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Posts posted by Telecom66

  1. Hello Gentlemen and ladies,


    Your assistance please relating to 90 days reporting, if I may ask ...

    ... Please see passport photo below ...




    On 2020.03.05 I did a same-day return visa trip to Malaysia and was given the standard 28 days stamp on arrival valid to 2020.04.03

    On 2020.09.24 I did the mandatory 30 days extension at MTT before the deadline on the 25th.

    While at MTT on 2020.09.24, I tried to do my 90 days reporting.

    Staff looked at the 2020.04.03 visa expiry date and said "because amnesty - only one month - not need 90 days".

    But when asked, no staff could tell me what date I should do it on.


    In another thread here on TV I have asked UbonJoe if I need to do my 60 days extension now before 2020.10.31 or next month before 2020.11.27?


    But my question in this 90 Days Reporting thread is, can someone advise when I should be doing my 90 days report, and should I try to do it now or start counting after the amnesties are finished?

    Some have noted here that MTT is doing the 90 days again, and some report being turned away to do it later.


    Thankyou in advance for your assistance.


  2. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can apply for the extension in November.

    The 31st is only the day those still on the amnesty that have to apply for an extension to stay longer.

    UbonJoe, I hope you can help clarify for me please ...
    ... Please see Photo of Passport below ...


    The day before the September 25 deadline (2020.09.24) I did the 30 day extension at MTT.

    Two days later they announced the amnesty until 2020.10.27 - now extended to 2020.10.31 this week.
    I had been told by a dubious visa agent that my visa was ON HOLD during the Amnesty - my 30 days would be added to the end of the amnesty, making it valid until 2020.11.27 supposedly.


    Do I have to go in before 2020.10.31 or before 2020.11.27?

    If I do have to do an extension this week, would the on-going COVID-19 pandemic situation in Australia and lack of available flights be sufficient for 60 days extension.
    (Just to clarify the lack of flights - I am in a wheelchair and airlines now only allow 1 Disabled passenger per flight - currently a waiting list of 87 disabled people waiting for flights to Australia)

    Thankyou in advance for your assistance

  3. UbonJoe,


    I did a fly out / fly in to/from Malaysia and arrived in Thailand DMK on 06 March 2020 on tourist visa with no red stamp - so was part of amnesty.

    Have not done any 90 day reporting as per government recommendation.

    Was under the impression I did not need to do any 90 days report and/or leave Thailand until 26 September 2020.

    I did not know anything about the 31 August deadline and was not advised of such by my embassy.

    My 5 year old daughter (dual citizen) goes to school here in Bangkok.


    What should I do?





  4. On 11/14/2019 at 2:58 PM, Nip said:

    Worse still he will have the cost of the counter suing and have to surrender his passport to the court and possibly be unable to leave the country from at least one to perhaps three years. He will loose his visa and be placed on a court visa that will have to be collected from the court every 30 days taken to immigration to be stamped and returned to the court. He will of course loose in court have to pay compensation for defamation and legal representation. Welcome to the Thai justice system.

    Nip - you are wrong sorry.


    "surrender his passport to the court"

    Never happens - it is an old wives tale.

    The court will instruct him to place funds in Escrow for each of the cases.

    His lawsuit against the MP is a separate case to the counter-suit from the MP.

    Two different Escrows. He will likely be instructed to place THB 2,500,000 into each Escrow to guarantee the costs if he loses. Obviously he gets that money back if he loses.


    "be unable to leave the country from at least one to perhaps three years"

    The courts do not force you to stay here.

    You can appoint a lawyer and give them Power of Attorney Legal.

    He is free to return to his country and continue his business.


    "He will loose his visa"

    Wrong again sorry.

    Having a current court filing DOES NOT affect your visa, unless YOU choose to use your court documents to change to a special visa for court cases - which is 90 days NOT 30.


    "and be placed on a court visa that will have to be collected from the court every 30 days taken to immigration to be stamped and returned to the court"

    Has not been the case un the past 3 years anyways - I cannot speak before 3 years because that is when my court case started - so I only have first-hand experience for those 3 years.


    "He will of course loose in court have to pay compensation for defamation and legal representation"

    Again - not true.

    I have had great success in winning 3 out of my 5 court cases - 2 of which are ongoing but will ultimately succeed.

    YOU need to be in charge of putting together your own evidence.

    If you do it to international standards then you will win every time.

    Thai legal teams will just do enough to get over the line - whereas, if you do it yourself you will have everything covered and have evidence to refute everything the opposing team can throw at you.

    Thai Courts ALWAYS allocate costs of court to the losing team.

  5. On 11/19/2019 at 7:42 PM, steven100 said:

    If that is the case then the daughter is the only culprit. 

    250 million baht isn't chump change so I doubt she'll ever see it again.

    If you have ever had to legitimately change a bank withdrawal permission here in Thailand from "Signature" to "Thumbprint" (article wrongly called it fingerprint), you would know it is virtually impossible to do with just documents alone.


    Two years ago my ex's mother was days away from her death in ICU from respiratory failure.


    Because she could not talk or write or do any basic movement unaided, the paperwork required from the bank was rightfully impossible to complete without alerting all major authorities. Police Reports filed by 3 blood relatives, Police Report filed by immediate family. Village Headman report, Amphur Report, Doctor's report, lawyers statement, and finally, bank investigators physically going to her ICU bedside to attempt communication.


    Finally, the saving grace was that all relatives noted that her mother had been genuinely transferring all her small plots of land into my ex's name over her final 2 years, with full knowledge of all the relatives and village headman. They all noted that this was done by her mother without force or fear. They all noted that any conversations that they had with the mother was while the daughter was not present, and she was doing it of her own free will.


    All those documents had to be files at the courts before the bank would authorize her lawyer, who already had power of attorney, to accompany my ex to the bank and the change was made just before her mother's passing. All these hoops to jump through, and her account had about THB 87,000 not THB 250M.


    Even in a clear-cut case such as what I mentioned, the bank was extremely cautious - and rightly so.


    Without mentioning the bank by name, I will say that is was NOT Kasikorn. The mother had more sense than that.

  6. On 9/17/2019 at 9:10 PM, JaiLai said:

    are you a policeman?

    NO - Just observant conundrum aficionados of what is fake and what is real!!!


    The 2 photos in the OP montage showed conflicting visual images:

          LEFT: a much larger, much older, child on a roof?


          RIGHT: a much thinner, much younger, child on a roof?


    As Photoshop seems to be the modern-day weapon-of-choice for visual deception, I merely chose to use Photoshop to debunk which photo was REAL and which was FAKE.


    The Right squashed photo is INACCURATE and the Left proportional Photo is ACCURATE - based on the images provided !!! 


    Nothing More to See Here Then - Move along ...




    Just the Facts - None of the BS !!!

  7. On 9/12/2019 at 8:58 AM, webfact said:

    The boy was in school uniform and seemed aged about four or five

    Seeing as the photo on the left is correct proportions, (Crossroads sign: Diamond background top to bottom and left to right are same size | Honda Logo: not stretched) and the photo on the right has been squashed in to fit the frame (Green traffic light: not circle - Top to Bottom is taller than Left to Right | Vehicles: Rear-View Mirrors: taller than wide), that IS NOT a 4-5 year old on the roof of that car.


    My Thai daughter is almost 5 years old, and less than half that size!!



    (Photo: 2017 MG Sedan MG5 1.5L Sunroof)


    As an MG5 Sunroof opening is 600 mm (24") wide by 300 mm (12") long, and there is NO sunroof showing either side of the roof-surfers' shorts, that is one very overweight man-child sitting on that roof.


    Maybe, (at a stretch), I could accept that this is an extremely overweight 4th-5thgrade student, but certainly NOT a 4-5 year old student.


    I suspect that something got lost from the original translation.


    But, looking at the photo of the MG's sunroof that I included above, you must admit it would look very enticing to an ignorant young male to sit up there and lock his legs under the front edge, while another equally ignorant male drove nonchalantly down a main highway, expecting no one to notice or judge...

  8. 21 hours ago, Dick Crank said:

    You appear eager to end this discussion which has evolved into a thread concerning important issues regarding health insurance abroad and not just specifics of the op's case.

    Hello Dick,


    "this discussion which has evolved into a thread concerning important issues regarding health insurance abroad"

    Whilst I cannot agree more with your sentiments Dick, but, aforesaid "discussion concerning important issues regarding health insurance abroad" should not be buried on Pages 10-11-12 of the "family of dublin man injured in horrific crash in thailand appeal for help to pay his medical bills" thread.


    Why not start a new thread with the heading "Important Issues Regarding Health Insurance Abroad" so that the heading actually contains all the relevant content being hidden here. Get the Moderators to Sticky it to the Top of the Forum due to it's importance and relevance to all. That way all foreigners can access that information with a quick relevant search!!


    Do not forget Dick that there are New Members joining daily, and wading through every thread to find the Golden Nuggets of information that this forum often produces, results in aforesaid Golden Nuggets more-often-than-not being lost or buried in obscurity.


    Seems more logical to me to have them concentrated upfront as a highlighted specific topic - Just Saying...


    TELECOM66 Out

  9. 7 hours ago, Huckenfell said:

    I understood that he is Irish and from Dublin which is a long way from Sydney ?


    Hey Huckenfell,


    Yes, as you can read from the GoFundMe page, he is a Dublin-born Irishman who lives in Sydney Australia with his wife and baby daughter, who was on holiday in Thailand.


    Extracted from the GoFundMe Updates Page his family setup:


    Update provided by Mags Penrose: "We are delighted to share the news that Alan has been cleared by his attending doctors to fly, and he has arrived back in Sydney (accompanied by his Dad) to continue his treatment there. He is so excited to see Mel, and to be able to give his daughter Kia a huge hug. It has being a very difficult two weeks for Alan but the fighter he is, stands to his remarkable progress so far. He has received excellent medical support in the Thai hospital. He will have some time to go with his recovery whilst receiving medical assistance at home, and certainly faces further challenges over the coming weeks and months, but he has made great progress this far. 
    Your support and generosity has been overwhelming and meant everything in Alan’s recovery. Our families can’t thank you enough for your donations. 

    TELECOM66 Out

  10. On 11/28/2018 at 3:15 AM, Gas666 said:

    Bullshit...all of my travel insurance policies have included coverage for riding a bike under 200cc....clause being need to be licenced..sober and wearing a helmet. I know some policies don't cover bikes at all..most don't cover big bikes..but if u r too dumb, incompetant or lazy to check this...suck it up????

    Hello Gas666,


    "clause being need to be licenced..sober and wearing a helmet" = "Even though the policy says it MIGHT include it, the Insurance Underwriters will DENY the claim". 

    You have just listed the 3 "Burdens of Proof" your Travel Insurance underwriters have already stated they intend to use against you to deny the claim. 

    Whilst you may or may not be licenced and able to produce it as evidence, the burden of proof still rests with you to prove you were, either and or, not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, AND, that you were wearing a helmet.

    Better hope there is a working traffic CCTV camera just before your accident, and an attentive resident in the hospital's Emergency Room!!


    "but if u r too dumb, incompetant or lazy to check this...suck it up????"

    Well Gass666, where do I begin.

    ignoring the facts that you technically did not even start the sentence, used 3 dots instead of a hyphen, did not capitalize the first letter, started a sentence with the word BUT or AND, typed "u" instead of typing "you", typed "r" instead of typing "are" spelt the word incompetent wrong, did not put a comma after your incorrectly spelt word "incompetent", again used 3 dots instead of a hyphen, not capitalizing the 'S' in suck, and last but not least, not finish the sentence with a period.

    I think you have made it clear for all to see and read that, it is not "I" that is, either and or, DUMB or LAZY? 


    Starting your post with the word BULLSHIT, and, finishing with a quality "suck it up" with a "Pile of Poo" emoji?

    Again Gas666, I think you have made it clear for all to see and read that, it is not "I" that is, either and or, DUMB or LAZY?


    And before you say that I started a sentence with the word BUT, it is a QUOTE, not a SENTENCE!!

    "You are NOT Smarter than anyone else!!

    You are NOT dumber than anyone else!!



    Just the FACTS guys and Gals!!

    Not the COMMENTARY and BS Please!!


    TELECOM66 Out

  11. On 11/28/2018 at 6:45 AM, MARK74 said:

    Going through members previous posts, creepy! as well as moaning about spelling.

    Far too much time on your hands, really

    Ah Mark (Yawn) you are rather repetitive.


    Actually your posts contained so little substance that there was nothing really to "read" - I was being polite and using the word in a purely figurative manner actually.


    TELECOM66 Out

  12. 1 hour ago, finnishmen said:

    yesteday i has just in immigration, drive to city and go immigration sametime, 92 day because saturday not has open, i go to monday,only 5 minute ,ready, no need add any paper,only officer looking passport and taker old notice paper and made new when need next time go 90 report back, wery guickly and easy have,not need only 400K in bank account ,i no have but can made 1 year visa. need only homecountry you pension salary payer paper were has you salary at english,then co embassy he write new paper this and then go to own immigration and have paper you has salary more than 400K / year. simple. or not, if live far at bkk need go to bkk and embassy not easy trip.

    Hey Finnishmen,


    "not need only 400K in bank account ,i no have but can made 1 year visa. need only homecountry you pension salary payer paper were has you salary at english,then co embassy he write new paper"


    Now that many of the Embassies are following America, Australia, and the United Kingdom policy of NOT SIGNING Stat Decs about income, this will probably be the last year that you can do that. As far as I can tell, from some of the press releases, the Finnish Embassies are going to soon follow with NOT SIGNING the Income related Stat Decs too.


    TELECOM66 Out

  13. Two words from the wise to the ill-informed among us in this great forum of mis/dis-information:



    Before casting dispersions and before spruiking mightier-than-thou hyperbole, read the FINE PRINT of your own Travel Insurance Policy to discover how vulnerable YOU are to natural disasters or every-day occurrences.


    God forbid you find yourself on/in a motorcycle or bicycle or wheelchair and doing everything right, and still be hit by an idiot with NO insurance.


    ALL Travel Insurance Policies categorize ANY and ALL propelled activity, not conducted inside a motor vehicle wearing a seat belt, as HIGH RISK, and therefor is NOT INCLUDED on ANY Standard Policy in the world today.


    Even though the policy says it MIGHT include it, the Insurance Underwriters will DENY the claim out-of-hand (out-of-hand means 'refusing without consideration or discussion')!!


    Check it out!! See if your Shiny Lilly White Butt is so Shiny after all?


    So, for all you "'Keyboard Royalty'" who think your butt is safely insured, DO NOT use or do any of the following:

    Drink Alcohol and then Do ANY Movement, Take Non-Prescription Over-the-Counter Medications, Jog, Run, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Dirt-Bike, Go-Kart, Rollerblade, Skate, Skateboard, Jet-Ski, Ski, Banana-Boat, Speedboat, Use a Ferry without Remaining IN Your/Rental Car at ALL Times, Ride in a Taxi WITHOUT Wearing Seat-Belt, Ride in a Mini Van, Take a Public Bus, Transported in an Ambulance, Using a Wheelchair, Transported in a Police Car, Ride a Ferris Wheel, Pay Admission to an Amusement Park, Injure Property or Yourself or Another whilst pushing a Shopping Trolley, Ride an Escalator, Enter a Lift, Workout at a Gym, Do Weights, or any of the multitude of other daily or nightly activities that constitutes forward momentum. If the other party DOES NOT HAVE Insurance, then your in for a BIG SURPRISE!!

    (Sex is a 'Borderline' because, technically, the amount of forward momentum is equal to the amount of reverse momentum, therefor, they cancel each other out. You would therefor argue that you or your partner fell off the bed and broke XYZ whilst you were on your WITHDRAWAL STROKE, and, NOT whilst you were on your THRUSTING STROKE). ????


    Read the Product Disclosure Document from your Travel Insurance Provider, and then come back here and tell me that you understand ALL THE FINE PRINT AND TECHNICAL JARGON. If you DO I will happily call you a liar. PDD or PDS are documents intentionally peppered with double-meaning wording, designed solely to confuse you, and purposely 'lull' or 'fool' you into a false sense of security.



    It would appear that many readers have either not read the article completely, or, are keyboard-warrior first-responders with expertise in mis-categorizing trauma injuries armed solely with a warrior medical kit (armchair + keyboard + mouse).


    Why not comment on the facts, and do not spread false and negative comments that simply show how ill-informed you are.

    IF you have FACTS to add - then please ADD THEM!!


    Everyone who READS can read the same WORDS as you.

    Everyone who READS can read the same LINES as you.



    You are NOT Smarter than anyone else!!

    You are NOT dumber than anyone else!!



    Just the FACTS guys and Gals!!

    Not the COMMENTARY and BS Please!!


    TELECOM66 Out


    • Like 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I do not think that doctor's here,take the Hippocratic oath.

    Also the line "first do no harm" was not an original line in the oath.It was added later.but does not strictly apply to the Hippocratic oath.

    But i would be happy to be corrected if i am wrong.

    Hey Khon Kaen Dave.


    Extract from Post 212 on Page 9:


    You are wrong about your assumptions of the Hypocratic Oath here in Thailand.
    In Thalaind there are 3 different versions of the Hypocratic Oath. Different medical Universities swear to their preferred version.
    However, NONE of the 3 different versions of the Hypocratic Oath are as strongly worded in commitment as the Oath in Western Standards.
    The closest is the version heralded by the late King - which is only sworn to by Doctors graduating from Mahidol University. Hence the reason why the late King always went to the Hospital that is run and staffed by Mahidol University.
    The majority of Doctors here in Thailand swear on the Oath "I will always try my best to do my best".
    Additionally, it takes massive misconduct for a Doctor here to be struck off the register. That is not to say it does not happen - just that it takes so much time and money to prove misconduct that the average Thai's just give up, accept, and do not rock the boat.
    Besides, you are just as likely to be sued by the Doctor for defamation in retaliation!!


  15. 3 hours ago, tandor said:

    ...all the ghouls and vultures gathered..how come no traffic police moving them on..next thing there will be a food cart and T shirt stand setting up there...amazing Thailand.   RIP.

    Hey Tandor.


    While I agree that from our Western perspective it looks like the Thais are treating a dead body as a spectacle - that is actuallt the exact opposite of what they are doing.


    Please allow me a moment to enlighten TV members as to why Thais do this.


    Thai's (Buddhism) belive that after you die and the Ceremonial Rights of Cremation are performed, your (soul or spirit) gently rise and floats up with the heat from the Cremation Kiln, to be reborn again with either a higher status if you were good, or with a lower status if you were bad. That is why there is a week of daily "Bathing Rites" at the temple to cleanse the spirit of all the pollution and baggage from this life, prior to cremation. This is the exact reasons why Thai's often treat soi dogs like their own.


    The cremated ashes are a physical reminder for your loved ones - but the Cremation Ceremony is where what we in the western world refer to as out "Spirit" or "Soul" is uplifted for Buddha to return to earth in a new form as he sees fit.


    Therefore, when a Thai comes apon an accident where there are dead body's, there is a sense of duty to help see the spirit on to the next stage safely. It is seen as disrespectful to leave the scene of an accident before the bodies have been removed. If it is a Thai cadaver, some people will pay their respects and move on early, because they feel that a Thai spirit has been taught Buddhism and understands the journey and where it needs to go.


    When the Thai's see a Farang cadaver, they believe that it's spirit will not understand the  Buddha spirit that is about to take it by the hand and help safely ferry the Farang spirit back to their own god. I use the term "Ferry" because it is a similar belief in Christian traditions to put coins on the eyes or in the mouth of the cadaver prior to burial to "pay the Ferryman". While it may seem that they stop and gawk, they actually have a sense of duty from their Buddha teachings to stay until the Farang spirit has safely been ferried to the next level. Typically this is either an Ambulance, Medical Examiners vehicle, or the Community Foundatiion Ambulances. 


    That is why the first responders that responds to a cadaver, look like they are performing religous rituals prior to collecting the body. They are merely preparing the spirit to commence it's journey to a new life.


    So next time you see Thai's "stopping and gawking", see it as a sign of respect to the deceased - not as a sideshow. Yes they will be laughing and smiling. For the Thai's, the spirit has the opportunity to go on to better things - and that is a cause for celebration.


    Thai's are actually celebrating at a funeral, even though it is a very somber and highly emotial time. Everyone still mourns the loss of loved ones and cries. But all the rituals you see are a celebration and transition of the spirit to the next life.


    If I was Christian's family and friends, I would be Thanking them for overseeing the safe transfer of Christian's spirit at a time when they could not be there to do it themselves.

  16. 2 hours ago, bipper said:

    He had government social insurance. The same as any worker in Thailand has. On Thai wages personal BUPA cover was most likely unaffordable for him, unlike the fat armchair keyboard warriors on this site. He was most likely going to a hospital recommended to him by his Facebook biker group who I must say like myself are shocked at this tragic deat h which was most likely caused by being pushed into a wall by a driver who didn't stop. Christian was an experienced big bike rider. Next time you guys are on the road in your Isuzu or Toyoto Hilux keep your sleepy eyes open for motorcyclists. Much better than spewing <deleted> on this site I read day by day. <deleted>!    

    Unlike Bipper, I did not have the pleasure of knowing Christian Melzer before he died

    R.I.P Christian. My condolences to you Bipper, his Facebook Rider group, and of course his family and friends. R.I.P...


    I can, however, offer my informed opinion as a fellow Big Bike rider for the last 45 years - the last 16 years riding Big Bikes and Small Bikes in Thailand. I also understand and speak Thai very well, so I was very interested in the running commentary of the videographer, and in my opinion, his many "crucial inaccuricies" and "false assumptions" that he was purveying to the Thai community,


    00. ASSUMPTION: My gut feeling, as Bipper has already confirmed in his earlier post, is that Christian Melzer was indeed an experienced bike rider. You do not make a request to Facebook Rider group for a hospital recommendation "Never mind in which area in BKK or around", unless you are both experienced and confident in riding your Big Bike in all Bangkok traffic conditions. He had clearly stated he did not have money, so it is presumed he was not planing to take taxis, Baht Buses, or BTS/MRT/AirportLink - he was planning to ride his Big Bike. When he died, Christian had: a correctly fitting helmet (still on his head even after a 20 metre fall), belted long shorts, shirt, decent riding footware, and a valid THAI Driving License. Christian was obviously NOT your average Thailand Big Bike accident victim. He was not a drunk or drugged up Farang holiday sex tourist, with too much money and too little experience, who hired the biggest CC ("Cubic Centimeter" or "Coffin Catcher") Big Bike from a disreputable Beach Road bike shop, and accelerated off to his imminent demise on a rocket he had never previously taken for a test-ride. Christian was on a Big Bike he had ridden for at least 6 months, having gone to the trouble of getting a legitimate driving license. He had current Social Security Insurance, so obviously he was working in Thailand legally.


    It is worth pointing out that, in my opinion, 6 months riding experience in Thailand is eqivalent to 2 x lifetimes of riding experience in our countries.


    01. Christian stated in his last Facebook posts that he had been going to Chularat 9 hospital for the last 6 months "I have 6 months to fight with an infection and my hospital Chalurat 9 not get it away", so he would have travelled that section of road, particularly that overpass where the accident occurred, many many times over the last 6 months. Assuming he saw the doctor every month, that is 6 times he has previously successfully travelled that route. If he was in as much pain as he stated in his last Facebook posts, it is assummed he was going to the doctor every 2 weeks, that would be 12 times he has previously successfully travelled that route.


    02. As a fellow bike rider, I therefore find it impossible to believe that he overestimated his abilities (e.g. was speeding or skylarking) on a section of road that he knew so well, on a Big Bike he knew well, and a route he had travelled the return trip often. It may be worth noting that for Christian to be on that overpass travelling in that direction, he was riding AWAY FROM Chularat 9 hospital, so his last posts on Facebook an hour before must have been made while sitting frustrated in Chularat 9 hospital after yet another futile visit. It may also be worth noting that the curve on that overpass is a big sweeping curve with a slight incline and quite good road surface. It would be a very comfortable corner to take at well over 100 Kms per hour if you wanted to


    03. Speed was NOT the factor as the Big Bike only travelled 40 meters (guestimated by counting the number of wall panels seen in the video ) down the road after the accident. Projected initial speed is calculated using the followig International standardized formula...

    Police Accident Investigation - Slide to stop formula:

    S1 = √ (30df)

    S1 = √ (30 *120 *0.41)

    S1= √ 1476

    S1 = 38.42 Miles per Hour

    S2 = 61.82897743659784 Kilometres per Hour


    S1 = Initial speed in miles per hour (?)
    S2 = Initial speed in kilometres per hour (?)
    d = total horizontal distance of motorcycle slide in feet (40 metres = 120 feet)
    f = coefficient of friction of motorcycle (0.42)

    g = gravity (32.2 feet per second squared)

    * I chose to use the coefficient of friction as 0.42 rather than the 0.29 to allow for any wall scraping and slight uphill elevation.


    Honda   f=0.41

    Suzuki   f=0.42


    Preview Technical Paper - Test 4


    04. No brake skidmarks on the road indicates Christian was neither expecting an accident nor avoiding an impact. This indicates that Christian's accident WAS NOT a single vehicle accident. A rider as experienced as Christian, would have instinctively and immediately locked up the brakes to avoid any imminent collision or impact. The lack of tyre skidmarks means that it was an unexpected impact which caught him unawares. From my personal experience, and having seen the area where the acident occurred in the video, my gut instincts tell me that a vehicle/truck either side-swiped him from behind, or a vehicle in the right Airport exit lane, realized they were in the wrong lane and quickly jerked across without looking into Christian's left lane  to Minburi. Another 30-40 metres down the road is the concrete devider wall forcing the right lane to split off to the Airport, and forcing the left lane to split off to Minburi. Ironically that I at the same point as Christian's bike came to rest.


    05. Suicide is an absurd suggestion. If an experienced bike rider was having suicidal thoughts, there are much more definative ways to end your life. In fact, I would hazard a guess that it would be almost impossible for an experienced rider to have Christian's accident on purpose - your natural survival instincts would kick-in way before impact. I have friends who are professional Hollywood stuntman who have worked on some of the craziest movie stunts, including the last Mad Max Fury Road movie back when they were filming in late 2014. I remember back then they told me that some of the stunts were so near impossible to do because their natural instincts would auto-correct them at the last minute. And those guys are trained to have no fear - but still, once the brain goes into self-preservation mode it forces you to auto-correct. It would be near impossible for Christian to intentionally ride and "kiss" the wall with the intention of falling over the edge. In actual fact, if it was a single vehicle accident, and Christian was leaning into the curve when the tyres hit the wall, the bike would have fallen over to the right and not the left..


    06. Video impact marks do not make sense. The impact marks on the barrier wall in the video are very short, too close together, and appear 10 metres past the point where Christian's body lay on the ground. The videographer guesstimates that because the flyover is above 2 other flyovers, and typically the clearance is 6 metres, that the drop from Christian's flyover to the ground is about 20 metres. Now because Christian was travelling with forward momentum and with a projected vault angle of 45 degrees, it is calculated that Christian went over the wall some 20-25 metres before the point of where his body came to rest. That point corresponds with the last 40 metres available before the concrete split barrier begins..Destinct black scuff marks seen in the video which would suggest a sudden sharpe left turn into the wall (as if the bike was hit and ricocheted or the handlebars clipped by a passing vehicle), are not consistent with the long black scuff mark you would expect to see from a single vehicle kissing the curb. But the scuff marks appear AFTER the point where his body lays - not 20-30 metres before as would be expected. In fact, there is almost nill evidence to show that the bike hit the wall or skidded down the road. The whole accident sceen defies logic. Christian's black shirt has white scuff marks on his chest from when he has fallen over the wall, but there are no signs of the bike having hit the wall or skidded along the roadway..


    07. Police suggestions makes no sense. While the police will always try to find the easiest excuse possible, their initial thoughts that he hit the barrier himself is not even within the realms of possibility. There is much more to this than meets the eye. Somewhere, someone knows the truth. Let's hope that the CCTV or someone's dashcam has the definitive answers for his family and friends. But until then, the maths and science and physics does not add up to a single vehicle accident.


    Just my 2 cents worth... :shock1:

  17. 1 hour ago, KhaoNiaw said:

    It really doesn't. There are many posts here that show how well the system CAN work. It really depends on the area, the hospital, the doctors and all the other variables. He'd obviously realized that he needed to change hospitals but there's nothing to say that played any part in his death.

    I completely agree with KhaoNiaw.


    The Social Security system here in Thailand works quiet well. Just last week the government increased the maximum treatment amount from 1 million Baht to 2 million Baht to keep in line with modern day treatment costs.


    That said, it really does depend on the hospital, it's administrators, and it's doctors, as to whether you get a good experience/outcome or a bad one.


    I have had personal experience with Chularat 9, as a private patient not Social Security, and even as a private patient the treatment was a comedy of errors and ommissions from start to finish. Not a hospital I would ever recommed. Obviously Christian did not knw that when he elected Chularat 9 as his Social Security provider, but was very obvious to him 6 months later once the hospital had thte SS money but Christian had no respite from his condition.


    I still believe that Christian's accident had nothing to do with his leg or pain. I believe that the truth will show he was side-swiped off his bike and it was a hit-and-run. In our countries, the driver would be charged with manslaughter or even murder. The truth will emerge, and more than likely it will be video footage from someone following him, or, the CCTV cameras that are positioned all the way around that curve.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Janner1 said:

    All doctors all over the world have to sign the Hypocratic oath, to preserve life and give treatment in a timely and professional manner.

    If they do not sign the oath they can not use the moniker " Doctor " , and they can not lawfully practise , it is not enough to study and pass exams.

    That is why they can be " Struck off "


    This is not meant in any way to be offensive to you , merely a clarification

    Janner1, this is not meant in any way to be offensive to you either, merely a clarification - but you are wrong about your assumptions of the Hypocratic Oath here in Thailand.


    In Thalaind there are 3 different versions of the Hypocratic Oath. Different medical Universities swear to their preferred version.


    However, NONE of the 3 different versions of the Hypocratic Oath are as strongly worded in commitment as the Oath in Western Standards.


    The closest is the version heralded by the late King - which is only sworn to by Doctors graduating from Mahidol University. Hence the reason why the late King always went to the Hospital that is run and staffed by Mahidol University.


    The majority of Doctors here in Thailand swear on the Oath "I will always try my best to do my best".


    Additionally, it takes massive misconduct for a Doctor here to be struck off the register. That is not to say it does not happen - just that it takes so much time and money to prove misconduct that the average Thai's just give up, accept, and do not rock the boat.


    Besides, you are just as likely to be sued by the Doctor for defamation in retaliation!!

  19. 2 hours ago, robertthebruce said:

    Can I just add,...


    just back frommthe Park to do my Jogging and Exercises, and 99 percent of the Thais who were there were all very pleasant , smiling to me and saying Hello...


    one fsmily even even offered me food, as I was jogging ....


    on on the way back, popped into 7-11 for some things, only had 40 Baht on me, shopping came to 42 Baht, went to put one item back and the young girl, said, NO!, not a problem....


    how kind is that...


    apart from how they drive, I cannot fault them genuine honest sincere loving people...., well the ones that I come across.....


    +1 :smile: Same Here

  20. 3 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:

    USD 100,000 for  a three day "sojourn"?


    Or a money laundering weekend?


    Where did you get USD 100,000 from???


    The article clearly states " 135,600 baht worth of Singapore dollars " which is approximately SGD 5,500 Singapore Dollars, or approximately USD 3,750.


    Still a lot of money to leave behind in a taxi, but 12DrinkMore if you are only doing your money laundering USD 4,000 at a time, that might explain your eyesight and reading problems. :smile::smile:


    Looks like 12DrinkMore  needs 12 Drinks Less :smile::smile:

  21. On 9/1/2016 at 11:35 AM, dageurreotype said:

    This is all such bs a British architect built my house and several well known resorts here. Much ado about sweet sod all other than to show the Thais in an increasingly xenophobic light which helps neither them nor their wished for investors. Grow the <deleted> up ..


    Khun Srisuwan, reading the Thai original news article, is neither 'Farang Bashing', nor 'xenophobic. 


    A poor translation from Thai to English is the reason for the confusion.


    The architect is actually German not British.


    His concern stems from two different Thai Constitutional laws which precludes foreigners from working in certain 'COMMERCIAL HIGHRISE PROJECTS', and the non-Thai personal liability constraints.


    It has been a Thai Constitutional law dating back many many constitutions, that a Thai Citizen MUST be the head architect on all projects that fall outside the normal domestic dwellings and small commercial projects classification.


    Right from the start, MahaNakhon has allegedly fallen outside the classifications that allow a foreign Architect to be at the helm. This is purely about public liability accountability if something goes wrong or collapses. For foreigners, public liability is technically capped and restricted, whereas public liability of a Thai National in Thailand is technically unlimited (as long as you can prove evidence to substantiate your claim of financial loss)


    The second issue speaks to an alleged corruption issue, whereby the Architect has allegedly used a false Thai name at the time of plans submission for approval. If he had used his foreign name on the plans, the plans would not have passed the scrutiny of the process committee.


    From the original article, there is no real feeling that it is a Thai versus Farang issue for him - just 2 different Constitution based questions that are very legitimate, and well within his rights as a Thai Citizen to question.


    Try to keep it in the context of what the original article was trying to do - expose corruption - nothing about Bad Farang. My personal opinion is that he should be applauded for having coconuts big enough to stand up and be vocal about it.


    While I am not defending either his actions or his views, the original English translation was seemingly designed to produce polar opposite comments and fuel the  'Farang Bashing', nor 'xenophobic' fires - simply because it is a trending topic here on TV.


    Also, I suspect, it has been very fruitful click bait!!

  22. Chivas

    Engage the services of the lawyer as a MEDIATOR and not as your legal representative.

    Thai's are always amicable to talk to a third party who is not seen to be a threat. By engaging the lawyer as a mediator she will feel more comfortable about opening the door of communications. Even if she only talks to the mediator and never to you, you will get a lot further than you ever will talking yourself.

    Take the soft approach and it will pay off for sure. This is the Thai way of resolving problems like this. Usually it is a distant family friend who is seen as not too close to either party, but a wise ear to listen and give sensible advice. NEVER use the hammer approach as that will ALWAYS backfire in your facw.



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