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Posts posted by gemini6

  1. to answer your question :

    You can register your marriage in Singapore or Thailand.

    In Thailand you need to go to the Singapore Embassy in Thailand to get the necessary forms.

    You may have to go back to Singapore for CID check and also a report from ROM that you are eligible to marry.

    Thai marriage is recognise in Singapore so your girlfriend need to get a divorce first whether you register in Singapore or Thailand.

    I know of people who registered the marriage with Thai in Singapore but not sure the latest requirements on Singapore side as you know they keep changing the requirements.

    If I were you I would do it Thailand.

    Why ? They do not have women charter here.

    I know it is all bliss now but marriage is still a risky business.

    I know of too many cases and others in this forum would be able to add more.

    Do not forget that your girlfriend is an experience lady when it comes to marriage having had a previous one.

    It is easy to blame the other for failure of marriage but it takes 2 hand to clap.

    I am sure both of them felt the same bliss when they were married initially.

    I do not want to throw cold water on your happy occasion but feel the need to caution

    Let me wish you the best of happiness and blissfulness in your union

    And that all my caution turns out to be unfounded.

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