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Posts posted by hrrecruiter

  1. On 1/12/2021 at 3:47 PM, Orton Rd said:

    Another OP who never came back on his thread, not even to say thanks for the advice, seen a lot of this. It'll be should a pay sinsot again next.


    Well, it sparked some interesting convo regardless, I benefited out of it, so I'm thanking everyone who chimed in.


    Now, my take, I'm about to pull the trigger on a 5yo condo downtown BKK, mostly to my own use but also hoping to at some point sell at a small profit.


    Im considering some positives and negatives



    *25-35% off peak market price (price high 100s k per sqm vs mid 200s, luxury development downtown)

    *hedge against inflation in this helicopter money days

    *locked in some profits from the equity markets


    However, Im still considering some downsides too

    *THB feels very strong right now. Hard to see getting stronger

    *Who low can this go? Deals are everywhere, Im renting at 50% off right now 

    *with 50% off rent, I feel I already locked in some gains

    *God knows how difficult would be to sell this when needed. ITs a substation amount of my networth (~30%) 

    *Paying cash upfront, opportunity cost for more opportunities.


    Anyone can contribute with more positives and negatives about the current market? As of now, I will just throw a low ball offer and see if owner sells, let him decide for me ????







  2. On 11/14/2019 at 5:02 PM, HHTel said:

    I live in Hua Hin and have for the last 20 years.  The times I go to BKK, the air pollution is obvious and very visible.

    However, here in Hua Hin, I don't see any signs of air polution.  Being right on the coast we have the offshore breezes.  So I don't get it!! 

    Airvisual says 141 now at 1330 - BKK is at 57. Im in HH and can barely see a mountain that is no more than 500m away from me. I came here to escape the pollution from BKK and Im now tempted to do Phuket as a last try before leaving Thailand

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  3. On 11/5/2019 at 10:31 PM, Hanuman2547 said:

    More and more the poor air quality in Bangkok and the rest of the country is making me re-think if I want to spend as much time in Thailand as I was previously planning.  Last December and January were pretty bad and makes me think that maybe elsewhere in the region or a different continent might be a better choice.

    Ive been living here for 12 years, and in Feb was the first time I saw the `black swan`, never thought pollution would be the reason to live, its a boiling frong thing, it aint getting better. Since then Ive doubled my efforts to increase my income online and rely less on my BKK business. I will probably leave in Feb or so when the pollution kicks in again. 


    On another thread people are discussing air purifiers for their homes, this is crazy.

  4. 10 hours ago, BritTim said:

    I stand to be corrected, but I do not think showing an intention to invest 10 million baht will be accepted. It is only the actual investment of 10 million baht in an approved project that will qualify. As I recall, one way to do this is by putting the balance of 8 million baht in Thai government bonds.

    Do you think if I show ~2 million already paid for the condo + 8 million in bonds would do the trick? Then pay the balance to the developer the following year and when applying for extension it would be around 9 million for the condo + 1 million in bonds. 


    Thank you

  5. Still putting the final details together, to make sure this 10mb VISA will work.


    If I go ahead w the off-plan condo I would be making the payments in installments, the developer bank will provide a FET for each installment. Would the below work


    - Show immigration around 2mb worth of FET for payments of installments

    - I would then transfer the remaining 8mb and leave on a savings account to wait the final deliver

    - Apply for the VISA with the above


    Then once condo is ready, make the final 7mb payment and leave mb in the fixed account, extend the visa the following year w this.


    Anyone had experiences similar to this that worked or didnt?





  6. 4 hours ago, Oxx said:



    One issue you'll face is "roll over" when the bonds mature and you get the cash back.  You will no longer be holding the requisite amount in bonds to meet the requirements of your Investment visa.  Come the next extension of stay you could well find it rejected.  (That happened to me when a 3 year fixed deposit matured.  Even though I reinvested in another fixed deposit on the same day, I was refused at my next extension.)


    Personally I would go down the fixed deposit route over buying bonds.  However, if the latter is what you want to do, open a brokerage account and hope that your account manager there is able to help you select and buy appropriate bonds.  You don't mention whether you have a work permit.  If you don't you'll find it extremely difficult (if not impossible) to open a brokerage account.


    Quick Q - how did you solve the issue w the rejection when rolling the deposits? With all the hassle and low rates, Im  considering just buying the 20y elite and calling it a day

  7. 1 hour ago, Oxx said:

    Sorry, I misjudged your first post.


    Those bonds are in what is known as the "secondary market".  They can (sometimes) be bought through a broker.  However, (a) they tend to be tightly held, with few sellers, and (b) the price at which they can be bought will be different from the issue price meaning that the actual yield will be different from the coupon rate.


    New issues ("primary market") can sometimes be bought through banks, as well as through brokers.  However, the offers are usually restricted to Thai nationals only.


    One issue you'll face is "roll over" when the bonds mature and you get the cash back.  You will no longer be holding the requisite amount in bonds to meet the requirements of your Investment visa.  Come the next extension of stay you could well find it rejected.  (That happened to me when a 3 year fixed deposit matured.  Even though I reinvested in another fixed deposit on the same day, I was refused at my next extension.)


    Personally I would go down the fixed deposit route over buying bonds.  However, if the latter is what you want to do, open a brokerage account and hope that your account manager there is able to help you select and buy appropriate bonds.  You don't mention whether you have a work permit.  If you don't you'll find it extremely difficult (if not impossible) to open a brokerage account.

    Good information, thanks once again. Yes, aware of the limitations to open a brokerage acct (No WP), was just trying to get a little more than the 1.75% (minus tax) BBL pays for a 24mo deposit. A 10 year deposit until I reach retirement age would be ideal for that 1 million. Will go to the bank and see if they offer such option. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Oxx said:

    You can find details of government agency bonds at http://www.thaibma.or.th/EN/BondInfo/RegisteredBond/RegisterSummary.aspx


    However, given your apparent ignorance about the workings of the bond market, then I suggest you forget the idea, or do a lot of research.

    Exactly the list I needed, thank you! And yeah, not familiar w the Thai market, just need to find a place to mark the outstanding balance of the investment visa post condo purchase for some 10y

  9. Im considering buying someone out off a condo the person commit to buy, the condo is off plan. The original owner stopped the payments some months ago I checked w the developer and he needs to clear the debt first then we can transfer. I would pay for both the debt and some of his original investment. Anyone recommend a lawyer to make this transparent? The original owner is a foreigner, I just want to minimize the chances he wont run after I pay the debt. Thank you

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