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Posts posted by BestBitterPhuket

  1. I and many friends and relatives never want to visit Pattaya because of the stigma and the depressing sights of the old western pigs preying on young women trapped in poverty. We will rather do the long drive to Hua Hin  so that no one will think we visit the depressing dump named Pattaya. My wife and children are Thai and their reputation suffer because of places like Pattaya. In the long term Thailand would be much better of closing down the WHOLE sex and industry catering to foreigners. No more bus loads of Chinese tourists taking photos and mocking Thailand and Thais, and telling their friends at home what low class people the Thais are. But Thailand need the money from this disgusting industry because decades of Thai governments have always prioritized quick and easy money instead of building up a sustainable economy that can move the country out of the third world. And I would love to see the old fat sleaze bags from the west residing here sent packing to another country because of lack of opportunities here.

  2. Hungary should accommodate as many of these illegal MIGRANTS as THEY want, and they should not pay a single Euro to EU. So should every other state. Merkel and a bunch of lunatic EU beurocrats are breaking up EU with this insanity. I supported the idea of a euro free trade zone, but I am dead against this European federation ruled by unelected beurocrats.

  3. The tragic situation is that these nazis are becoming the new heroes as they are the only ones who dare to stand up to the madness going on in Sweden. Sweden needs the Neo nazis to counter balance the extreme political establishment that has completely silenced all opposition to their "global village" experiment. I salute any swede brave enough to stand up to defend their values and way of life, and to put an end to the lunatic import of young and middle aged Muslim men.

  4. The Thai army fought hard for decades to keep communism and China and Russia's influences at bay. Today's coup leaders are, in a short two years, rapidly making Thailand dependent on China and Russia, who will both slowly increase their influence and control.

    It's tragic that they are wasting Thailand's future. Allying with Russia, a country with a dark past and equally dark present and future. Forming economical alliances with Russia, a country almost bankrupt, and buying their weapon systems, which are wastly inferior to those of the west. China is not a better bed mate. They will slowly suck out every drop of blood from Thailand and make sure Thailand's economy is COMPLETELY dependent on China. I really wonder what the rationale and "logics" behind Thailand's recent foreign policies are. One thing is for sure, Thailand is on its way to the bottom of the ASEAN in every way. The process has started years ago.

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