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Posts posted by JJJIIIMMM

  1. Although unless your wife I taking you to court, you will both need to go to the Amphur to actually sign the divorce papers...

    So if you need a bit of time to sort out your visa, you could try to drag your feet a bit on going with her to sign the divorce papers

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    i have tried dragging my feet and she is making threats to kill me, to me, and via sms to members of my family

    it has all got very messy, so divorce this week seems like the right option i am afraid

  2. Unfortunately, the wife wants to divorce me this week, and will not give me any time to sort my situation out

    I am on a 60 day extension, on my marriage visa

    i have about 7 weeks left until the extension expires

    if we divorce this week, can you tell me what is the correct procedure regarding my marriage visa? i believe that it becomes invalid and i have 24 hours to leave the country, is that correct? what are my options as i have a house here, and all my life, so i need to sort things out? i am early 40's by the way, and from UK

    if i simply stayed in thailand till my visa expired, even though i was divorced, what is the likelihood that i would get rolled when i left thailand in 7 weeks?

    please dont slate me, or thai women, i just need some visa advice wai.gif

  3. You say you have 49% each.....who holds the other 2% of the company? That is possibly where you may have problems as the norm for a foreigner purchasing with a company is..... 49% Foreigner and 51% Thai..

    If the 2% is held by a Thai......you are screwed....sorry.

    The best thing to do is pay her off.. NOW otherwise you will end with nothing as she will turn you over Big Time......You state you have been married 13months so for her its now time to move the next one in you have served your purpose.......sorry I do not want to offend you in any way but sadly this is the way it is this side of the planet.. Sure she has made contact with a Thai? accountant....he will probably be in on it working against you........Be Very Careful and do not go long with.any of her suggestions.....stay safe.

    please dont make assumptions about my, wife and tar all thai women with the same brush. you may have had a bad experience or two, but this does not mean all thai women are bad. how do you know i havent been knocking seven shades out of her for the last 13 months? you dont know.

    what would really help me would be an evaluation of the contract i discussed in the opening post wai.gif

  4. First question would be: Why not sell the house now, give her the 400K out of the sale and you keep the rest?

    Second question: the house belongs to a company where you are both shareholders. How legal is it - for you as shareholders - to decide about a future business transaction of the company AND even write that business transaction down in a divorce contract? Would definitely not work Europe, since shareholders have no rights to decide about assets of the company.

    Hi swiss1960 - the reason we dont sell the house is i dont want to, if i dont have to. it is a great house in a graet location and i love living here

    i am not sure if it will be legal, but it is not a divorce contract i dont think, more of a deal now that on the day of us selling the company in the future she will not ask for any of the proceeds of the sale to be paid to her.... has anyone heard of anything like this?

    i just dont want to pay her the money every month and then in 2 years time she decides whe wants more

  5. ok guys, following on from the two previous threads i started, i have come back to you knowledgeable people for some more advice (sorry to keep asking, i will try to give back soon) wai.gif

    my wife and i have decided to divorce

    we own our house in our company name, and we both hold 49% each of this company

    we have agreed, that if i give her THB 20,000 per month for 20 months, then when i come to sell the house, she will allow me to take all the money from the sale

    she has just phoned our thai / farang accountant office (who helped us to buy the company and set up our existing shareholder contract etc), and one of the guys who works there (not the top man BTW) has said that such a contract can be drawn up, and will stand up in court if, she tries to take back more at a later date

    the account has a lawyer whom can draw this up, and we are booked in to see them this friday

    i am happy to pay her this money (we have only been married one year and 1 month), but i forsee that there may be many opportunities for her to take more cash from me in the future

    what do you think guys? is a watertight contract like this possible? and if so, what should i look out for in the meeting on friday? (ie contract in thai and english, certain stamps required, her sign out on her shares now, copy of her ID card put on file, etc etc)

    thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for any forthcoming replies

  6. thanks for all the advice guys, much appreciated.

    i think i have some serious thinking to do as the wife and i have been arguing all week over some petty things, and if there is a chance that she can take half of everything i own, and force me to sell the house etc, then i am starting to think i would be daft to risk it

    i am not sure why 7x7 stated that a pre nuptial would not be legally binding.... surely that is the point of a pre nup, that it is legally binding..... why do you think it wouldnt be binding 7x7?

    we would be living in a large city in UK, so my wife would make some thai friends quickly, so i think the collective knowledge mentioned earlier would soon be shared with her, and she would be aware of her rights to half my everything..... would probably lay claim to one of my kidneys too if she thought she could find use for it thumbsup.gif

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  7. ta for the advice guys, and obviously not coming to england, i realise, is one option, but we want to give it a go,

    i am just a bit worried

    if we were in the UK, could she divorce me there and gain access to half my UK house etc? if so, is there anything we can do before we go to ensure that she would not be able to lay claim to half my assets?

    If the answer is so important to you, how about contacting a UK divorce lawyer, give them a brief without the emotional content & ask them the cost for a formal written/email response.

    yea, that is one option of course..... i was just hoping for a bit of free advice from the knowledgeable people of TV, before considering the lawyer route

    surely this is an area people have considered when moving to the UK with their tee rak, or maybe someone has been divorced in the UK and knows all the ins and outs

    would also be interested to hear if anyone knows of a way that one can move to the UK with thai wife, but put in place some sort of pre nuptial agreement that says aforementioned tee rak promises not to screw one over, as soon as the plane touches down at heathrow

  8. ta for the advice guys, and obviously not coming to england, i realise, is one option, but we want to give it a go,

    i am just a bit worried

    if we were in the UK, could she divorce me there and gain access to half my UK house etc? if so, is there anything we can do before we go to ensure that she would not be able to lay claim to half my assets?

  9. hello

    my wife and i were married in thailand. we have some assets in thailand, but most of my assets are in the UK.

    we are planning on going to the UK in a few months. My wife will be on a spouse visa.

    Unfortunately, our marriage has been a bit rocky of late.

    If we were to go to the UK, could my wife file for divorce in the UK and thus have an attempt to take half my assets that i have over there?

    please advise guys......

  10. the other 2% was owned by an employee of the accountancy office who helped us to buy the company. this office employee immediately signed over these shares, without dating their signature, and put a copy of their ID card on file. this, the accountant advised us, means that when we come to sell the company, be it in 5 / 10 years time, those 2% of the shares will already be signed over, and it will only require my wife and i to sign over our shares, and the company can be sold....... so i guess in effect no one controls that 2%, but i am sure that my wife would never be able to gain control as the accountant would have been very lacking in his duties to me if he were to give her control, and his is a big company with many farang customers, so i am sure he does not want any bad publicity

    your friend idea Commande sounds like one idea that is open to me in the future, thankyou for telling us about this

    i am more bothered about the immediate future tho - is my wife likely to be able to sell her share to a bank / a random third party / loan shark etc and leave me with many days of worry ahead, or does it take a joint agreement between my wife and i, before she is able to sell?

  11. hey guys - hope you are well

    my wife and i live in thailand, and recently she has been ranting and raving the word divorce around a lot

    we have only been married one year, but things are no fun a lot of the time

    before we were married we bought a company, so as to acquire the ownership of a house. the company is set up with a 49% share to me, the same to my wife, and 2% to some lady down at the accountancy office (as advised to us by our german accountant (the lady has already "signed out" her 2% back to the company))

    i was set up as the sole director of the company

    now i dont really want to divorce, but my wife is insistent

    i believe i can contest the divorce, and this will slow it down long enough for me to decide what to do, but i am worried about her 49% share of the company

    i presume that she cannot force me to sell out - is this correct?

    and also, is she able to selll her 49% of the company to anyone she can find, or is this also unlikely? the house the company owns is worth about 2.5m baht, and she would happily accept a lot less than 1m baht, i imagine, if she could find a buyer.......

    do you think she can force me to sell, and if not, do you think she would have much likelihood of finding a buyer if she offered her 49% at a much reduced rate, or is that share quite worthless without the directors consent to the change of ownership?

    hoping you can help wai.gif

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