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Piccadilly Circus

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Posts posted by Piccadilly Circus

  1. On 27/03/2018 at 8:56 PM, darksidedog said:

    Ah hah! If you want to know the truth, get a Dark Side sniffer dog on it.

    I now know (totally by conincidence on where I got invited tonight), the restaurant involved and trust me, the issue is not with their food cos it is exceptionally good.

    And, yes, I have been there before, so this was not a one off, or miraculous improvement.

    I actually earlier in this thread suggested the food might be crap and they should work on it. Ooops!

    When you see the CCTV of it all absolutely nothing seems amiss. Then a mysterious post appears that differs somewhat in its description of everything.

    The restaurateur involved freely admits he was OTT in suggesting legal action, though it is also suggested the poster concerned runs a very similar genre of business, so possibly all was not as above board as we have been led to believe.

    No, I am not naming it. It does seem from video evidence though that there are two sides to every story. It is now up to you what to believe.


    Did no one bother reading this post?


    This whole thread is full of brain-dead lemmings apart from a very few with their own brain/opinion. The rest just follow suit - Boycott the place! This as%% owner! Give me the name I will never eat there!....


    LOL at you lot!

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  2. Much much much better. Pity it's only temporary I'd ban the lot permanently shabby manky deck chairs and umbrellas a right eyesore!


    The authorities should allow 5 or 6 new snack bar type catering trailers along the beach for refreshment convenience along with waste bins all long the beach cleaned daily.


    Maybe a few deck chair vendors but only new chairs and umbrellas in nice bright colours.


    The Mediterranean resorts get it right why can't these lot?

  3. And for all the foreigners that are more Thai than the Thais... why nobody commented the post where it says that the young Thais are for abolishing of this custom? None of you have read this post? None of you was informed about these discussions in Pantip? Why would they tell you , right? So what then, tell these younger people to go home to their country? Not this time!

    To insult and attack the others who disagree with this is quite low. And that one, talking how if you dont have a million you shudnt .... blah blah...who are you mister millionaire to decide or tell? A doctor wont have time for a foreigner who wont be able to shell 1 million? Arent they people with hearts?

    And to the fun , has anybody heard the song where its sang about the man who wants to marry a girl, but dont have the money for the sinsot. So he keeps working and asking wait for me, wait for me, 1 more year, 2 more years. And later when he s rich and can pay, he says its ok, I dont want you anymore. ( nice luktung song)

    It's just a song In realtiy most of the young Thai males in today's society are too lazy to work and save for Sin Sot hence why they now are saying they don't want to pay it....work ethics.

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