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Posts posted by penwithcris

  1. I don't think you have the authority to 'cancel' anything and getting married in a civil ceremony in Thailand woud be recognised in Uk should you decide on a divorce

    This advice is based on experience. I married an -Asian girl in her home country and not in Uk.

  2. They put hidden cameras in the performer's toilets at Alcazar and Tiffany's in Pattaya

    The performers rumbled the perpetrators, and now they are working in partnership for Worldwide distribution of the footage

    'Chicks with Dicks' is the working title

    Copies can be obtained from the box offices at these Ladyboy theatres

    That's 'show business' I guess

  3. The 'victim' apparently ensured that he had photographs taken of himself with all the paraphanalia that he, alleged had been stolen.

    Am I just an old cynic? Sounds a not very well planned ruse to claim some insurance money

    Doubly suspicious when a young Thai lady sat beside him in the police station. Where was she when his hotel room was being ransacked? Hiding under the sheets?

    Perhaps she also managed to secrete the heavy gold chain somewhere where the sun doesn't shine during the robbery?

    I just love these stories

    The Thai girfriend of a German friend of mine convinced him that she had been hypnotised in a busy shopping mall and 20 'baht' of gold stolen from her person

    At least the Thai police seem less than convinced. I was just a little disappointed that the Aussie didn't agree that the necklace hung around his neck was the one that was allegedly stolen. Now that really would have been a hoot

    Please TV more stories like this one.

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  4. Can't see what all the fuss is about with this very limited restriction imposed by the military. I'm sure the curfew will be lifted altogether shortly

    It"s just a sensible approach by the Junta to try to normalise life within the Kingdom

    Early nights won't do most people any harm

    Early to bed and up with the cock I say. It's possible to do so much before the temperatures warm up

    Unfortunately my crystal ball says another election will be held some time in the future and,within months, the losing party or parties will be protesting on the streets again

    It's akin to Egypt, Palestine, Ukraine and other, so called,'democracies'. Countries that are just not prepared to respect the democratic wishes of the majority

  5. My Thai wife supports the military coup, in fact she goes further and wishes that Thailand could be totally usurped by another country, a country that would restore some decency, honesty and dignity to the nation

    She currently sees only negative views from the whole of the international community whenever Thailand is referred. The media only seem interested in the bar scene in Phuket and Pattaya, with the result that all Thai women are viewed as prostitutes, and every man a 'katoey'

    The desperation expressed by many, clearly alcoholic, posters because of the curfew, illustrates just another of the country's ills. It is hardly Prohibition, alcohol is still on sale 17 hours a day!

    So my wife is one Pheu Thai voter who, while saddened that her government has been ousted, accepts that the military had no choice but to step in

    Personally I would like to see the next government formed via Proportional Representation, despite the weaknesses of that system,so that all parties would have a say in the way the country was administered, and all voters could feel that their vote had had some impact.

    Much of the bullying and alleged vote buying that occurs in the current 'first past the post' system would diminish given PR. There wouldn't be that same desperation to elect one all powerful party and condemn all others to fruitless opposition

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  6. My poor wife is already getting withdrawal symptoms. No Thai soaps to watch only the Army boring everyone to bits.

    The agitators have got what they deserved, a moribund country devoid of life

    I believe Suthep, J'porn and Abhisit have been escorted to an army barracks and are,basically, under house arrest

    So at least something good has already come out of the coup

    Groundhog days in the Land of Smiles

  7. Perhaps Proportional Representation should be considered when forming the next government. There is still likely to be a majority of Pheu Thai MP's, but there will also be a sizeable number of Democrats and representatives from the smaller parties who will bring balance to the administration

    I believe Thais would generally welcome such a move, and it would mean that persons living in the North East, for example, who did not support Pheu Thai, would feel that their vote for any of the other parties was more meaningful, because it would count towards electing an MP that shared their views

    I think PR would also reduce the amount of alleged bullying and vote buying that is often reported.

    It would be more likely that fairer legislation would emerge. The middle class deserve to have a voice in Parliament as much as the 'working class' Pheu Thai voters

    Perhaps they might even as a coalition begin to concentrate on improving Thailand as a whole, and not just promoting their own vested interests

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  8. If the path to the election booths for every single voter was overseen by international monitors Pheu Thai, or whatever the party morphs into, will win any election by a comfortable majority

    No bullying, no vote buying, no gerrymandering, the working class vote in Thailand will prevail. And why shouldn't it?

    However, increasing wealth amongst the rural poor which is evident throughout the deprived regions, may well see their political allegiances move to more central parties and majorities narrow

    This tired nonsense about the overwhelming influence from Dubai does nothing to advance democracy in Thailand. There are vested interests in all camps

    Thailand has been like an unruly and out of control Summer camp for delinquent children over the past year of more and finally the adults, the army has decided to step in

    Any inconvenience has been self induced

  9. I don't believe it's a coup. Prayuth has been very reluctant to go this far and shows no inclination of wanting to take full control. It's pretty measured and while not welcomed, at least it gives some security to the situation and should enable the govt to get through to an election.

    Im pleasantly suprised..........THAT is a sensible post...............NOW if you can just agree that we have a FAIR election with no bribery, vote buying................voting for people abstaining and bullying where ALL parties are allowed to stand in ALL areas of thailand and without interferece from Dubai we will be on the same page!!

  10. I don't believe it's a coup. Prayuth has been very reluctant to go this far and shows no inclination of wanting to take full control. It's pretty measured and while not welcomed, at least it gives some security to the situation and should enable the govt to get through to an election.

    Im pleasantly suprised..........THAT is a sensible post...............NOW if you can just agree that we have a FAIR election with no bribery, vote buying................voting for people abstaining and bullying where ALL parties are allowed to stand in ALL areas of thailand and without interferece from Dubai we will be on the same page!!

  11. Thank heavens for the new Miss Thailand. Just what the forum needs for a slow news day.

    She's right up there with the English hairdresser who thought that the UK had a President Baracko Barmer

    Her wish to see 'red shirts' executed reminded me of George W Bush's pledge to murder 6,000,000 moslems and Jennifer Lopez

    Peace activists were up in arms - 'Why would anyone want to murder Ms Lopez?'

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  12. My Thai wife is an excellent driver and has held a UK licence for some time

    However, every time she takes her Thai driving test in her home province (Buriram) the examiner fails her. She scores top marks in the theory test and observers who see her carry out manoevres at the test centre says she is excellent

    Failure is totally down to the fact that she has a foreign name and the female test examiner is nototious for failing ladies married to foreigners

    In contrast my brother- in- law is a dreadful driver and didn't even wear his seat belt during his test but was passed

    It seems sad that my wife has to take her test in another area because the local test centre is using her as a cash cow

    Very typical of Thailand I'm sad to say

  13. With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

    It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

    I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

    What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

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  14. Long and thin too far in

    Short and thick does the trick

    I have a trick for making your dick 8 inches long

    Fold it in half

    I used to be eight inches long with one wrinkle

    Now that I'm an old man I'm one inch long with eight wrinkles

    I was having a quiet pee in a public convenience when a black guy came and stood next to me. He squinted down at my willy and was surprised that I had the initials WY tattooed on it

    Yes, I explained, when I get an erection it lengthens to read my girlfriend's name, W end Y

    That's amazing man, he said,

    I've also got WY tattooed on my penis

    When I get an erection it says W elcome to beautiful Thailand have a nice da Y

  15. Unbelievable that someone could commit the same crime time after time without being caught by the police. The amount of money stolen is staggering if the value of each vehicle is taken into account

    If this was a sophisticated crime being perpetrated by a clever gang of criminals throughout the country one might understand but this appears to be a localised crime committed by a single individual

    I just don't believe it. There must be much more to this story. Others must have been involved and a number of official 'blind eyes' must have viewed the situation.

    I guess no proper investigation will take place. This lady will be the only 'fall guy'. What happened to the hundreds of thousands of baht, maybe millions, the vehicles were sold for?

    The thief doesn't look as though she's got two satangs to rub together

    Perhaps she's been donating her ill gotten gains to the PDRC?

  16. I often engaged in foursomes with an American friend. He was built like a donkey and his internet handle is 'Major Girth'

    He was also young and handsome.

    Now you would think that any girls we picked up would immediately gravitate to my mate with his WMD but, surprisingly, they, almost without exception, preferred to have sex with me and my ageing 'normal' todger.

    They just couldn't cope with the size, and more than that it was unwieldy to handle and believe me I tried!!

    So there's hope for everyone out there

    As for the conclusion that Thai male infidelity is down to penis size. I just don't subscribe to that. I have seen some very well hung Thai guys. It's more likely to be that there are so many attractive Thai girls happy to give them the opportunity to play away

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  17. I don't think that Thais are sufficiently sophisticated to make surveillance cameras an effective tool against crime. In the UK, for example, the existence of cameras clearly deters crime, because criminals have got fed up at being caught and returned to prison having been 'caught on camera'

    In Thailand I cannot imagine the criminal thought processes extending to the consideration that surveillance cameras might be capturing their criminality.

    A rogue Thai elephant was breaking into buildings in Bangkok and looting the contents

    The city police said that they had caught the elephant on camera but couldn't properly identify it because it was wearing a mask

    In Khorat cameras captured the moment that 6 men were murdered behind the library

    The police are still trying to come to terms that there is actually a library in Khorat

    The Pattaya police are examining camera footage to see who stole all their station toilet seats, but in a press briefing the station commander admitted that 'they still had nothing to go on'

  18. In most Western democracies governments are penalised through the ballot box if they fail to carry through their election promises.

    In the UK the Liberal Democrats have gone into meltdown because they reneged on their election promises, and the majority Conservative party are likely to be humiliated by UKIP in the upcoming European elections because of their failure to stem the flow of immigrants

    It is the electorate that are showing politicians the yellow and red cards

    Abhisit has an aura of a well educated, thoughtful politician, but what he appears to be proposing is wholly unworkable. Manifesto promises and the time scales for implementation cannot be an exact science because there are so many imponderables

    There is absolutely nothing amiss with the current voting system in Thailand, the only problem is that individuals like Suthep and Abhisit are totally unable to abide by the decision of the electoral majority to return Pheu Thai to government

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