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Posts posted by theduderule

  1. Sorry. Managed to find the other post. Yes. The South African girl that got busted. Many stories out there and parents stressing. Maybe she got involved with the wrong crowd.

  2. A friend of mines daughter was busted for what they claimed to be drugs. She works in a restaurant, and she signed for a package that was for the owner.


    Any advice?

    • Haha 1
  3. the phone died. So nothing much I could do with as your can't take out the battery and I can't find a reset button. Got the phone back Friday afternoon- worked fine until Monday morning. Same issue. Phone charged and just went off again. I might try rooting it when I get it back. The service center not very helpful(or rather language barrier- so they could not tell me what they did the first time)

    I did not drop the phone or rooted it. I was working one minute and next...well dead as a doornail.

  4. Got one a week ago at Tesco's with the special that they are ran. Yesterday it died. Seems to have software issues(and also charger connection issues) Anyone else have problems with this(I was told you need to take bring it to technician to due software updates as the phone would not do it without rooting I guess)

    Now I guess will have to wait and see how fast/good there after sales service will be.

  5. Olympus use to be years ahead with digital camera technology but I am not sure after the recent crisis in the company if they are still up to par. I have a 13 year old Olympus with one of the best zoom lenses out there(10 x optical- only 2.1m/pix) for point and shoot can't beat that. But depends on your budget- I spend 50K on the EOS 7 D but don't take it on bicycle/motorcycle trips due to size)

  6. "The most common form of wrongful practice is teachers or school administrators spending their work hours on something else, according to the survey'

    If they stop asking teachers and staff to work weekends and some evenings this will not be the case. Some teachers at my school start 6 am in the morning..and the last one will leave around 7pm. They have regular meetings at 17h00 on a Friday afternoon and at least one Saturday and Sunday a month. What do they expect?

  7. Speed played a role but maybe there was someone else involved. My friend was in a minor accident the other day. A pick up driving on the wrong side -swerve to around it just to face the truck the pick up was overtaking on a blind corner. So he ended up in the jungle and put his bike down. None of them stopped. No serious injuries but if so he would probably still be in the jungle ....

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  8. Khlong Samwa is prone to floods- but then again not the whole area. I stay close to safari world in a Complex which I believe would be in budget(3 bed house) During the floods they managed to keep the Moo Baan dry but the roads outside was flooded. Khu Bon was under water and most of the KC developments around also. Lots of new developments by Sansiri in this area but I guess more development means less open areas. But then as per the Government.."Floods-we have it all under control" or should I rather say "which floods?"

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  9. They idea is actually not that bad. 500 Baht for emergency care while in Thailand. Lots of accidents on the roads and stupid farangs that think driving a motorcycle is like driving a bicycle...(seeing that 9 year old Thai's can) my biggest question is- Ok they talk about 300 M of unpaid medical bills. what is the total per annum that foreigners spend here for Emergency healthcare? If you pay 500B you will not bother your own insurance company but just claim via this. I just don't believe this will cover all that. Then suddenly the 9Billion collected seems a bit low. The last couple of months there was how many serious Boat,train and bus accidents involving farang? If I pay for insurance I would like to have good medical service- so the cheap government hospitals would not do(I assume that is where most of the unpaid bill's from) so they would have to upgrade these services-as private hospitals I would assume will not treat you with this policy.

  10. they could have moved to a different state and would have been the same. But in The USA they would want to buy a new car and sit in traffic for hours. Always strange how people can give up cars and cable Tv when they move to another country but they never did that while at home. Travel in this area is cheap- but go out and buy a car and not a cheap motorcycle and you are back to square one.(oh and they work from home here- I assume could not or did not do that back in USA)

    I guess for some reason people tend to spend less when working in a foreign country.(car vs motorcycle or even public transport)

  11. It might be the case that her Thai dad did not sign away legal rights. Her mom would have received temporary residence based on Marriage. With daugter getting a visa based on her status. He die- process not done. There is always two sides. Can't blame the officials. only doing there job. I did not read that her mom was legally married to him either. I am sure there is more to this than what is reported.

  12. The rule of the Thai road- If mine is bigger than yours.... you need to STOP. I am always amazed on the Thai drivers that will cut you of and then slam on the brakes to my a left turn. They always seems to be in a hurry- until they get out of the car and start walking at snail pace. There are few countries in the world that's "Biker" aka cyclist friendly. Guess we can't blame them for trying.

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