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Posts posted by Deli

  1. On 12/5/2020 at 2:55 PM, Card said:

    I live in a condo in Pattaya and overlook a number of local houses which are being rented out for 1-2 nights at a time to large numbers of tourists (often 10-20 per house). Before covid the tourists were usually Chinese or Indians, but since covid they are Thai tourists. I am sure several of the houses are owned by the same person and probably rented through an agent as they do not appear on Airbnb. I would not mind but the noise they create is intolerable most of the day and until very late in the evening.


    I am asking where I can complain to the local or national authorities as I am sure it is illegal to rent private accommodation for less than 1 month to avoid competition with hotels, which are suffering badly at this time. Is it the police, local city hall, tax authorities, hotels association and is there a online link to make the complaint? I very much doubt complaining to the owners would make the slightest difference and it may open me to revenge.


    Cry a river at our GF's shoulder and move to a nursing home.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Oldie said:

    We don't need more restrictions, more laws and more rules. They are hardly enforced anyway anymore. Let's take the "dangerous" entertainment industry. Closing time should be midnight. It is now after 3 in the morning and here in Central Pattaya there are still bars open. And they don't follow any precaution rules anyway. Why should they if laws and regulations are not enforced? Or the festivals like the recent Fireworks Festival in Pattaya without any Covid precautions. I expect the same for the upcoming Music Festival and the New Years celebration. 


    Amazing Thailand - it really had a lot of luck until now. I ask myself for how much longer can this miracle last. 


    Go living under a rock, Oldie.,

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  3. 3 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

    It doesn't sound like as much as it seems. Nets can be heavy but no doubt there is way too much out there all over the place from the Atlantic to the Pacific to this place. The world is a mess and the real problem is that there are just too many people and people destroy a lot and want a lot. Less people is what world leaders should be talking about to improve the environment. I know that slowly people are having smaller families but it's too late. Every human wants that fish dinner and the car and the computer and the world travel and all of it. They'll cheat to get it and business people like fisherman will too.


    Free and qualified education available is the key

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