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Posts posted by nbuff

  1. The issue the doctor is referring to is the structure of school for children as young 4. These students literally have midterm and finals for each subject which may be as many as 6. The idea that 5 year old son should be taking tests of any sort is insane let alone full term tests.

    And then they have big books for each subject to complete. it's a ludacris amount of work for essentially babies.


    The issue of what they are being taught and the methods used is another problem. This problem becomes a bigger issue as they move up through school. But the issue the doctor has with the system is the comical amount of work and structure being given to 6 an unders.


    Of course it stems from a distorted view of accomplishment,  selfish parents who want to build face, administration that cares about appearance more than results. That's why 5 year oldso are preparing for their 20 question math mid term.

  2. Awesome bike rode my friends while i visited him in Chiang Mai last weekend. I sold my X1r and Sonic but will look around bangkok for one of these.

    Only thing i dislike is the scooter front/head light looks horrible, but you can always pop that off and drop the bars and maybe put a shield. like all the underbone manuals there will be tons of aftermarket parts.

    Not sure what that would cost though. Anyone know?



  3. Just came home from 2 months of travelling and birds have nested and destroyed my balcony. What I mean is there is an unreal amount of bird matter covering the balcony.

    It is very bad and needs to be professionally cleaned.

    Please anyone recommend a good service to do this type of cleaning, a regular maid will NOT be able to handle this.

  4. OK thanks.

    Last question then, if in a worst case scenario they deny the extension, will I pay a simple overstay fee after the 7days? Or is there some sort of escalated penalty for overstay after the 7 day period to leave?

    I fly out on the 9th so 7 days from tomorrow would still leave me with 2 day overstay. I understand theat I'll most likely get the extension anyway, but in case I don't I'd like to know where I stand.

    As always thanks for the help Joe your the best!

  5. Hi,

    I have overstayed for 2 days (tomorrow will be the 3rd). I have an extensions left on a 2x tourist visa, I'd like to use it and then fly out in 2 weeks.

    Is this extension now void automatically? If I go to immigration and provide them with proof of flight ticket home and pay the fine is there a good chance they will give me the extension at BKK immigration?

    Please don't troll me.


  6. Basically,

    My current extension ends Aug 4th. I have another valid 60 entry BUT, I have to leave Aug 15th for a 1 week trip.

    Ideally, I want to fly out before Aug 4th, re enter with a 30 day visa exempt, fly out on the 15th and use my second entry in tourist visa when I arrive after my trip.

    I think the answer is that the officer will notice my current tourist visa and therefore use that. My real question is can you "save" an entry, but I guess you can never hold a tourist visa and be issued a visa exemption on arrival.

  7. I doubt that the officer will give you a visa exempt entry.

    If you are wanting to avoid using your entry because you plan on leaving within 30 days you could get a re-entry permit for the 60 day entry from your tourist visa.

    I am assuming the re-entry permit would take the place of the 30 day extension? I just got issued the 30 day extension for my first 60 day entry today....

    Basically I just want to avoid wasting an entire 60(+30) entry for only 2 weeks stay, because I will be returning after the short trip.

    But it seems it's basically up to the imm officer "missing" the tourist visa so I suppose that answers the question, as I don't leave legal stay to chance. Looks like I'll have another entire page taken up for a new visa lol fml...

  8. You don't need a copy of your old workto get a non-b visa.

    You perhaps are misreading this " - Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and alien income tax or Por Ngor Dor 91 (only in the case where applicant has previously worked in Thailand)." From: http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/123/15388-Non-Immigrant-Visa-%22B%22-(for-Business-and.html

    That would be your valid work permit if you have one.

    Thanks Joe,

    I read a visa report from Singapore where somone had an issue and they demanded to see a copy or cancellation letter because of the " apply for work permit" stamp on his last Non Imm B visa.

    I understand Singapore has a bad reputation. Unfortunately, long story short, my new employer has essentially insisted on me going to Singapore. I have all of the other paper work, but now I am afraid I will be rejected there because I do not have a copy of my last work permit. I also do not have a notice of cancellation. My WP was issued in Chiang Mai, now I am in Bangkok. Can the Labor Department here give me a copy or notice of cancellation? WIll a letter from my last employer work?



  9. It is much harder because you have to supply every document needed to qualify for an extension of stay because that is what the visa is based upon.

    The documents required to get a non-b visa at an embassy or consulate are much less,

    Ok that makes sense, obviously I have just been given the basic documents and not the other paperwork. Looks like I'll be doing a run ( sighhhhhh ).

    Panang or KL????

  10. It will be all the required paperwork to an extension and a approval letter for a work permit application.

    You would use a TM86 change of visa status form if on a tourist visa or a TM87 non immigrant visa application if on a visa exempt entry. Plus the 2000 baht fee.

    Hi Ubonjoe,

    My employer said that he has heard that it is "harder" to switch from a touriist to Non Imm from within bangkok. Do you think this is just an area in the grey? Or is it very clear cut that I can in fact get a non imm at bkk immigration?

    I don't want to go to immigration in bkk and get rejected but I also don't want to leave the country for no reason if it's not nessasary.


  11. It is possible with the correct paperwork.

    If it is a BOI company that allows you to use the one stop service center the chances of it being done are very good.

    Ok thanks this is what I was hoping! I think my company is able to use the one stop service because we are a BOI firm.

    In terms of paperwork, would I need additional paperwork outside of the standard requirements? Are there additional forms needed when applying within Thailand?

    If you could help me out with that I would greatly appreciate it!

  12. Hello,

    My work is sponsoring my Non Imm B visa. It is a BOI company not a school.

    My friend who is a teacher told me he could get a non imm b from the immigration office in Bangkok, but I have always been told I must leave the country.

    Is it true that I can get a non imm b from the office in Bangkok and skip the trip outside the country?

    Please help me out! Please don't troll me........


  13. Hi guys,

    Just moved to BKK after several years in Chiang Mai. I'm a huge NBA fan and I am looking for some bars in BKK that play NBA games. I know there is one on soi 11, does anyone know any other locations that air games? Obviously the games will be repeats of course, but I like to get out to a bar sometimes as streaming it from my computer just isn't the same.

    I live at On Nut, I doubt there are any here but maybe around Ekkamai?

    Also, If anyone is interested in catching a game let me know!



  14. Hi Everyone,

    I'm looking to play some football and was wondering if anyone knew of some rec leagues around town. Not looking for anything too serious just want to play a night or two a week.

    Also, if anyone knows places that have regualr pickup games that would be good as well.

    If you are interested in playing let me know!


  15. Hi everyone,

    I know this is a silly topic, but whatever.

    Has anyone else noticed that Thai women seem to lose an incredible amount of hair? Every girlfriend I have had sheds more than my golden retriever. Is there a chronic alopecia endemic?

    Just for some laughs, but also maybe somone will shed some light ( and maybe a tear ) on this vexing topic.


  16. Hi,

    I am in thailand and would like to stay but I only have the 30 day visa on arrival. I understand you have to go to Laos to get the double entry tourist visa ( the one that gives you 60 days and is then renewable for a total of 6 months).

    I have two questions:

    1. Do they require a return/departure plane ticket? I do not have one. Has anyone gotten a visa without one?

    2. I would like to leave my stuff at my guest house so I don't have to lug my stuff on the trip. However, I am worried about the possibility of not being granted entry back in to Thailand. What are the chances that they do not grant me the tourist visa?

    Also, if anyone has any advice on the best way to do the Laos run I would greatly appreciate tips and advice. Feel free to pm me!


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