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Posts posted by iJustWanttoKnow

  1. Have used on-line reporting in the past. Worked great.


    Tried to use it this week with Explorer and every other browser. Can't get it to work.


    Can anyone tell me if this system is still working? Perhaps provide some guidance?


    Thank you.

  2. Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?”

    The Princess said, “No!!!”

    And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and banged skinny long-legged big-titted broads and hunted and fished and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank whiskey, beer and Captain Morgan and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and banged cheerleaders and kept his house and guns and ate spam and potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was frickin cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up.

    The End

  3. i have not heard such a string of good news about thailand in more than eight years living here.

    disregarding the the people who always are able to find the cloud in the silver lining - i find this encouraging.

    as one poster stated, perhaps tongue in cheek, perhaps the military is reading thaivisa and using some of the ideas.

    it does appear that the military leadership has their "list" and is methodically working through it.

    while i am a big fan of democracies, in this situation it appears that thailand is not ready for a democracy as it has been done to date. perhaps once the country is cleaned up with the current military broom, then progress toward a democracy can be made. looking at the current situation and comparing to what was happening before - this appears better.

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  4. I agree that the chances of contracting hiv by straight unprotected sex is exaggerated. There is medical research that supports this position. And the big question for everyone is: do you know someone or know someone who knows someone who has hiv? I have asked this question many times and have never heard about someone who knows someone who has hiv. So let's pose the question on this forum

  5. Not approriate. Even in your country, you have no right to comment on politcs if you do not vote.

    And...especially in any foreign country - YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMMENT AND IT IS COMPLETELY INAPPRORIATE.

    When you thing that the politics is any better in your country or any of the other things you may think are better in your country - then go back to your country.

    We like it here because it is not our home country - for all the reasons we compliment and don't complain about.

    we only have three choices in life:

    1. accept it

    2, deny it

    3. change it - and this one ain't up to you in Thia politics.

    Please remember you are only a guest in this country. Even in my home if the guests complain too much I will show them the door.

  6. what am i missing? i have been in hospitals in thailand and always paid for the services. i thought the reason for demonstrating money in the bank or income was to ensure that foreigners had the means to take care of themselves.

    i have been reading that thailand is paying for medical servises for tourists. why isn't the government demanding payment from the foreigners' health coverage or other sources?


  7. similar thing happened to me in chiang mai. i turn a corner in a small soi, see a young thai boy heading right too me - too fast and out of control. with the deer in the headlights look he just slams into the right side of me - me now stopped on the far left side of the road next to a wall.

    he bounces off me and my bike after lacerating the top of my foot as his footpeg tears into my foot. police arrive and talk to me and the thais. thais all agree that i was going to fast on my big, fast, red, new motorcycle. i was stopped.

    the kid who hit me was 14, no license, no helmet.

    go to police station where the boy's father has now arrived. after a lengthy explanation (several times) about how the boy needs to ride his motorcycle to school becasue the mother and father don't want to take him, or the boy does not want to walk or take a taxi - or any other way. so...these good parents buy him a motobike, let him drive without a license.

    after the police finish confirming that i have a thai license and that i own the motorcycle i am riding - trying in some way to prove that i had no right riding - i point out that no matter what people claim were the events of the accident the boy was guilty from the time he got on his bike.

    after all this the police officer said to me, "o.k.? everything o.k.? now you understand?" i said sure, "i understand that i need to go talk to my lawyer". immediately the officer gave the father citations, the father paid a fine and signed a document to pay for my hospital cost and fix my motorcycle.

    the cops may not be sympathetic to the farlang and most willing to help out the thai friend, neighbor. the cop may not receive such a good view by a judge when this case is brought before the court. you have a chance that a judge will be removed a bit from the local influences. you may have a better chance that the judge will realize that the cop is not follwing their own traffic laws - especially that a license is required to drive. on the books at least - thailand has traffic laws similar to the west.

    my experience. worked for me and this what i expect was happening as this is how it turned out.

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