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  1. Well at least it wasn't ladyboys this time or they were ugly ladyboys with balaklavas
  2. More quality police with mental disorders where do they recruit them the Looney bin its a stain on thai society to pay for promotions
  3. It won't happen they have the guns famous last words there won't be a coup
  4. Looks pretty roadworthy I don't think where's the mot people looking the other way
  5. How about getting the police to do their jobs instead of sitting around on their phones but they can't do that they are too busy trying to earn extra cash
  6. Yes that's what happens when you're in bed with China too late now the horse has bolted maybe they should devalue the baht to compete at least that should make them competitive
  7. Just another day on thai roads these sidecar motorbikes are so dangerous most of them have no working lights and they take up as much room on the roads as a car combined with drunk driving its a dangerous mix
  8. Another case of shoddy occupational health and safety but this is Thailand life's cheap
  9. Probably saw his hospital bill
  10. Just another day in paradise with a souped up driver
  11. Just a knee jerk reaction to Trump imposing tariffs on China but be careful because do you think they can get through the back door to the US think again he's not that stupid
  12. Yes unfortunately a lot of these degrees aren't worth anything I know so many of these graduates who want to be teachers but there is no placings for them there dreaming I know first hand after spending money on university and getting no where thank goodness for 7-Eleven I know a lot of them are out cutting rice for 300 a day with chemistry teaching etc degrees

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