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Posts posted by kocheedogyi

  1. Myanmar is so far behind the standards of advanced tourism, and the infrastructure is pathetic, making it a still great place for adventure but most people only visit the main tourist sites. the country has 99% more than those to people with time and willingness to travel rough. The beaches will never be what Thailand's are. They’re too remote and with monsoon seasons, unlike the rainy season in Thailand, investing in beach resorts for five months a year is idiocy. Everyone likes to say Myanmar is opening, the truth is, it has a long, long way to go to challenge Thailand for the drunken sexcapades and lazy fat belly drink-beer & eat-well crowd. THERE WILLL NEVER BE A SUKHUMVIT LIKE STARET HERE. With that said, I’ve been here five years and it got a dark and wild side that will make anyone blush. Certain things that go on here make Thailand seem like Disneyland.

  2. My question is this: How is corruption in Thailand different from corruption in the U.S. or any other large ‘developed” nation? Obama has Goldman-Sachs bankers, among many more corporations, running all aspect of the economy - meaning they are rigging and stealing the world blind. I can’t rave against corruption anywhere since I come from the most corrupt and morally bankrupt nation on the planet.

  3. Like in the U.S. many of the “busts” are set-ups for law enforcement or giveaways to law enforcement so that it seems they are accomplishing something. For the amount of drugs “seized” it winds up - in my opinion - about 5 to 10 % of what’s being smuggled in.

    Slightly off topic - I’m in favor of stopping smuggling of the drugs I don’t like! But why the hell can’t I buy the green Kemagra pill now? The Thai made version of Vitamin V is garbage. Kemagra was perfect for it’s price.

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