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Posts posted by mamui

  1. I had cctv footage of the creep who broke in my place but police didn't do anything about it and didn't want to write up a report as it was bad for the local crime rate. At least they were honest about it.

    So now I stay well armed(legal) and have everything waiting to bound and transport/dispose of the next one.

    For them that haven't been broken into yet it feels disgusting and lingers in the back of the mind. It would be a great thing to catch a creep breaking in and extract full revenge. Good for the mind.

  2. It's better luck for the future to pay ones way and not be out to fool the landlord.

    Even if the landlord is a mean old Chinessy type it's best to pay and if he screws you well bad luck on him in the future and poor him, the little bit of money he took won't bring him any happiness. And in future best to avoid mean little evil eyed foggers like him and follow ones own instincts to rent from more decent normal types.

    Things work out.

  3. I had a motorcycle robbed about 2 months ago from in front a bank beside a police box where I liked to park as figured was safer.

    Police aren't interested in motorcycle thefts and am guessing its usually sad little yaba junkie young men doing the robbing.

    Now I use the alarms(which are cheap to install but expensive on bike batteries as they suckle them to death if bike sits a few weeks.)

    Also I use a chain in wheel if bike is left more than a few hours as bike thief's look for easy thefts.

    A policeman mentioned the junkies like to rob bikes from the hospital car parks too which I think is really saddest of all for the person visiting or looking after a very injured or dying relative to get robbed on top of it.

    For us its not much of a hit but for a hard working Thai it's cruel to get a bike robbed.

  4. Gold is the same price wherever you go. If you buy it as a tangible bar you pay extra. If you want to invest in gold as a commodity then use the stock markets. Think the red shop 1000 baht as the trading spread. Commodity trading is a much smaller spread/trade price.

    Stock markets are for insiders. Fair play to them that can grow real physical value from there.

    For my thinking real gold is actually gold and stocks just a shared make believe.

    And one can bury real gold in the field. How would one bury futures in the field.

  5. Nothing happened. I let it go and took the nice policeman's advice and got the heavier bike for around town and a front disk lock.

    Won't be parking in that popular spot again. I heard the local hospitals car park is another popular place for bikes to disappear.

    I don't think it was one the nearby police, I think just some young meth junkies steal them and police are just tired with all the unnecessary paperwork.

  6. So I asked the police box policeman if maybe could look the cctv but he said 20 meters is too far to see face a thief.

    I went to the police station and reported it, it was quiet so no rush and police were friendly chat away. Took about 2 hours.

    Was hoping they would look cctv or bank cctv as I always park there because it's a front outside bank car park so relatively safe. Police said every week a few Honda waves are reported stolen nearby and probably yaba junkies gangs doing it.

    Would have liked them to look cctv but they was unusually reluctant. Was told after not to ask bank as it was not worth it. So I won't.

    I actually didn't really want it reported as I know that's a waste of time but just the small job of looking at cctv footage. I parked right in corner so very easy by skip skip skip the footage until it disappeared and then scan back to get exact time and easy then look the other cameras at that time to see if was was a pickup picked it up or if it was young junkie types stole it or what.


  7. Had 2 pool pumps burn the wiring recently and while they are cheap to rewire at 2200, it's a nuisance to be connecting disconnecting them.

    If it is local electric fluctuations causing the problem is there a simple solution like a low electric power cut of device?

    I guess a second less automated solution is to switch it on by hand 3 days a week 10 hours a time during heavy rainfall ect.

    It occurs to me as well could too many houses be sharing the same outside transformer or is that ridiculous .

  8. I got the immobile 6A for 6790 but I asked discount and got for 6500. Duel core bigger memory ect 2 simply, very impressed with It as its fast. I had galaxy 2 before but it failed after plugging it in car. The immobile 6a is much better than galaxy 2. 5.3 screen too. Free silicone case.

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