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Posts posted by nvadekar

  1. you would be better off NOT making friends with the people on here.

    just read some of the threads on the front page from these fossils.

    best bet is to just get involved in some activities you like here and meet people with common interests. You said you like NHL? Head over to Central Rama9. There is a group of canadians that plays ice hockey there.

    I also play Badminton and have made friends with people I play with also.

    unless you want to hug a beer with some jaded and ignorant sexpat geriatrics, steer clear of this lot. just look at their replies in your thread. just a bunch of bitter <deleted> with nothing better to do than spread misery online.

    thanks for the ideas mate. i just found some sport groups like you mentioned in another place and joined up. this has been a real learning experience,,, now i know for sure not to try using a bar in BKK to try and meet some new friends, seems too many very strange sick individuals hang out there, not like an average bar back home. looks like i have been keeping the moderators busy trying to keep this one clean.

    • Like 1
  2. G'Day Mate

    I would like too but live to far from you . I hope you make some good friends but I think you came to the wrong place as you can see by many comments.. Good Luck mate. I hope someone buys you a jar ...(lived in canada my self )


    cool, thanks for add an extra non troll count to the social experiment, LOL

    looks like you and a few others are starting to have in impression on some of the trolls, one of them is starting to be a bit more decent about the whole posting.

    are you an NHL fan by the way? must have seen a few ice hockey games when you were there.


    • Like 1
  3. i want to know why guy who recommended hanging out with sex tourist is not considered a troll.............lol.

    How many friends i got here...................do bargirls count????????????????????????

    I got friends and familee in usa but no bargirls there.

    Cant have it all!

    cause at least he tried and was not an ass about it like you have been for your first 2 posts, next, i had not fully considered how flawed of an idea his that was until you pointed it out. so thanks for that. (my bad) anyway, i have hopes that you will stop being an ass and may actually give me a good idea going forward. how optimistic is that eh! lol

  4. I bet now you are wishing you never posted, its opened a real can of worms, and attracted some of the Strangest ..

    I hear what you are saying, just looking for some friends, nothing difficult with that, especially if you are not a ''Bar'' person, it is difficult to meet new friends...

    I mean you cannot walk down the street and smile at everyone who passes, they might get the wrong idea..

    Best of Luck with your quest..



    thanks for the luck, looks like i'll need it in these sometimes dingy parts of the web. anyway, i don't regret it yet, it may still prove positive. where i live atm there are very few english speakers, and heading out to the pubs is a bit odd for someone who handles beer like a full blooded mohican. most of my wives' friends can understand english but cant really speak it very well... I feel like i may myself forget how to speak english soon, LOL. she was fine in the west with me, but I am proving to be more challenged facing my turn being here in thailand.

  5. I'd say you're off the mark there Totster....I'm a complete and utter <deleted> and most certainly a collossal bellend too and have loads of pals....

    To the OP, why not head off down town to Lower Sukhumwit and have a few beers? - especially on a Sunday afternoon, which I find to be the most convivial of days for some reason, maybe because the bars aren't too rammed... apart from among the ever miserable TEFL set who tend to drink away the thought of another week of being a performing monkey for a pittance. I wasn't going to mither going today but now the mere thought of it has swung me....

    Op didnt say he want SEX tourist as friends.....................lol.

    finally a respectful response from choochoo. nice... so you see my point. so, where does one go in bkk to meet up with people who are not sex tourists that speak english. I meet all kinds of thai people around here that cannot speak a word of english. my thai will take years at this rate. so... ideas anyone?

  6. I'd say you're off the mark there Totster....I'm a complete and utter <deleted> and most certainly a collossal bellend too and have loads of pals....

    To the OP, why not head off down town to Lower Sukhumwit and have a few beers? - especially on a Sunday afternoon, which I find to be the most convivial of days for some reason, maybe because the bars aren't too rammed... apart from among the ever miserable TEFL set who tend to drink away the thought of another week of being a performing monkey for a pittance. I wasn't going to mither going today but now the mere thought of it has swung me....

    mainly because my wife and I don't drink much,,, but your advise about going on sunday vs. other days is intriguing. since I don't drink much, i don't know the bars. what places would you recommend... I am not interested in the places you might use your bellend, lol... being married and all....

    thanks for adding the the NON troll count smile.png

  7. Some super odd replies from TV's finest here, the OP posts a basic offer to meet new friends and he gets ripped by a bunch of &lt;deleted&gt; who see anything but the real offer, get a life! OP: ignore them.

    social experiment report number two

    normal DECENT people count = 3

    troll count = 2 (choochoo, totster)

    chiang mai, thanks for tipping the balance in favour of the NON trolls. (at the current count!)

    hopefully the non trolls will read past the 'ODD' replies and get back the original question. :)

  8. Pot shot you say.. ok, let me expand.

    Anyone who can't meet and make friends in the'real world' and resorts to posting cheesy selfies (with a juicer??) is freaky.

    My advice, shut the computer, get out and start talking with people face to face. As long as you are not a complete <deleted> you will find some great friends.

    totster smile.png

    totster, we have established you are i are not brothers in arms... cool, i have no problem with that. now please go away. i don't want your attention. please find something or somebody else to interact with this fine sunday afternoon. thanks.

    • Like 1
  9. You only want to be friend?

    yup, only friend. i heard that having friends was good for the sole from a friend. smile.png

    Are you married? Have a girlfriend? Have a partner? It is kind of difficult to be friend with an unavailable man, don't want to deal with dramas and jealousy.

    I am married and faithful. I understand you concern and respect it. Thanks for being honest. for all the trolls here taking pot shots at me for no reason I care to discuss further, read the thread between this person and me and witness an adult honest discussion that just happened. I think the pot shots from others are less than mature. just saying... anyway... still looking to meet new NICE and DECENT and MATURE people. keeping my fingers crossed during what has seemed to become an unexpected social experiment on my part. opps.. lol. well if it does not work, at least I can say it was a bit entertaining.

  10. do you want your gf or wife looking for other men friends? hahahaha!

    why not? the people she meets will likely become my friends too right? i am guessing you are not replying cause you want to make new friends with anyone, but for some other reason? if that is the case, perhaps there are other forum topics that are better for you? just saying... i'd like to keep to the original topic here if you could be so kind ;) thank you in advance.

  11. Hello everyone.

    I live near on nut bts, been here for almost a year. I am looking to make some friends just to hang out. Everyone I met so far has moved away, buggar. I am male, 42, reasonably fit, a bit of a health nut, speak english only so far (buggar x2), etc.... I am originally from Canada hence I am a NHL fanatic, I lived in Australia before i moved here for about 7 years too. Anyone who want to make a new friend, I am you top candidate.

    What could we do? Maybe some sport, I have been playing badminton with my wife and her friends, so that is good and fun. Go to the gym and work out together. Play 8 ball or snooker, talk about ice hockey, anything really. I'd really like to meet anyone into freediving. I know you cannot do that in BKK, but this is one of my great passions.

    If your expat or Thai, woman or man, does not matter to me. I just want to make some new friends.



  12. Palm oil is in everything. Beware.

    and Palm oil is actually quite a bit healthier than western options. Do a bit of research not influenced by the American Fascist food and medical industry and you will see that pans out. In fact where the advise palm oil is bad for you came from the most unhealthy people in the world, Americans, who are well documented for spending more than any other county per person on health care, while getting the worst in western world results. just saying....

  13. A further question... first, thanks for the links. That was helpful.

    Is it possible to apply for a Non Imm type O visa for the purposes of looking to find a qualifying condo investment that would meet the 10M baht investment visa category? They state you must already have a NON-IMM type O visa to covert to a investment visa, but are not clear on how you get the original non-Imm O visa in the first place. It seems most people convert a Business visa to a Investment visa, but what if you are not a business visa holder?

    Thanks for your advise or shared experiences.

  14. I would like to meet and discuss the experience anyone might have had obtaining this 10m baht investment visa. There it is not 100% clear info available on exactly how the process works obtaining this visa for investors less than 50 who wish to reside in Thailand. Anyone who has obtained this visa, I would love to discuss with you what kind of visa you had first, how you converted it to the investment visa, what banks did you use to find a suitable investment, or did you go via the condo investment route, etc. I am not taking about an investment visa related to starting a business or partnership, only specifically the 10m baht investment visa related to a condo or term deposit visa.

    Please contact me, I would like to talk to you phone, or in person if possible so I can learn the process better and therefore better make our own plans concrete.

    Thanks, Neal

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