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Posts posted by joeaverage

  1. What I am referring to by 'real' international schools are those that are licensed/registered/accredited by their home country and the degree from the school is granted all the rights and privileges as any school in that country. The British International Schools, would, for example, follow the British national curriculum.

    These schools usually hire directly from the home country and, as I understand it, seldom hire within the country and when they do it is usually due to an urgent and unforeseen situation. The connection between the school, the teachers and the country of origin is quite strong, consequently, we don't get a lot of them posting on this site. (Also they are not needing much advice about teaching in Thailand).

    the pay and perks are also significantly better if hired out of country.

    As with all things, nepotism is key, if you actually know someone in the community, you have a much better in

  2. so i just started posting after a year or so of lurking, and i want to know why i have recieved a slew of email notifications.

    do i actually have to remember to not follow every post? or can i just set not followed as default. i dont really need a notification every time someone posts a smiley.

    jesus it happened again here

  3. Dumbass! Love affairs never last as long as a tattoo. Maybe sucking up to Thai people will get him some points except they will only see it when he turns to leave. He should have gotten it on his forehead so all Thai people will know he loves Thailand when they see him coming. Also, employers love to hire people with neck tattoos. Dumbass!

    while i think the tattoo is ridiculous, i think the highlighted statement equally so.

    we don't all aspire to the life of a salaryman, some of us actually do make our own opportunities

  4. Yo,

    currently butchering time in singapore waiting to get back to LOS once i have jumped through all the hoops at the embassy.

    been in thailand for a while now, also read the forums quite a bit but usually on my mobile so never really bothered to sign up.

    so, here goes.

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