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Posts posted by churchlh

  1. Thai thugs damage the countries image.

    Stupid and corrupt police and Gov officials that try to cover up this violence damage the countries image.

    A useless and corrupt justice system that does not show any consistent examples of accountability and punishment for criminal actions (unless you take a mushroom from a national park) damages the countries image.

    Stop pissing around and worrying about tourism and do something concrete to punish the violent offenders that literally get away with murder in this country!!!

    That will do more to improve the sullied image of Thailand that any coverup will ever do.

    Stupid........corrupt. There have to be stronger words....maybe there is a huge mental health virus that has a hold on the country and the doctors have not picked up on it yet.

    Drunk drivers at the morgure...how about these 4 you boys become workers for the injured people on their recovery or even show up and stand there saying they are sorry and they have to listen to victim's statements everyday.

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