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Everything posted by maingmoom

  1. I think you're lucky if you can find a pavement to walk on in Pattaya.
  2. This is a totally twisted report. Tommy Robinson is on holiday with his family. How is he causing riots in many of the cities in England. The British people have had enough of the goverments not listening to them, and allowing mass immigration coming into the country unchecked if they are criminals or terrorist. They are putting them up in hotels, feeding them and giving a small handout of money. Many British people are living rough on the streets unable to get a roof over there heads. Unrest has been brewing for a long time and has finally come. The EDL disbandoned 13 years ago
  3. If like me at 77 years old, you develop bone on bone, I see no other option than to have knee replacements. In 2018 at 77 I had my first knee replacement, and in 2019 I had the other knee replacement. The best decision I have ever made, Before the operations, every step I took was painful. In bed every move I made was painful. Now I am completely free of pain. Both my operations were carried out at Pattaya City Hospital by Dr Rudjasorn Pumpan. I had four nights in hospital and each one cost 280,000 Baht.
  4. After a lot of research, I decided to go to India for my implants. I had 7 implants along with bone graft in the upper jaw. In the lower jaw I had 5 implants all German made. All porcelain teeth. The total cost was 509,000 Baht. Approximately 11200 pounds. I had a quote in Thailand for my upper jaw only, with bone graft 4 implants and teeth 380,000 Baht. They said extra implants would be about 45,000 per implant extra. So India about 50 % cheaper. I chose a clinic in Mumbai which was ultra clean and modern, far better than any clinic I have seen in Thailand. I was met at the airport and driven to my hotel and same on return home, taken to the airport. The whole doctors and all staff were extremely nice and friendly. It has been just over one year since I finished treatment and I am still very happy with the results.
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