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Everything posted by zib

  1. Only in the sense that it would provide verifiable proof of unaltered supply for the public.
  2. If the contract say they guarantee 8% per year then the scheme is that they rent it out for way more than 8% per year but that's what you get. Usually works. I've had agencies offer me 5% up front while they are renting out for 15%. To add: With current offshore interest rates , if your money is offshore, where you can get a non-risk 4-5% , 8% is a bad deal. What I said above was several years ago when interest rates were 0%.
  3. zib

    driving licence

    Probably closed since they issued fake permits.. :)
  4. I can't wrap my head around the risk and hassle to import it from the US so my thought is that it is from Laos and just stamped US. Either completely bogus or they take some seeds from some special US strain and grow it in Laos.
  5. Yes feels like that. An initial high hah. I don't know that the prices per gram was before when it was illegal but I get a feeling that they started with pricing it at the same level. Now the real price discovery is underway.
  6. If a farm in the US can produce weed so cheap that it's cheaper than local grown even after imports and middle man cuts then the local weed is priced wrong and they are just greedy.
  7. It's cheaper for a reason. They are illegal. I'll gladly pay Grab prices then have some taxi mafia guy threaten me.
  8. Asked and usually the places have Singha/Chang and those companies lend you a tank. Most others with imported beer do not. But the bars splice the co2 lines together and feed from the borrowed one. Tanks are easy to buy but everyone sends them to bangkok for refilling which is to much of a cost for me
  9. Various distributors. A few lend you a co2 tank for a week but not all so want my own.
  10. 2 years later. Never got notifications for answers so didn't see the replies until I looked now. Still have not found a tank :D
  11. IDP is always needed but, as people said, it's just a translation + verification of what you are allowed to drive. There's places in Phuket you can get them so you don't need to get it in your home country. The rules in the past were that you can drive max 60 days on an IDP while on a tourist visa or 90 days on a non-imm. No idea what happens if you leave the country for a while and come back.
  12. None of those are "base loads" so you still need another option. Some options are nuclear, coal, oil, gas, hydro.
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