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Everything posted by Soikhaonoiken

  1. Or is it due to the influx of un- vaccinated Chinese tourist..
  2. The Airlines are price gouging because people want to travel again after Covid, also same as inflation, many retails are taking advantage and causing higher inflation around the world..
  3. But in with those zero tours are the Chinese criminals and scammers which we seem to be reading about every day now... Oh, wait a minute, I forgot all those seized assets they keep getting from those Chinese mobster must be benefiting some HiSo Thais...
  4. Very sad, but I see many young motorbike riders driving like crazy up and down small Soi's, When riding anywhere in Thailand you have to be on your highest alert.
  5. Everything is for sale in Thailand, ,, including Thailand itself if they are Chinese buyers...
  6. It's obviously going to be a misunderstanding.... AGAIN..
  7. For God's sake, he's a construction guy, and doesn't know anything about health, obviously it was a free trip to the UK..
  8. If its anything like Thai drivers, god help us all...
  9. He had no intention to do anything, as its to lucrative for him and his crownies..
  10. We all know they have little or no safe procedures in Thailand..
  11. Let's hope his wishes don't come true...
  12. Anutin needs to read or listen to many news briefings , today alone, 9 million tested positive for Covid in China, and the death rate has increase dramatically, also they are saying only about 30% of Chinese have been fully vaccinated....
  13. Greed factor yet again, what happened to the 700 baht you already collect from tourist which was added to the ticket several years ago, is that still be going to the infrastructure fund...
  14. Hmmm, if they carry on letting unchecked Chinese visitors in , the figures could be zero tourist as the Country will be locked down again..
  15. Thailand has certainly lost the plot... news reports are saying that 80% of Chinese are infected with Covid, and yet this Minister wants to promote it in Thailand... $$$$ before health... unbelievable..
  16. The man is Crazy, and has no interest in the safety of Thai citizens, more interested in sucking up to China, think his decision will come back to bite Thailand....
  17. And no doubt to Ask the Indian PM to drop his Countries Covid rules as it is affecting Thailand tourism and the tourist $$$$$...
  18. Hi Salerno I read the update before Anutin decided to flip flops on his decision, think I need to check the news every 15 minutes, 5555
  19. Just give up, retire and do us all a favor...
  20. Wow, what I can't understand is the latest update to the new requirements, where none vaccinated tourists can board a flight, but must take covid test on arrival....but if immigration won't be checking vaccine paper work who is going to police the un vaccinated.... the mind boggles...
  21. Of course it was admiral, but we all know what Thai standards are.....
  22. Here we go again.... just like the 1st wave of Covid, stating Thailand won't be effected by Covid as its too hot... and Covid will be washed away when the rains come... And Covid won't affect Thais because of spicy food.. etc etc
  23. Greed factor rules over safety and health of Thailands citizens...
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