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Posts posted by FiestyFarang

  1. If you are from a country that can get a visa on arrival after completing a application form and paying 1000 baht you could do it.

    Or are you asking about getting a 15 day visa exempt entry. If from a G7 country you would get 30 days. Since you are currently on a tourist visa you would have no problem crossing the border entering Laos after getting a visa on arrival that that costs from $20 to $42 dependent upon the country you are from and then returning to the country.

    Ubonjoe I know you are very knowledgeable on these matters but I thought Immigration are refusing some people returning back to back on Tourist/Visa Exempt so the fact they are already on a Tourist Visa does that not make it more risky?

  2. Now admittedly I don't know a great deal about the Empower Foundation and maybe they do create work out in the Thai community.

    However, there is a quite extraordinary statement on their website: - http://www.empowerfoundation.org/index_en.html

    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2558-06-03 at 10.17.30 AM.png

    I'm speechless.

    A little ironic that they want an investigation when prostitution is illegal in Thailand anyway!

  3. I think it is partly due to where they come from in China. Have a look at arrivals and many of these charter planes are from places most people have never heard of and never heard of airlines too. Maybe they are first timeout of the country but they are definitely not an advert to go and visit regional China. Chinese who emigrate outside of China adapt certainly in London and Australia they seem different except many still are cruel and do not respect animals but then there are sadly very few animal rights in China. On that subject how many human rights are there. In ocer 30 years the Chinese government have not told the world what happened to the student who stood in front of the tank in Tiananamen Square. China is not a developed country in many ways like the Europe still detaining people that do not conform to their system but sadly Western governments do little to protest as their public want cheap products. Anoter 50 years China will rule the world they already told a US plane to go away on their man made island that other countries claim. China is large enough and now has money to buy arms.

  4. This woman changed her life forever over a few water bottles of water probably costing under $2 which she could have purchased soon after arriving in Bangkok, clearly uneducated about liquid rules that have been on planes for many years now, so sad and stupid, plus all the inconvenience she cased to so many people, the airline etc There is also no logic to telling Airasia staff as they are independently employed to the luggage inspectors who were doing their job trying to keep people safe. We all want to be safe in the skies. Silly ignorant, uneducated woman.

  5. This don't look good for OZ it is your problem and you dump it on Thailand could let him return to Oz then deported him back to the UK if that is where he is from.Funny a prison colony refusing a criminal, now that is classiccheesy.gif

    Are you so far behind with the times that you believe Australia in 2015 is a prison colony? PS I am not Australian but up with the times! Having lived in Australia I can tell you if it was a prison there would be a lot of crime all over the world to go to that prison.

  6. Too easy if your bike does not have a hook put one there by the steering column, respect local views. This might be related to why you never touch an adult Thai on the head as the head is the furthest away from the ground. I was told by my ex-girlfriend I could only touch the top of her head a little bit when we are romantic. There were other places to touch so it was all good.

  7. Sends out totally the wrong message. I think death by road even if an accident should be a mandatory minimum 1 year served PLUS a minmum 100,000Baht fine and that if it is a 100% accident, double both minimums if alcohol is involved. That will make people think including myself. This judgement just sends out the message you can kill someone very little will happen, no jail time. I can't believe the girl in Bangkok how killed several people and did not have a Driving License did not do jail time either.

  8. This type of story really makes foreigners feel alienated in my opinion, is begging reserved for Thais. Every time I mention "tip" Thai come over to me and say they have no money. Thailand is for Thais but will that will be changing soon when Asean is implemented surely all 10 countries will have freedom of employment within member countries like Europe. Why does Thailand block most job to foreigners?

  9. Ladyboys are dangerous .The Irish man with a hole in his head will never try to push a LB again in his lifetime.

    At least he didn't get his pictures plastered all over the news so Mr. Marry can go safely back to Ireland.

    A picture of a man bleeding profusely is in other media.

  10. From memory unless the rules have changed which they do - I converted on a 30 day no problem but don't wait until the last day as if there is a problem then you have an overstay etc - You need a very recent letter from your bank confirming funds I did mine the same day, plus your bank book, plus a rental contract all original I think but definitely the bank letter. Now you can do your reporting online so only have to go to Immigration once a year, unless you need to get a re-entry permit etc.

    "You need a very recent letter from your bank confirming funds I did mine the same day, plus your bank book, plus a rental contract all original I think but definitely the bank letter. Now you can do your reporting online so only have to go to Immigration once a year, unless you need to get a re-entry permit etc."

    A copy of a letter from your embassy regarding income is acceptable when doing the conversion & the original for the extension (if you're using that method), but as you say the bank letter will need to be the original for either the conversion or the application for an annual extension based on retirement. I always present the letter no more than 24 hours from when it was issued. And, the photocopies from your bank passbook should be updated the same day as the letter is issued and should show EXACTLY the same balance as the manager's letter.

    At least his first 90 day report will need to be done in person with a TM.47. And in some cases until the system is fully operational he will need to continue doing 90 day reports in person or by mail. I've been doing them at Jomtien for over 8 years and the online procedure still doesn't work for me. Possibly because I got a new passport a few months ago.

    At Jomtien I've never needed much in the way of proof of residence for either the 90 day report or the annual extension. For the former before it was computerized I just used a recent Internet monthly statement and now they don't even require that. For the annual extension I was asked one time years ago if I owned or rented. I said that I owned. No proof requested. Since then they've never asked for anything regarding my residence.

    There have been unconfirmed rumors that you can submit an application for conversion to a non-imm O entry at Jomtien, but the application will still be forwarded to Bangkok for processing.

    If he enters on a visa exempt entry and is restrained by time, he can still get an addition 30 days by applying for an extension of that stay.

    As JT and others have said, it would probably be less of a hassle locally if he entered on a non-imm O (an O-A even better, but apparently not feasible in his case because of age). Second best would be a Tourist Visa. In either case with a visa in hand he would not need a round trip/ return air ticket.

    I did my 90 report online over a weekend and it was approved by noon on Monday, can't be better than that. What makes you think first time has to be done at Immigration? I have never heard this even on the Immigration site?

  11. From memory unless the rules have changed which they do - I converted on a 30 day no problem but don't wait until the last day as if there is a problem then you have an overstay etc - You need a very recent letter from your bank confirming funds I did mine the same day, plus your bank book, plus a rental contract all original I think but definitely the bank letter. Now you can do your reporting online so only have to go to Immigration once a year, unless you need to get a re-entry permit etc.

  12. The Thai Baht is still high so all must be ok or am I being to simplistic. Normally with so much bad news around a country's currency is under pressure and I know the Thai Baht has additional rules compared to major currencies but even so why is it so high when Thailand exports rice, cars and needs Tourism I would have thought a lower Baht would be desired. I must be missing something.

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  13. If it was me I would get a multi entry Tourist Visa or as you are coming here so often a multi entry Retirement Visa that way you can relax on the flight over knowing you will be allowed in. Australia might have said the same thing for someone travelling so often under a similar situation. You have to admit it looks a little suspicious that you are coming here under the waiver system.

  14. A comment says Thais have been raised this way so should not be blamed but can the new Thais be raised to keep their country tidy or with the ever increasing consumerism will the future generations be living in dirty conditions. In the UK It is shameful to drop litter so most people are tidy to avoid the bad looks or worse they get if they drop litter. There will always be more Thais than foreigners so making more rubbish unless they are taught to be tidy and also bins provided.

  15. According to the police, a kilogram is worth about 3 million baht. Amazing how police exaggerate the value of drugs just to make their busts seem more important. According to online research, 1 kg in california is about 500,000 baht. That is a 600% exaggeration

    I never knew Phuket and California were the same place or physically near to each other and under the same government. What has the price in Calif got to do with the price in Phuket?

    It's like comparing the price of a Merc 500SL in California and Phuket clue they are not close!

  16. I wish some of these illegal meat trade people will come to Pattaya, I'll take them on my morning jog and show them where there can collect a couple hundred filthy mongrels that they can put to good use by turning them into sausages & jerky.

    TSF it is not the dog's fault. There should be more sterilisation of street dogs, shipping them 100's of miles in very cruel conditions and often they are then boiled alive - Is that what you like to see?

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