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Posts posted by 55bulldog

  1. Like Kaoboi says. There is a decent Chinese Thai place on Din Daeng across the street from "Amsterdam" across from a 711 next to the Pizza hut. This Chinese place is on a street that also has some food stands and small restaurants. The max value is ok but I got bored with it as there's not much variation. Overall, the best bet is the Central food court at MRT Rama IX but good luck finding a seat during peak times (sure you know this by now).

    If you want a long walk or a short MRT ride go to the esplanade train market. There is all sorts of food there on a more international level. I like this market much more than JJ although it is smaller. Take the MRT to Thailand Cultural center (it is on the same side of the road as fortune.

    As for the area being dangerous, I ve never had a problem although there was a random vocation tech school incident a few months ago where a kid was shot or stabbed to death. Other than that you gotta watch out for dog crap near the motor cycle taxi at "uh sohm ah tah".

  2. Khao San to BTS Ari is 75-90 baht; my honest fare that night was 83

    Lived in LOS 3.5 years now. The last 2 in BKK. Last night, I was on Kao San Road. Don't go there often because of reasons like this: It took me 4 cabbies to find one that would use the meter. I am so sick of these little jerks that have never cognitively developed past the point of 14 years old-lazy victims who think the world owes them. So hypnotized by "smart" phones that they don't even notice I am filming them. They're so droned out that when they see me approach their vehicle with a phone in hand they don't even realize I am filming them they just glance down as if we're in the same associated tribe.

    The first one (which I only filmed his license plate and a bit of an outside-in-view) asked for 150 baht. I didn't film the interaction because he was the first.

    I filmed my interaction with the 2nd and 3rd because they were lined up and I knew the hustle was on. One tells me, "no meter". As I try and film his ID number, I realize I can't because it is too dark so I begin to say it out loud. I don't know if I said every number clearly but as I finished or was about to he catches on and tries to drown me out by mocking me and pulls away quickly but I get his plate. (Lucky, he didn't nick my phone or have a samurai sword......c'mon we gotta stand up to these "teenage men")

    The other douche is so entranced by his smart phone that he just demands "200 baht no meter". He barely processes me as a human being or customer and just attends to his texting as if I am some afterthought and an inconvenience to his typical teenage boy day "Ah, C'mon dad I have a new video game to play. I don't want to work". I try to get his license number but it is too dark so I walk around to the back of his car and get a clear frame of his plate number.

    I don't know how long you have lived here or how sick you are of this crap but these little boys need to grow up and realize that a job is a job. It's not something you do to hang out and don't you dare ask for a tip! I am so sick and tired of dealing with these M150 consuming children.....aren't you?

    Khoa San is one of the top tourist destinations here. You can say what you want about it's backpacker vibe but it is walking distance from the National Museum and all the symbols of “Thainess”. Unfortunately, these taxis are a symbol of Thainess to me.

    How can I report them? I am having a hard time downloading the videos to my computer. I sent them to my email and try to download them to my computer from the email but it’s not working. Will post them as soon as I figure it out.

  3. Hello all,

    Moving into a new place and I was wondering how to switch my current TOT to the new place. Do I need to go to the original TOT I went to? Will it be an easy switch or will TOT be TIT? I am hoping I can walk in there with my router, my old bill with address, and the new bill with new address (from the last tenant before me) and make a switch.

    Should I go to the TOT near my new condo. I am assuming I should go to the original.

    Curious, if a switch can happen or if it will be a cleaned slate, that is go to the original turn in the router and cancel service then start back up again at the new location.

    Any similar experience that anyone could share would be mighty kind!

    Thank you

  4. NickJ I could give you the name of mine. It took a few weeks to get the kinks out but it has helped a lot. However, it is a bit pricey. First visit 2800 then each visit is 2000. It usually involves treatment with electrolysis, magnetic impulses, and laser treatment. My back is so screwed up that some visits include all three being done before he "cracks" me up. He does charge less for quick visits that involve just an adjustment. Sciatic nerve pain used to be really bad but now it is nearly gone some days it is gone.

    He is American and studied in Los Angeles and has been practicing over 20 years. He is near the BTS towards southeast side.

    But yes some of them can be quite the salesmen trying to convince you to buy other bs like arch supports for your shoes, back support belts, supplements, etc Chiros aren't like "real" doctors who have the pharmaceutical guise to make their money. This guy isn't like that and actually provides information about things you can do on your own to improve health.

    If you pm me I can give you the name and location.

  5. Ok, the jury is finally in. Is a chiropractor considered a 1st class physician? More specifically are medical certificates given by chiropractors acceptable for sick days in the eyes of the ministry of labor?

    The answer is "yes".

    The article provided by a poster that they're quacks is debatable. The same could be said for modern medicine. I found the article interesting. As a sufferer of a lower back condition accompanied with sciatic nerve pain I can say my treatments have improved the condition considerably. I believe natural treatments (no pharmaceuticals) are the answer to many issues.

  6. Conjecture aside (judging by your spelling and grammar skills, which reflect your intellect or lack thereof, Bigt3116 and lostinIsaan you may need to google what conjecture is) a job can wear you down mentally to the point where you are sick. Shame on your brainwashed ideals. You're brainwashed yankees that have no idea what workers rights are. If you side with a big corporation that was once owned by the Carlyle group (you may need to google that one too f wits) over an everyday hardworking employee then you haven't a clue.

    Bigt3116 change your handle to CSIthaivisa. That was amazing how you used your superior intellegence to go back and look at an older post (what kind of person does this and what kind life do you have?). I also liked how you assumed I used a sick day for my demo. I didn't it's called having foresight and planning months ahead for a school year before it starts. Maybe one day you'll have a masters degree that will give you options so that you can do real things in life. Not really sure that I was "caught out" I think you meant "called out".

    As for LostinIsaan, get rid of the inIsaan, you're just lost. Sad, how you're just a sheeple that followed another poster's conjecture riddled rhetoric. Easily brainwashed. Karma has come my way in the form of two separate interviews with quality institutions and now I must decide which to choose from. My hard work in the past has rewarded me in the present and as already mentioned I received pay for those sick days in which I was entitled to. I am sure the word "entitled" means something else as you've been brainwashed by propaganda to what that means. I guess I am a bloodsucking mosqui for obtaining something deemed inalienable.

  7. meant to say the black one on the left promises 6 feet under water but the cheaper one actually guarantees 6 meters.......doesn't make sense I think it was a poor translation on the box. When I said the blue promises the same I was referring to the earth, moon, and stars but with a 6 meter submersion guarantee instead of a 6 feet.....

  8. Hey just wondering if anyone has any experience with bullet/water/survive a nuclear bombing iphone 6 cases. I was at fortune today to buy one and found 2 but the price differences were quite different. The black one on the left was for 2,900 baht and promised the earth, wind , and stars and to withstand a depth of 6.6 feet in water. The blue one on the right also promised a depth of 6 meters but cost 690 baht.

    I don't really want to take them in the water snorkeling or swim with them under waterfalls. I just want a little protection if it dropped in a toilet, swimming pool, or I was caught in a heavy rainstorm.

    I guess it would also be cool to have my phone on a bucket of ice if I do bottle service at RCA or something. My friend did this with his and I would call his number and the phone would light up in the ice bucket. The hi so ladies were really swooning over it and it opened up some conversations :-) Hmmm, maybe wouldn't do this as I am only interested in having a little insurance if it is accidentally dropped or in wet conditions.

    Anyone, know if there is a difference? Both made in China so I am a bit apprehensive.......post-182817-0-56846600-1436169657_thumb.

  9. Thanks guys, yeah the chiro has his name and it says Dr. of Chiro then it says License No. followed by two Thai alphabet initials (the letter k for kwai(waterbuffalo)-could be deg(dekChai-child)-it has been awhile since I studied the Thai alphabet and get those 2 confused- and then the "W" looking symbol with the circle on the outside (I think the letter for "pung" or "bee")) 2 digits a forward slash then 4 digits.

    The physical therapist name has her name, the the Thai alphabet initial "gai" or "kai" (chicken) then 4 digits.

  10. I am curious to know if anyone could define what a "first class physician" is? The labor law and my contract state that if an employee is absent 3 or more consecutive days the employee must give the employer a medical certificate from a first class physician.

    More specifically, does anyone know if a chiropractor would fit the bill? In a little disagreement with my past employer over last few days of pay. They are trying to nickle and dime me and not pay me my last 3 days that I called in before resigning.

    I went to a chiro with severe inflammation and sciatic nerve pain as the result of a common lower back condition and we also discussed liver parasites and the over the counter antibiotics to treat them. (Highly recommend this as liver cancer is the number one cancer here and the direct result of parasites....sure you all read the story 2 weeks ago).

    Anyways, he had written me a med cert my very first visit a few months earlier. This time when I asked him if he could write another one and to include in the details that we discussed antibiotics to kill parasites to reduce inflammation, he would not. He said he does not like to write med certs for anything than chiro related because he is not certified to prescribe meds.....so I am thinking that maybe he is not a first class physician............

    Anyways, if anyone knows please let me know.

    PS. The name of the over counter antibiotics to kill liver parasites is called "Zentell". The generic is called something else and will set you back 70baht for a 3 day burst. The way you take (the pharmacist should explain): Phase one: Take 2 a day for 3 days wait a week. Phase two: repeat taking 2 a day for 3 days to kill any remaining larvae that survived the first phase. I do not believe in antibiotics and try to avoid them when I am sick but these aren't very strong and it is a good idea to do twice a year as parasites are abundant here.

  11. I asked as I gave my passport. They called someone over and walked me to the "over stay" office. Where they issued it and stamped it in. I don't remember though if they stamped me first at the first booth where you look into the camera but I know there was some stamping going on at the overstay/extension office.

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  12. Yep, use your sick days. Back home we called them "mental health" days. Everything is being resolved. Misunderstanding on my part about the pay period. I thought it ran 15th to the 15th of each month with the pay being given at the end of the month not so. 1-30 with payment at midnight........still owe me those sick days but I've got the med cert. Curious as to what the definition of a "1st class physician" is. The contract states that the medical certificate must be from a first class physician........I wonder if that rules out a chiropractor or if "First class" means it must be a hospital or practitioner in an official clinic........what makes a clinic "official".........?

  13. Thanks for the feedback. Everything was legit. I have a work permit and the company does everything by the book. I am thinking/hoping the reason I didn't get my last check direct deposited is for this reason. As stated before I called my boss the night before my next scheduled shift which technically I could have called in sick for (med cert backed) and told them I was no longer going to work there to which he replied, "Ok, we'll have to get you in touch with HR to sign you off". That was it. The next day I couldn't log into the company mail server to get HR emails and follow up on proper procedure.

    My question still is.......do they have to pay me for the 20 days I worked? I have looked at the contract and I am no lawyer but I couldn't find anything that says if you quit without notice you don't get paid. Under the severance and termination clauses nothing stands out.

    Again, this company is quite big and strives to keep its nose clean with the government and labor departments. So much so that they worked to come to an agreement with a teacher who was having sex with multiple students. He worked there 9 months and they paid him out the last 3 months of his contract with the contract completion bonus! Just to go away because even though the contract stipulates that teachers are not to be intimate with students it can't be enforced on consenting adults.

    So I just got back from going to HR. I dressed nicely, smiled, was very respectful, and told them that I had not received my last paycheck. They asked me to have a seat and wait brought me some water and then returned a few minutes later. She began asking me banking questions about my account..........Hopefully, something went wrong or I am thinking my manager did this to spite me because he had to cover my classes and missed out on candy crush and face book as a result of my calling in or they are BSing me.........we exchanged phone numbers and she told me she tried to call someone in payroll.........to be continued. But thanks for your replies and sharing your insights.

    As to the writer who said honesty is not the best policy for calling in sick. I completely agree! My first 12 month contract there I went 10.5 months without calling in sick then I had to legitimately call in because of a little dysentery bout. When I called in to take the 2nd day off because I was completely drained after spending one day on the toilet my manager asked if I could just come in and drink some coffee or red bull to get through the day! Why? once again he'd have to cover my classes and not play line or face book.

  14. I worked with one of the largest language schools in Thailand or as they're proud to say the world (hint: load up the station wagon kids-Chevy Chase is driving). I gave it 18 heart felt months and was surrounded by corporate crap show managers that did nothing but make fun of the students as they did what middle managers do best at big corps-milk the benefits such as actually having a weekend day off whilst the teachers slave away and need to take paid leave to have a Saturday or Sunday off. When I asked for professional advice it was mocked because the place only cared about sales.

    Anyways, I burnt out. It was to the point where it physically wore me down and I have the medical certificates to prove it. The last 10 or so of my 17 days there I called in sick. Three days before I quit, I forewarned my boss that the end was inevitable in an email with a new 3 day medical certificate.

    I quit and told them I would not be in the next scheduled day. The next day I tried to log into the company email and I was cut off.

    I worked 20 days out of the 30 day pay period and they did not direct deposit my pay into my account so I am wondering if a) obviously they don't have to pay me because I breached contract B) it is my last payment and not full so I have to collect it from them....(yeah, I screwed myself.......

    I don't know I guess I could have taken full advantage of my 30 sick leave days but I decided to take the high road and tell them that it was over for the sake of the staff and the students.

    Does anyone have experience with this?

    I really don't need to be preached at by the "hang em high brigade". I am a professional teacher with experience in my own country and I really gave this corporation (not a school by any means) all that I could. In the end,I worked there to settle for less (workload wise) and I really did end up settling for less.

    Any, non virtual psychopathologic real world advice would be great to hear!


  15. Quit the job on the evening of the 5th, which was a Friday, without notice. Decided to test the waters and see what would happen if I didn't leave the country within 24 hours and without a 7 day extension nor a termination letter. Very foolish I know but I had bigger fish to fry and had money ready to go for overstay plus 4,000 baht. On the evening of the 16th I crossed the border at Hat Yai with no problems. They didn't mention anything just a stamp and a "khrapON"

  16. Thanks. Ok, time to put this to bed. So, with my HR's track record this sounds like herding cats and a very unnerving situation as I'd have to put too much trust in them to date the paperwork and have it ready on the same date. Unfortunately, I think I am going to have to bail on them after nearly two years and go to Malaysia and return with a tourist visa.

    My question is: For my next potential employer will I be able to get a new Non B and WP with this new 60 day TV?

    Will it be like a fresh start? Are there any potential loose ends? I have read on another post by Direktkaoz a few months ago (03-15) that s/he couldn't get the cancellation for the extension of stay without a letter from the employer could this be a potential hiccup? Or once I leave and return the extension is null?

    Khapun mach khrap!

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