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Posts posted by Animal68

  1. Wrong pricing.

    If you charge the Chinese 9,999,999 thb, they will buy it faster than 2,000,000 thb. blink.png

    If you price it at 28,888,888 and offer an escort program with it you will certainly get some Chinese to buy it then. (I think they will most likely be governement officials who will also want their escapes filmed for private use and not public viewing.)

  2. I don't understand. He made it so that the doctors have to work to get paid. That is what P4P stands for right. You perform a good job and you get a good wage, you perform a bad job and you get a bad wage. Additionally, he sought out to find out if there was something going on and discovered something was indeed going on and he ended it..... ... ..

    I realize there might be a few flaws in his system, but it does appear that he wants to have the right things happen.

    So the rural Doctors are saying it might push them to work in private hospitals. Don't private hospitals get paid more money, after all they can set prices higher, deliver higher level of services, etc. and charge for them in the same manner. How is this bad? Is it bad because they don't get paid more? So in that instance those that produce less or perform worse have to go to the area of employment which satisfies that level of work..... This still means that the people who get the service get a better service. So I am really confused.

    Care to consider the effect on the rural poor? Can they afford private hospitals? There are doctors who do not want to be involved in the rip off activities of the privates and have their contracts cancelled because they don't generate enough income. From what I have seen of Government hospitals up country the staff deserve truckloads of money and medals.

    I would think they would be happier with better doctors who are working hard to get the job done right. I might be wrong though, maybe they would prefer a doctor that is lazy and simply diagnoses something to avoid working so hard. Performance doesn't mean productivity only, it means quality too. I guess having a competitive environment in your opinion means having a higher cost to the rural poor, not a better service for the same cost. Having doctors compete is not a bad thing. It keeps healthcare relevant to the needs of those that use it. Creating a pay for performance method of rewarding individuals allows competition to reach higher levels. It is just a little thing I learned in Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, and Leadership classes I took to get at least 3 of those degrees I hold. Maybe the next degree will help me get clarification on this?

    As far as the trumped up charges mentioned before, I think the jury is out on that!

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  3. I am confused by a few things.

    Prayuth said that though the 600-kilometre border is constantly patrolled, a personnel shortage had hampered continuous checks.

    If a personnel shortage exists, how will they build the wall?

    The existence of the bombs is also confusing. I am not that familiar with political, government, or economic issues, but why do they need the bombs?

    The only simple thing I can deduce is that there is a reason the bombs are being brought in and if that reason were eliminated, then there would be no need for the bombs. The bombs would go somewhere else there is a need for them.

    On another topic I heard they are bringing in a US television show to the local market. The agreement, which I think is faulty, is that the first 10 episodes must contain government officials. (I don't know who mandated the first 10 episodes be with governement officials, I just think it might not work out how it is intended, or actually it might because of what the show is. The show is; Are you smarter than a 5th grader.)

  4. I don't understand. He made it so that the doctors have to work to get paid. That is what P4P stands for right. You perform a good job and you get a good wage, you perform a bad job and you get a bad wage. Additionally, he sought out to find out if there was something going on and discovered something was indeed going on and he ended it..... ... ..

    I realize there might be a few flaws in his system, but it does appear that he wants to have the right things happen.

    So the rural Doctors are saying it might push them to work in private hospitals. Don't private hospitals get paid more money, after all they can set prices higher, deliver higher level of services, etc. and charge for them in the same manner. How is this bad? Is it bad because they don't get paid more? So in that instance those that produce less or perform worse have to go to the area of employment which satisfies that level of work..... This still means that the people who get the service get a better service. So I am really confused.

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  5. I haven't watched this video, but can only imagine what it would be like that so many people are upset about it. I do have a few questions.

    How many people were killed in the video or in making the video?

    Did they damage or destroy someone else's personal property in the video or in making the video?

    Did they do anything which was immoral? (Other than dancing nude! And I am not sure if dancing nude should be considered immoral, just limiting the debate.)

    Did they seem to be having fun at the time?

    Did anyone force them to make the video?

    Did they force anyone to watch the video?

    Did it involve a person from government, any government, Thai, China, US, or a public figure without their permission engaged in an act that might be considered questionable?

    Did they use any foul language or do some unnatural acts? (And I mean truly unnatural, not Biblically unnatural.)

    Should we really be upset with them?

    Did I ask if they were having a good time yet while doing it?

  6. So every day I wake up and the same thing. Eat a little, drink a little, and get taken out to work. All day long I have to be extremely nice and let people prod me, feel me, jump on me, and basically do whatever they want. Sometimes I get these really unhealthy treats given to me by people. While normally I would eat healthy food, I can't I live in captivity and must succumb to whatever they give me. Some of the food I get is good early in the day. However by later in the afternoon it is not so good. The food sits in a box in the sub. People come by and give these pieces of paper to the controller of the food and take it out and give it to the other people who give it to me. Sometimes it is really untasty late in the day since it has been there in the sun for a while. I don't get much to eat, so I must eat this stuff even after they have handled it. Do you know where their hands have been? I do, they were just rubbing my belly. Right before they came by I was sitting on the ground, the dirty ground and these people just felt me up and touched my food. Worse yet, I know where the persons hands have been that controll the food. I also know I bathe more than he does.

    So anyway, there I was sound asleep in my dirty cramped den they make me live in. I was having this nice dream of running around in the fields. Then my dream turned bad and I was captured. I was tortured and stuck into a den. I actually have this dream often and usually wake up in a fit when I do. So this time the dream takes a twist. Sitting in the den in my dream two people enter and they are from the group that captured me, this time I know they are here to cut off my tusks and put me to death. I see behind them a pile of my brothers and sisters with no tusks, all of them are dead. One of them comes near me and feeds me something. I realize it is spoiled food and dirty and the other one starts laughing.

    Suddenly I wake up and there are two figures near me and I think it is not a dream. I get up to run and stumble, accidentally hurting these people.

    A few days later they cut off my tusks and I see the person who did it getting a huge stack of paper afterward. I am so happy to be alive as my dream did not come true. I hope the two people are OK who woke me up, I normally don't frighten too easily, but I also don't wake up to strange people invading my home at night.

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