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Posts posted by cheekychops

  1. I have NEVER got into the shit you get into on a regular basis, nooooooooo pun intended. BUT, your crap really does piss me off. A member is now on a TV holiday from a totally shit topic designed to do that stuff............ Very sad amigo.............sad.png

    You're not interested in this topic. You're just interested in throwing personal dirt. That is not welcome.

    That is two members in this topic who have pointed their finger at you.

    Your thread is about a woman pointing the finger at you.

    There seems to be a theme in people pointing the finger at you.

    What is the common theme?

  2. The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where some become like mad dogs when face is violated. Even though I was ethically in the right (at least by my ethics) I was culturally in the wrong. But moving on from that, I am interested in the meaning of what she did ... other than the obvious that the pointing was a MASSIVE show of aggression and disrespect. I get that! Who wouldn't?

    Of course the details of how you provoked her ARE relevant to her type of response. What did you falsely accuse her of?

  3. Is Reiki nonesense? "The bottom line"? Perhaps Reiki is nonsense, but it is most definitely founded on something quite real- the dynamics and interactions of energy and vibrations. Reiki did not interest me personally because it seemed too... modern and contrived. However, the Traditional Chinese Medicine and NediDan Qigong that Reiki obviously took its cue from has been practiced, observed, and colaced into a body of knowledge over thousands of years, so let me speak about this in response to Reiki nonsense. On the subject of TCM and qigong I can speak.

    There are quacks throughout the world and any fool can take a reiki course then hang a sign. It in no way means this person has the remotest clue about intention, visualization, the harmonics of energetic fields, or any pathology, let alone normal body functions. Yet the underlying principles are not only sound but the reductionist materialistic religion of science can only test what it can conceive, and it is amongst the most narrow minded institutions on earth.

    The entire universe, the here, the now, you, the space between you and me, the PC- all, are vibrations and waves and particles. Every atom has its frequency of oscillation that joins the caravan of molecules, the cells, and tissues, and organs, and organ systems, each with its own frequency, finding over time their collective harmony which is your own human frequency (Doubt this? Order Trifield EMF Tester which blocks all AC EMF and test yourself. This is a world class and inexpensive device that can detect a person's EMF through a wall. Did Quackwatch use this?). This is not new age crap, this is your science. Every scientific test is dubious in any regard and that is not even questionable, we only agree on the repeatable construction by consensus. It was long ago confirmed that all scientific tests are biased on behalf of the observer- the tester. Why is that, Quackwatch? Because the observer is part of the subject. (See Einstein "Spooky action at a distance").

    There really are medical conditions that result from toxic energy either in the home, the workplace, the common areas, schools, and via exposure to toxic people, toxic relationships. We can meet perhaps 1/2 way and stipulate we can grasp this? Why then is it a bridge too far to imagine the near touch, the movement, the harmonic massage of an energy worker couldn't improve another's condition, even if it had a circuitous effect of the patient believing and this then allowing their own harmony and self healing?

    Alloapathic medicine is reductionist and treats... what it sees as a final presentation in nearly every case. Branches, not roots, are treated and often with horrible side effects from drugs. There is no holistic approach to a person's wellness, which when well, enables most people to ward of a good bit of disease. Neither can treat all things but a wise man would render his own judgement based on both self evidence and experiential knowledge.

    I have practiced both west and eastern medicine; I would always consider both depending on my patient's needs.


  4. Really?? Ok well hear what he's got to say and if it concurs with what you want, heap praise on him.

    If it doesn't, tell your missus that you don't indulge bullshit superstitious custom.

    Your dosh, your rules.

    Better still, buy a condo . . . in your name

    The wise guvnor came to speak. The tribe gathered to listen to what a bunch of doddering old fools they had been. The wise guvnor chided them for losing their balls and the simple tribesmen touched themselves to check and remained confused becasue their balls were still in place. The solution was so simple that the wise guvnors face turned red as his anger at the stupidity of his tribe grew. Buy a condo, it is the only way.

    Some of the tribe scratched at the balls they were told they did not have and remained confused for they did not know a condo building program was being rolled out to every village in Thailand.

    As alway the guvnor was very wise.

    • Like 1
  5. If they don't like others to use those slur words, they should not use it themself. It's very hypocritical from those people to pretend that it's ok for themself but not for others

    You say that, but I'm not buying it. Every "in group" that I have ever been aware of does the same thing. It's OK within the in group and not OK as a hateful insult. That's just human nature. It's also my personal observation that gay people don't use in group slurs very much in the first place, compared to some other identity groups.

    So you and your friends have "all rights reserved" on some words wink.png and you decide who can use them.

    What words or expressions do you NOT use when talking with heterosexual people then? Because I suppose it the same apply to them? Or?

    Jingthing has friends? blink.png

    The man said in groups and i took that to mean 'fun groups'

  6. Actually, I still do, just letting it go right now. Doing the w/d & paying at 7/11 is no big deal. Per my follow up post, there was no explanation WHY all credit transactions are blocked before leaving Thailand, i.e. stopping at the authorization process at the cash register or blocked at the "verifying payment" point after submitting payment via a Thai company website. I can still use the credit (VISA) transactions with the (tested) neighboring countries. Nothing has changed, but just have doubts now & with such have to withdrawal my claims.

    A little clarification, I wasn't blaming the US Gov, based on the law, was blaming the confusion created here in Thailand over understanding the new law which directly affects US citizens & overseas banks. Though a bit disappointed, most US laws & bills are very long & overly complicated with little explanation.

    Hope you got your anger out now, can almost see those little white spittle clumps forming at the corners of your mouth.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    What kind of world do you come from where it is appropriate when you make an error to attack others with words like, "those little white spittle clumps forming at the corners of your mouth."

    You make me ashamed to be an American. bah.gif

    Australians make you ashamed to be American? Doesn't take a lot for you.

  7. A female relative of Mr. Chaidole later arrived at the police station and expressed her willingness to pay any compensation to Ms. Yaowalak. She also asked the reporters not to photograph Mr. Chaidole, explaining that she does not want the incident to make it to the news as she is a high-ranking military officer.

    Do I detect a bit of Hi-So here? Totally disgusting. I hope it is on every television station news report and in every newspaper front page.

    Photos of both of them I hope....MBK manager & the hi-so high ranking military officer.

    Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    smile.png)...They're in a different world......terrible self serving people.....rich and trash!

    rich and trash?

    A clever joke about the truck yah?

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