reaching that weight! I guess it's like a doctor telling a 80 kg man "we need to sow your bum closed sir until you reach 160kg, next please".

    9.9kg  is the average boy at 1 year old not 1 day !


  6. 6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Not sure if translation was the problem, but this is totally wrong.  From the MORI site:




    China ? One of the best informed nations ? Really ? They know nothing of tianemen square, or the famines that killed tens of millions , they think they won the second world war. Total bullshit.

  7. It amazes me that people have such strong opinions on subjects they don't understand. It makes them look like ignorant fools to those who do understand the subject.

    Labeling him  a "druggie" is just stupid.


    I would counter and say if you drink alcohol and consume caffeine  take ibuprofine you are also a drug user. We are all drug users in that sense..

    Yes it's illegal but that's simply profit based politics at play . Morally cannabis should not be illigal. No one has ever overdosed on it.  It's no more addictive than masterbation or fast food.


    All over the world it's being reclassified as a medicinal herb but old farts that know nothing sit around drinking whiskey , smoking cigarettes banging whores claiming  this guy should be locked up.


    Screw the law. It's plain wrong.



    **Typed at speed on my phone...

  8. Just someone else getting their fingers grubby ..

    A gangster coup ..thats all..nothing will change, only where the money goes.


    Can anyone seriously imagine this island being returned to its former state...hotel taken down etc?  The amount of work to erase all those structure...never in a million , billion years.

    They cant even fix the pot holes in my town never mind recover an island.

  9. People claim the BiB are useless , lazy and corrupt. The say the politicians are self serving and selfish. They constantly slate thais for being inefficient and bad at their jobs.  They complain that the internet is slow and unreliable , that nothing works as it should . 

    Then they ask how an experienced , connected career criminal could cross a border between two developing nations.

    Go to almost any point along the Mekong or the boarder with Laos or  Myanmar and watch how immigrant workers cross  as they please with no checks. 

    I suspect 500baht and a simple story about a lost passport would be enough to get a boat ride across during the night whilst everyone elese is sleeping.


  10. If only there was some way to force the TV channels to show Road safety adverts. Children's ones in the day , adults ones in the evening.

    Maybe a month of nothing but programming that would be beneficial to the people saving thousands of lives each year.


    But where the money in teaching little Somchai from khorat to be able to stay safe?


    Growing up in the UK I was bombarded with safety messages as a kid. Probably why it's such a safe country to grow up in. Not perfect but much safer than here.

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