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Posts posted by thousandpercent

  1. What a ridiculous story. It's defamatory. Walmart abuses Cambodian workers? Yeah, right, I'm sure somewhere in Arkansas there is a middle manager who said, "This is the kind of product that will work in our mix, and your price is acceptable, but unless I see some workers abused, it's no deal!" What bullshittery. Walmart had nothing to do with this. A salesman from a Cambodian factory went to Walmart, showed his samples, offered a price, then Walmart placed an order. Abuse, if there was any, which the sensationalist article fails to establish, was far removed from the buyer. It would be simarly ridiculous to say "Nike murders innocent black people" because the cops who shot unarmed citizens in Missouri and Maryland wore Nike boots. This story must have come from the laziest reporter at Left Wing Fox News.

  2. I think it's the govt fee to delete the name of the finance company from the green book. Kinda excessive.

    No, this is the Thai government to OP is talking about, not the UK government.
    Highest standard of living in human history. Safe, efficient roads that go everywhere. Cars with airbags, MP3 players, and aircon. Cutting edge emergency medical services respond in minutes if you have an accident. Sattelite navigation. Abundant fuel. And you histrionic, infantile pu$$ies won't stop snivelling because giving a little of your huge disposable incomes for it is "excessive". The British have become the most selfish, greedy, infantile softcox in the world. Your grandfather is ashamed of you.

    What makes you think wwe have high disposable incomes? I have a wife and 4 kids and live on 45,000 Baht per month and I can assure you none of that is disposable. I also know that even in Australia I would not hhave tp pay 10,000 baht to transfer ownership, so yes it is excessive.


    You don't The baht is not the currency of the UK, and nobody mentioned Australia. Also, nobody believes your kooky story about you, your wife, and four kids having 45,000 per month gross income, paying 45,000 per month in taxes, and living on no money. Not sure what you're trying to pull with that.

  3. I think it's the govt fee to delete the name of the finance company from the green book. Kinda excessive.

    No, this is the Thai government to OP is talking about, not the UK government.
    Highest standard of living in human history. Safe, efficient roads that go everywhere. Cars with airbags, MP3 players, and aircon. Cutting edge emergency medical services respond in minutes if you have an accident. Sattelite navigation. Abundant fuel. And you histrionic, infantile pu$$ies won't stop snivelling because giving a little of your huge disposable incomes for it is "excessive". The British have become the most selfish, greedy, infantile softcox in the world. Your grandfather is ashamed of you.

    Another troll post, a total waste of time

    Right. Anyone who says government fees in the UK are reasonable is a troll. Tell me, what do Margaret Thatcher's balls taste like?

  4. I think it's the govt fee to delete the name of the finance company from the green book. Kinda excessive.

    No, this is the Thai government to OP is talking about, not the UK government.
    Highest standard of living in human history. Safe, efficient roads that go everywhere. Cars with airbags, MP3 players, and aircon. Cutting edge emergency medical services respond in minutes if you have an accident. Sattelite navigation. Abundant fuel. And you histrionic, infantile pu$$ies won't stop snivelling because giving a little of your huge disposable incomes for it is "excessive". The British have become the most selfish, greedy, infantile softcox in the world. Your grandfather is ashamed of you.

    Is this me you are talking to, or Inzman?

    Inzman didn't bellyache about fees being excessive in the UK.

  5. I think it's the govt fee to delete the name of the finance company from the green book. Kinda excessive.

    No, this is the Thai government to OP is talking about, not the UK government.

    Highest standard of living in human history. Safe, efficient roads that go everywhere. Cars with airbags, MP3 players, and aircon. Cutting edge emergency medical services respond in minutes if you have an accident. Sattelite navigation. Abundant fuel. And you histrionic, infantile pu$$ies won't stop snivelling because giving a little of your huge disposable incomes for it is "excessive". The British have become the most selfish, greedy, infantile softcox in the world. Your grandfather is ashamed of you.

  6. Is it not the case that your wife must have so much money invested in the business or something similar?

    I mean if it was possible for your wife to work for herself, and all you had to do was help her, and get a work permit, nearly all the Farangs

    and retirees would be doing it. No need for so much money in the bank and 90 day reporting.

    Mrs Possum is self employed, pays government taxes etc, I bet I can't just give her a little help and then get a work permit.

    It depends on what her trade is and how you fit into that to help.

    It's very much at the discretion of the Labour Dept and whether a Thai could do that job.

    For example if you were preparing specialised western foods to be sold through your wife's café/restaurant then you could get a work permit based on that fact, and the basis that a Thai wouldn't have the knowledge or skill to prepare such food.

    Each case is individual.

    Whether or not a Thai could do a job has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not a foreigner can get a work permit to do it. Let's let this urban legend die, please.

  7. Good reply, These people only make up 13% to 16% of the population and want to wipe their ways in the face of the majority. I agree it is a States Rights Issue, and if one does not the laws of the State they live in they have the right to move.

    "I agree it is a States Rights Issue, and if one does not the laws of the State they live in they have the right to move."

    Yes! If a state's laws do not allow niggers to be treated in public hospitals, then any nigger that doesn't like it can go back to Africa! And if the law allows factories to dump poison in our rivers, causing babies to be born deformed and retarded, any hippie that doesnt like it should go to Africa, too! Laws should never change just because the majority of citizens demand it. That's democracy, and you hate democracy, right?! If 57% of voters want marriage equality and only 39% are opposed, the 57% should just move! Goddamned communists is what they are, thinking that citizens should decide on laws using ballot initiatives and representatives elected by the majority! That's not what you fought the Japs for, is it Grandpa?! No! You fought the Japs so that factories can poison babies and white people wouldn't have to mix with darkies! That's the American Way!

  8. This is another one of those cases that isn't what it appears to be about. It's not about gay marriage or gay rights. It's about States' Rights.

    In the US, the Constitution clearly forbids the federal government from making laws it isn't authorized to make. The Tenth Amendment to The Constitution says this and only this:

    "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    When the US was in its infancy many people, having fled a king in Europe didn't want a powerful central government. After the Constitution was ratified they quickly came together again and ratified all at once the first ten amendments which are called "The Bill of Rights". The is the reserved rights of the people and of the states against the federal government.

    The argument is that marriage is regulated individually and sometimes differently by different states just as are many other important things. Again, laws can vary by state.

    This debate comes down to whether the federal government has the constitutional authority to make any law on this subject which would bind any individual state, in this case meaning all of the states with one law. The thing then to watch is whether the Supreme Court which makes these rulings about what the Constitution says will come down on the side of states, or on the side of the federal government.

    This is a Constitution debate and I have no idea what the outcome will be. The court has many times ruled in favor of the states and against the feds and if it does this time, the people in each state will have to take up the fight with the state legislatures. If it rules against the states then federal law will rule.

    This case is not based on a state'a rights theory. It's based mainly on the due process clause of the Constitution. You also missed Ammendments IX, XIV, and the equal protection clauses.

  9. I always thought marriage was to procreate and provide a stable environment for children. In western society , these days, civil partnerships provide as much security for 'partners' and children as marriage does. So, marriage has really become symbolic as far as partnership rights are concerned.Who gives a sh*t, except religious followers. Those that follow a specific set of personal beliefs have to adhere to the laws of society that they live in, if they do not wish to, they are democratically allowed to leave and live in a society with different laws. If they do not they are allowed to use their right of free speech to criticise who or what they dislike, as long as they do not encourage law breaking. Similarly, those of gay persusion should not try and impose their views upon a society opposed to those views.


    "I always thought marriage was to procreate and provide a stable environment for children."

    So you think that infertile persons, like women past menopause, and veterans with war injuries that render them unable to have children should be forbidden to marry? Wow! What you always though was wrong.

    "In western society , these days, civil partnerships provide as much security for 'partners' and children as marriage does."

    Wow! There are no "civil partnerships" in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, or Tennessee. Nor in the 32 other states with marriage equality. Nor in the 16 states that don't have marriage equality. Nor in any Federal district or territory. So "civil partnerships" don't provide anything. Who told you this nonsense? Was is Fox News? It was Fox News, wasn't it?

    "So, marriage has really become symbolic as far as partnership rights are concerned."

    Wow! According to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), there are 1,138 statutory provisions in which marital status is a factor in determining benefits, rights, and privileges. You think health insurance, the right to reside with your family, and military housing are "symbolic"? Why do you hate soldiers and sailors so much? Did a woman in uniform peg you? Why do you want to take mothers away from their babies? Why do you want sick children to be denied healthcare? Wow!

    "Who gives a sh*t,"

    Tens of millions of gay people, and the people who respect them.

    "Those that follow a specific set of personal beliefs have to adhere to the laws of society that they live in,"

    Cool, because the laws of society allow marriage equality in 36 states. And the law allows all other states to adopt marriage equality. So you're a supporter of gay marriage. Thanks. You're doing the right thing. The thing your masters at Fox News didn't tell you is that the law isn't clear. So we don't know yet how to adhere to them. That was made clear in the article, but I guess the big words confused you.

    "if they do not wish to, they are democratically allowed to leave and live in a society with different laws."

    And if you don't like it, you are democratically allowed to f/u/c/k right off.

    "If they do not they are allowed to use their right of free speech to criticise who or what they dislike,"

    You know what else they are allowed to do? Seek judicial review. And that's what's happening. So I guess you're very happy about this litigation.

    "as long as they do not encourage law breaking."

    I'll bet you said that when women were not allowed to vote. And when black people were not allowed to attend Ole Miss. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE LAW, LEAVE THE COUNTRY! MLK BELONGS IN JAIL FOR ENCOURAGING PEACEFUL PROTEST!

    "Similarly, those of gay persusion should not try and impose their views upon a society opposed to those views."

    THOSE OF THE FEMALE PERSUASION AND THOSE OF THE NIGGER PERSUASION SHOULD NOT TRY AND IMPOSE EQUALITY UPON A SOCIETY OPPOSED TO IT! Guess what, Grandpa, a decisive majority of Americans support marriage equality! So you should not try and impose your bigotry upon a society opposed to second class status for gay people. How does it feel to lose? Are you crying?

  10. Once again, the know-it-all blowhards of Thai visa read six sentences and know exactly what happened and who is to blame. All the police, prosecutors, judges, juries, medical examiners, and forensics investigators should pack it in. They aren't needed. Thai visa knows everything already.

    Regards, wordgoerdie.

  11. Tell me is there any shortage of trolls on here, a guy and his family have had everything stolen on them, they are fellow expats and from what i read, just drivel comes out of some people statements, quick and short troll comments, have you guys no intelligence or emphaty, what if it happened to you or your best mate or your family??

    2 children locked in a water well and only for a neighbour found them they could have died!

    Properties stolen with the full knowledge fo the family lawyer.

    Trolls should be banned and their IP blocked in such circumstances. The whole meaning of an expat community is the word Community, a place of support and protection

    Just because someone has an opinion that you do not agree with does not make the comment a troll posting.

    This man comes to Thailand, starts spending huge amounts of money without any understanding of what he is getting into an still believed he owned something.

    He was destined to become a victim the moment he stepped off the plane, and there will be many more behind him.

    Yes I feel sorry for him, but before splashing out huge sums of money in a foreign land he needs to read up and understand what due diligence is all about.

    He had a lawyer. That's what due diligence is all about. He didn't think he owned something. He thought he leased something. Before you comment, how about due diligence?

  12. Apologists please enter your pleas now.

    Alright, I'll take up that banner.

    No-one who has made a comment so far has mentioned that:

    a ) the word alleged is used throughout

    b ) they have been arrested, and it wasn't even mentioned that they were charged as yet, let alone convicted.

    Forget berating the apologists, and calm the hang-em high brigade until someone is convicted. Isn't the right of people here to face a trial first?



    Settle down. People are only venting to let their frustrations out. Better that they do it here. Harming kids gets to the very soul of most people, especially those who have children whom they love and adore and want to protect. At the moment I'm looking at framed pix of my daughter on her 1st birthday and (years later) with me on Samet. Beautiful. But will the victim be able to do the same in, say 10 years time? Look at loving pix of herself and mum? The thought that she won't makes me sad, so I will go ahead and vent my spleen against the scum mother and stepfather.

    I try to be a decent and civilized person, help make the world more decent and civilized, and set an example of decency and civility. I guess that means I don't love my kids. If I really loved my kids, I would judge people based on mere accusations, and advocate for more rape and torture. Nothing says love like vicious revenge. That's the kind of person you want your kids to have for a parent, and the kind of world you want your kids to live in. Because you love them.

  13. Apologists please enter your pleas now.

    Alright, I'll take up that banner.

    No-one who has made a comment so far has mentioned that:

    a ) the word alleged is used throughout

    b ) they have been arrested, and it wasn't even mentioned that they were charged as yet, let alone convicted.

    Forget berating the apologists, and calm the hang-em high brigade until someone is convicted. Isn't the right of people here to face a trial first?



    Settle down. People are only venting to let their frustrations out. Better that they do it here. Harming kids gets to the very soul of most people, especially those who have children whom they love and adore and want to protect. At the moment I'm looking at framed pix of my daughter on her 1st birthday and (years later) with me on Samet. Beautiful. But will the victim be able to do the same in, say 10 years time? Look at loving pix of herself and mum? The thought that she won't makes me sad, so I will go ahead and vent my spleen against the scum mother and stepfather.

    I appreciate what you're saying and am in agreement with your sentiments towards people who would commit such a crime, however my whole point is that "the scum mother and stepfather" as you've named these people, have not actually been convicted of any crime whatsoever. In fact I can't see that they've even been charged for it, unless I missed that bit somewhere.

    It would hardly be the first time that a bitter ex-husband has tried to frame his ex-wife and new man. I'm not saying that's what's happening here because the truth is that I simply do not know. I'm just saying that NONE of us knows. I'm just horrified that humans don't seem to have come that far along the evolutionary scale since the mob hangings and witch hunts of the middle ages.

    We have a justice system that tries (sometimes unsuccessfully) to protect the innocent and to punish the guilty, and I'm pretty sure you'd be thankful for that if you were wrongly accused of a crime, especially one like this. That is, until you got onto the Thai Visa Forum and learnt that people couldn't give a crap about your rights, and were interested only in seeing you sodomized in a Thai prison without further evidence or trial.

    It makes me feel embarrassed to be a member of this forum, lest someone paint me with the same brush.


    Agree 100%. And the consensus among ThaiVisa blowhards and a$$holes is that they don't want less violence, they want more violence. These are the kind of people who raped and tortured their way through Germany at the end of WW2 because they like rape and torture...of people who "deserve it." That's a slippery slope isn't it? Defining a category of people who deserve rape, torture, and mutilation.

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