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  1. Watch this space sorry I was asleep did I miss something
  2. Yes wellness walk around Bangkok breathing in toxic fumes while being hassled great for my wellness anything to bring in money
  3. Unfortunately these lorries go way too fast and most don't indicate just stay well clear rip
  4. I think they mean a loan a loan shark really money lenders wouldn't do this would they
  5. Nothing to see here I don't believe it me and my dad are the greatest
  6. So sad but 4 on a motorbike no helmets I see this all the time it's about time the police do something but this is Thailand so nothing will happen I know people need to get around but they should be a bit safety conscious
  7. But i guess its ok if they are from China or Russia just have good look around the tourists areas see who's running this country its a pitty really
  8. 20 percent interest! lock him up or deport him these people should be rooted out
  9. Because daddy told to do it nothing to see here
  10. I've been travelling and staying in Thailand for 30 years and phuket used to be a fun nice place but lately the tourist areas are turning into fight zones maybe its the class of tourists that they are getting
  11. Anyone who invests in Thailand should know the rules but they think they know better might as well burn your money
  12. Typical Thailand give me more money and we'll fix it the whole immigration system really needs to be upgraded but that won't happen too many people getting kickbacks
  13. I don't understand one minute they say it's quiet next there is a boom of tourists please make up your minds but it is tat talking so the calculators are working over time
  14. It really has to do with the strength of the Thai baht I know a lot of people not coming because they can go elsewhere for less money but they won't listen and trying to get more Chinese is not the right path in my opinion
  15. How about all the farang that have been ripped off by Thai women and a lot more than what she lost but it's not newsworthy I guess because it happens all the time
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