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Posts posted by Zumteufel

  1. I feel sorry for people who get paid in Euros. It would be the craps to have your currency deliberately devalued. The UK was smart to decline adopting the Euro.


    Unfortunately, (some?) other currencies in the region follows the Euro's path. SEK and DKK, for example. I mostIy get paid in the two latter. Unfortunately.

  2. Drugs ruin lives. They knew that.

    So does alcohol, vehicles, tobacco, weapons, chips and cakes. I'm not saying that drugs aren't dangerous, but I'm stating that the far majority of drug users are recreational users, not addicts - just like in the case of alcohol. If drugs were legalized, I think we'd see completely different usage patterns. The punishments are completely off balance.

    This comes from a person that does NOT use drugs apart from cigarettes, coffee and alcohol, although I've done my very light experiments in my youth.

  3. Crocs - The footwear of someone who has completely given up on life..


    What's wrong with Crocs? Comfortable,inexpensive, convenient, easy to clean and readily available in 45. Joan Rivers is dead.

    They're just not very stylish, and signal a general lack of interest in one's appearance (in my own humble opinion). Ask any woman what they think about crocs, and I'm sure you'll get the same answer.

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  4. Download them to a PC and just use an audio converter ( hundreds of free ones out there) to change the files to MP3. The files you see are probably WMA ( Windows Media Audio) and an Android device usually won't read them.

    They are almost certainly not WMA (nobody in their right mind will put a platform dependant media format on a website), but rather FLV (Flash Video), which does not play on most mobile devices these days - Android and iOS both.

  5. How about introducing spaces and punctuation in the written language as a start. No wonder Thais don't enjoy reading whenit'sallwrittenlikethisIwouldgetaheadacheforsure.

    Unfortunately, it's more than just that. I am amazed when I see just how slowly very intelligent Thais read their own language. They need to standardize and probably convert the written language to Latin letters, like Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines did. I realize that there is a lot of culture in sticking with the Thai characters, but when it is slowing down your entire country, it's time to move on.

    My Lord, you guys are joking, right??
    You actually think the script makes a difference?
    Incidentally, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean don't separate words either (they use commas, but Thai uses the space like a comma). You can look at the example links from wikipedia below.
    If you're joking, then they are cute comments. If you're not joking, then I'll guess that you've had trouble reading Thai, and decided to blame the language for being difficult. "I can't read Thai very well, so there must be something inferior about the language."
    If there's a problem with literacy, it's not got anything to do with how the language is written.

    I'm deadly serious. And yes, I think written Thai is overly compact and overly complicated. I'm not claiming the language is inferior (don't know where you' getting that from), just overly complicated compared to what it could be. I believe you when you say that experienced readers has no problem reading at all, but the problem here is obviously getting from novice to being experienced.

    If written Thai was purely left to right, I believe the lack of spaces between words would mean much less. But that's isn't the case, the letters ae, eh, ai, or being the culprits.

    Let's try applying a similar rule to english:

    The letters/combinations "A", "E", "AI" goes in front of a consonant.

    I just hate when it rains, because I get wet


    I just ahte wehn it airns , ebacuse I egt ewt

    That's still fairly readable. But when we remove the spaces and the punctuation:


    ...the real trouble starts. Where does a word end, where does it start? Of course, a trained eye will be able to see the patterns just as easily as we would in a normal english sentence with no spaces, but the combination of sometimes right-to-left token combinations and no spacing makes it unnecessarily hard to read for a novice.

    It's a syntax problem. It can be improved.

  6. When will the Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state?

    Not sure how many people know this, but anti-semitic incidents are way up all over Scandinavia.

    I guess there is no political price for the leaders there to pay to diss Israel in this way.

    Being scandinavian, I can tell you that the muslims are definitely getting most of the anti-flak.

  7. Get a Mac and an iPhone, activate all two-steps authorizations in gmail, hotmail. Easy life.

    Yeah cause Macs never get virus right? Still believe that?

    And they are very cheap to buy........Apple lovers are a strange bunch.

    What I find strange is that computing seems to be the only area where you by certain individuals are considered an idiot if you decide to not to go for a discount solution. And that judgement is made by people who have no idea what they're talking about. Go figure.

  8. vicio, on 29 Oct 2014 - 09:59, said:

    Get a Mac and an iPhone, activate all two-steps authorizations in gmail, hotmail. Easy life.

    Oh dear, here we go... only 9 comments before we get the old "get a Mac"... grow up, if you are not helpful then piss off....by the way, all you Mac owners, did you realise mac OS is based on Linux...now, all bow down and thank the penguin.

    It's not based on Linux, it's based on BSD Unix. No penguins was involved in the process.

    Whether the advice is helpful or not depends on the angle, I suppose. I've noticed cries for help on this forum regarding Windows related viruses etc. every day for the last four days.

    My main platform has been Mac OS for the last 15 years. Not a single virus/malware etc. problem, and I do check regularly. My parents got a new Windows computer 1.5 years ago, which is now so clogged with shit that it takes 10 minutes just to start. They use it twice a week, my computer is turned on basically all the time.

    No, switching platform would not solve the problem OP has at hand, but it would minimize it long term.

    Before anybody is mentioning the Shellshock security problem on certain versions, be aware that this needs an open SSH port in order to get exploited. The vast majority of Mac OS installations has this turned off by default. Those that do have it turned on knows what they're doing. Oh, and this security hole is not just limited to Mac OS, but to anywhere using Bash/SSH: Linux installations (the majority of web servers), other Unixes, certain routers, you name it. In any case, this security issue is not as bad as Heartbleed, for example, which affected a large number of servers with certain versions of OpenSSH.

    And FlashBack, the fake Flash installer? Who in their right ***** mind are installing software from an unauthorized source? That goes for all platforms, of course.

    And Macs are "expensive"? Bullshit. They just don't have any discount models. Open up any random PC and compare it to a Mac, and you'll notice the difference in build quality. Second hand price? How much do you get for a second hand PC these days? Nothing. Mac still go for a fair price even after some years behind them. You get what you pay for, period.

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