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Posts posted by thousandpercent

  1. Who gives a s**t about this old f**t. Had his day in the celeb sun.... Let him <deleted> off into oblivion. Only stupid idiots care about this celeb stalking.

    Well, stupid idiots and 30+ women that he drugged and raped.

    How do you know he drugged and raped anyone?

    Because he has admitted giving Quaaludes to women so he could have sex with them. That is rape

    He didn't admit to any such thing. He refused to answer the question.

  2. The aspect of this case, that I do not get, is why on earth he needed to drug these women? He was a star, and was very wealthy. Beautiful, young women in Los Angeles are some of the easiest women in the world, when it comes to falling under the spell of the hypnosis of fame and fortune. So, he had supermodels who were willing to give themselves to him. Why would he have to resort to this kind of reprehensible behavior, when he had some much of the "willing and able" type available? Was it just pure pathological illness? He needs to be punished severely for his crimes. I just don't get the motivation for a guy in his position.

    Given that there is absolutely no known evidence to support any of the allegations, I had no way to conclude that any of them are true. That's why I came to ThaiVisa. There is always an abundance of blowhards that know for sure, in spite of a total lack of evidence, who is guilty of what. Thanks for enlightening me on the truth. I wonder why we don't dispense with investigations, judges, and juries when we have you to get everything sorted as soon as it appears in the tabloids.
    What rock are you guys hiding under? Not following the news?

    (CNN)Bill Cosby has admitted to getting prescription Quaaludes to give to women he wanted to have sex with, newly released documents show.

    The documents, dating back to 2005, stem from a civil lawsuit filed by Andrea Constand -- one of the dozens of women who have publicly accused the comedian of sexual assault. The records were made public Monday after The Associated Press went to court to compel their release.

    Doctor: Quaaludes may disconnect you from reality

    Doctor: Quaaludes may disconnect you from reality 03:00


    CNN has attempted to reach a lawyer and publicist for Cosby to respond to the revelations contained in the documents, without success. His longtime publicist, David Brokaw, said, "We have no plans to issue a statement."

    In a sworn deposition, Cosby answered questions from Constand's attorney, Dolores Troiani.

    "When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Troiani asked.

    "Yes," Cosby replied.

    Who are Cosby's accusers?

    Who are Cosby's accusers? 26 photos


    "Did you ever give any of those young women the Quaaludes without their knowledge?" Troiani asked.

    Where is the part where Cosby admits to rape? Where is the part where he admits to giving drugs to any woman without her consent? The article you cite specifically says he does not admit to either. Given that you have the facts in front of you and you assert the opposite, its obvious youre telling lies. What we don't know is whether or not the accusers are liars, also.
  3. Who gives a s**t about this old f**t. Had his day in the celeb sun.... Let him <deleted> off into oblivion. Only stupid idiots care about this celeb stalking.

    Well, stupid idiots and 30+ women that he drugged and raped.

    Arrest, charge and prosecute him yes! But stop the constant media barrage presenting minute alleged details as daily news worthiness.

    This newly discovered admission by Cosby of drugging women for sex is indeed very newsworthy. Not to you maybe, although you apparently were strongly affected ... or do you easily and often call people 'stupid idiots'?

    He has not admitted to drugging any women. Anyone who would say such an stupid thing is an idiot.

  4. Who gives a s**t about this old f**t. Had his day in the celeb sun.... Let him <deleted> off into oblivion. Only stupid idiots care about this celeb stalking.

    Hmm, you might feel differently if your daughter were one of Cosby's victims... coffee1.gif

    You might feel differently if your son were a victim of a false accusation. And you don't know if Cosby has any victims.
  5. I believe the Statute of Limitation are up on most, if not all, of these alleged rapes. But his denials ring hollow when we now know that he has admitted to drugging women and having sex with them.

    I am afraid it is not just 'where there's smoke, there's fire', in this case where there are flames, there is fire.

    He has not admitted to drugging anyone. Where did you hear this absurd nonsense? Or did you just make it up?

  6. There's no smoke without fire.

    Are you trying to give a physics lesson, or are you saying women never lie? In both cases, you're wrong. Every single study of false rape accusations ever conducted comes to the same conclusion: about 40% of women who allege to police that they have been raped are lying. In the McDowell study, 20% admitted to lying. In the Kanin study, 40% admitted to lying. It stands to reason that when women seek to get money from a wealthy man, we should be very skeptical. Particularly in this case where none of the complainants have offered any evidence whatsoever to substantiate their claims. I'll bet you said the same thing about the Duke lacrosse players, didn't you? And the rape hoax at the University of Virginia reported by Rolling Stone.

    Let's examine how your theory works. You raped and sodomized ten Thai babies on Koh Samui. I saw you. I know three other people that saw you rape babies. Since there is no smoke without fire (you are a terrible physicist), it is now established as an indisputable fact that you are a baby raper. If you deny it, you're a liar. Where there is smoke, there's fire. If you weren't a baby raper, four people wouldnt have accused you. Stop raping babies, Samuibeachcomber! You belong in prison!

  7. The aspect of this case, that I do not get, is why on earth he needed to drug these women? He was a star, and was very wealthy. Beautiful, young women in Los Angeles are some of the easiest women in the world, when it comes to falling under the spell of the hypnosis of fame and fortune. So, he had supermodels who were willing to give themselves to him. Why would he have to resort to this kind of reprehensible behavior, when he had some much of the "willing and able" type available? Was it just pure pathological illness? He needs to be punished severely for his crimes. I just don't get the motivation for a guy in his position.

    Given that there is absolutely no known evidence to support any of the allegations, I had no way to conclude that any of them are true. That's why I came to ThaiVisa. There is always an abundance of blowhards that know for sure, in spite of a total lack of evidence, who is guilty of what. Thanks for enlightening me on the truth. I wonder why we don't dispense with investigations, judges, and juries when we have you to get everything sorted as soon as it appears in the tabloids.

  8. Who gives a s**t about this old f**t. Had his day in the celeb sun.... Let him <deleted> off into oblivion. Only stupid idiots care about this celeb stalking.

    Hmm, you might feel differently if your daughter were one of Cosby's victims... coffee1.gif

    Indeed he should be arrested, charged and prosecuted fully. But the constant news buzz and fixation my the masses on his every move now is to what I am referring.

    If there was sufficient evidence, he would have been charged already. That he has not been charged casts serious doubts about whether or not the allegations are true. Until there is a reasonable amount of evidence, not only should he not be arrested, charged, and prosecuted, we should all shut the f*#k up about this vicious and salacious gossip.

  9. Good riddance to bad rubbish

    Glad to see Britain can get rid of some of the bad immigrants,wish they could get rid of a lot more criimal inclined ones.

    How does it feel to be so bitter, judgemental, and vindictive that you get exited about abusing a baby by making him fatherless for a petty crime? Do you also want to abuse the children of British fathers by permanently exiling British men who commit petty crimes, or do you propose unequal punishments for the children of good and wholesome white babies and ugly, filthy brown babies? How does it feel to define humans as "rubbish" based on a moment in their lives without even hearing the facts and circumstances, the defense, or the mitigating factors? I assume that on the same basis you consider Churchill, Gandhi, and MLK to be rubbish. They committed crimes. And you have committed thousands of crimes, even if you were not prosecuted. Yes you have. Are you rubbish? Should you be exiled? You think your children should be similarly abused, don't you?

    Does it make you feel powerful to condemn?

  10. This is hilarious. Where is the Thai Visa lynch mob that loves to convict everyone against whom even the hint of an accusation appears in the media? In every case where a cop says a complainant claims to have been raped, we hear "Burn in Hell," "Cut his nuts off," "I hope he gets raped...in prison." Thai Visa wingnuts had so much confidence in the government, they didn't even need to bother with hearing a defense. Until today. Now suddenly third world governments can't be trusted. Hypocrites, as usual.

    Regards, Wordgoerdie

  11. Thailand just loves its "excise" (and VAT) taxes on stuff....it's a way to get everyone, poor or rich, to pay taxes versus having to rely on personal income taxes (which the majority of Thais don't pay) as the bulk of your tax revenue.

    Of course it could be worst...you could live in some western countries which are heavy into personal (which the majority do pay), excise, and VAT taxes. Taxes are addictive to governments.

    Taxes are addictive to governments because air traffic safety, waste water treatment, fire suppression, parks, agricultural research, vaccinations, currency stability, and labor regulation are addictive to taxpayers. So it works out very well for everyone. I'm sure you have never missed an opportunity to suck at the government's tit.

  12. A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

    I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

    I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

    Yes! And obsessive compulsive disorder is a "behavior choice". Just stop washing your hands. And Tourettes Syndrome is a "behavior choice". Just stop blinking. And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a "behavior choice". Just stop crying. And Parkinson's Disease is a "behavior choice". Just stop shaking your hands. And depression is a "behavior choice". And dyslexia. And stuttering. And you know what else is a "behavior choice"? Being a dick. So stop being a dick.

  13. soon monsanto will also have a GMO rice

    so the best option will be: eat none of them

    both full with pesticides, herbicides, and many people allergic to them or get fat as fell as being empty starches for rice and for wheat, the most important nutrient has been stripped in the process


    Hippies should be composted and used as fertilizer.

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