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Krabi King

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    Krabi Town, Krabi

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    Krabi Town, Krabi

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  1. It was actually "3,2,1, see ya!" No joke. I've seen the video
  2. Green plate taxis ... always in a hurry, running lights and tail gating.
  3. I've been using Mobile Voip for over a decade. Easy to top up and easy to use. Good rates. https://mobilevoip.org/
  4. I'm curious to know if there are any cases where rental shops have been sued by family members of people that had a (fatal) accident, for renting out a motorcycle without a proper driving license? Yes, I know the painstaking process of going through court here and you'd probably say Thai will protect Thai. But I'm just wondering if there are any known cases where a rental shop was held liable...
  5. Obviously not for some
  6. Can we also get rid of the outdated syphilis and elephantitis check ups please? Thank you!
  7. It's a translation thing... It translates like that from languages of people who actually can speak another language (or 2) apart from English. Thought that would be interesting to know for the monolinguists here 😄
  8. Officially they're only legal if they contain a very minimal amount of THC, 0.2%. But of course that is useless. They're sold in many shops as well as online. Very important is the dosage though, because although it's never physically dangerous, overdosing can get really uncomfortable. I'd start with 10mg and see how that works. Give it at least 2 - 3 hours to kick in. You will build up tolerance when using it more often, so you could increase dosage overtime. And make sure they know what they're selling when you buy. The effects are different than when smoking because the THC is processed by your liver which then releases a different chemical compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. I enjoy it more these days than smoking. It relaxes me. It could help cope with pain too.
  9. Krabi King's cobra is the biggest 😎
  10. Today's email newsletter had 2 main articles causing me to be a little confused 🫤
  11. You beat me to it 🙂
  12. 2025 tip: There is a thing they call "the cloud". You can upload to the net whatever you like and give other people access to it. No need to send data carriers all over the planet. Lots of free services available, like Mega.
  13. I actually had cops stopping for me ON the roundabout once... I refused to move. After a moment their window rolled down, I got a thumbs up and they moved on 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
  14. Roundabouts have stop signs at the roads joining it, and even signs telling drivers, in writing, the right of way is for people ON the roundabout. I think roundabouts need traffic lights now.
  15. FYI, Krabi Airport has no flights to Phuket. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive around the bay.
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