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Posts posted by wildcard

  1. If it is not so hard for you to carrythe pill along then ... you should bring it from home but the clothes and other stuff.. just don't worry ..... we have plenty here... and definitely not a pair of boots.... I bet you won't be comfy wearing them on ...

  2. My question is, if i ever would meet a thai lady, and i don't mean no "bar ladies", what are the chances she is really interested of ME and not where i come from, live or my economical potenciallies?

    I would like to know what to look for trying to find a Thai lady who is really interested in me as a person? Only and only thai ladies!!!

    Kind regards


    Hi there...

    I am a Thai lady ... so I think I am qualified to reply this Post ...

    Anyway ..to answer your question.. just like everyone says that it depends on

    her background, education and blah..blah ... blah...

    I myself have a farang b/f and I am not interested in any of his posession or where they are from ...or how much money they make .. or even their skin colour. But what matter to me is how he treats me and how well we go together ... our time spending together ... stuff like that. I believe that we are just like other women in the world who needs respect and care.

    We do care a bit about your guys's job because it will affect our relationship.. of course but not the wages that you guys earn.

    Regarding the white skin worship.... .. umm... I do not think that it is a sign of living in farang country but most Thai girls here want to be white because Thai Society values the prioritiy of the social classes. In the old days only the people who served the royal family were brought up decently and they were not exposed to the ray. The decent girls were supposed to be the ones who are at home learning how to prepare food and taking care of the household. They do not have to go out to a market because they have servants.

    Unlike those people in poor families who has to go out to the field and work and they definitely get tan skin.

    SEE ! this is where the idea of skin colour comes from.

    It is obvious to see that most bargirls have tan skin since they are from rural areas and they are not rich. So, that is why most Thai girls want to be so white.

    IN conclusion ... lol ... you basically have to be yourself and I think if a decent Thai is interested in you for the real you then she will show it and you will know it without a doubt about the skin colour or whatsoever...

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